Tree Hill: One Last Time

Tree Hill has changed a lot since their parent's were teenagers. Everyone is wary of each other, the old happy go lucky attitude doesn't exist anymore. If it does, it isn't shown often. People are afraid of the dark, they don't walk the streets alone at night. Forget letting their children out of sight on a stormy night.

And that's just the neighborhood. The high school has seen it's own shop of horrors. But with every bad thing, there's been an equal amount of miracles. Like Jude and Davis Baker, the mischievous and snooty twins. Though more annoying than not, they weren't even supposed to be possible. Jamie Scott, who almost died numerous times. And Sawyer Scott, the girl who was destined to die with or kill her mother, but whom did neither of those things.

They had all been through hell and back by the time they were 10 years old, and now their Junior year of high school is about to send them back to hell.