Through the Darkness

Chapter 2

Letting Alice drive had been my less than stellar ideas, but I was distracted since I woke up this morning. That little face was all I could see, so when Alice asked to drive I agree without thinking. Now we were on our way to Seattle to shop until I can't move would be my guess. From there I would venture to say Alice will drag me to a few more before letting me return home. "The auction house should be here up on the right," Alice announced as I noticed we were in Freedom which was a town ten miles before you got to Seattle. There it was looked like some warehouse which made me glad Alice was with me. Getting out I headed toward the front door, and Alice was right behind me. "

This is creepy right? A little?" I whispered so she would only hear me.

"A bit," Alice answered speaking only loud enough for me to hear.

Heading inside I kept close to Alice who walked in step with me.

"Hello I'm Dave," came Dave's voice from behind the counter to our left.

"Bella Swan, I bought the Whitlock heirloom," I spoke up after swallowing hard as I closed the distance.

"I'll needed to see some I.D." Dave smiled slightly giving me the creeps.

"Why don't you go get what we came here for," Alice growled almost threatening yet sounding sweet.

"I'll get that for you," Dave mumbled heading in the back.

"Thanks," I mumbled Alice's way.

At that point I wanted to leave, but I also wanted to get the gift. Relief washed over me as a woman in her mid forties stepped out of the back with a wood box with Celtic carvings in the wood. It was a bit bigger than a jewelry box which was a little surprising.

"Miss Swan, here is Mrs. Bridget Victoria Whitlock's memory box as it was called back then. I'm Emma," Emma spoke as her voice dripped with an apologetic tone.

Carefully she opened the box picking up a photo carefully as she showed me and Alice.

"Wow," I stammered looking at the photo of the woman and man.

Looking at the woman ; she was tall willowy frame with long black hair plus eye that seemed to look strait through you. Then there was her husband who was built gentlman had blonde hair, and you could tell they were of some upper class.

"This is Thomas and Fiona on their wedding day," Emma said putting it away and brought a picture of twins.

"Twins," Alice asked with confusion in the undertone unnoticeable to anyone else.

"Jasper and Jackson Whitlock... I did a little research. Jackson died shortly after this photo. There could be many reasons for his death, but it mark as unknown on the death certificate," Emma explained putting the photo back and showing us a copy of a death certificate for Jackson.

"Thanks," I nodded slightly.

Back in the car I held on to the memory box smiling ear to ear because I was sure it would mean a lot to Jasper have these little things. Although I wanted to give this to him without everyone look at us both; which wasn't going to be easy with everything that had happened. To everyone else apart from Carlisle and maybe Alice; I wasn't to be left alone with Jasper ever.

"That picture is very unclear right now. Let's play it by ear," Alice mused as she drove.

"Fine, I guess," I grumbled crossing arms pouting a little.

"Jasper will love the gift. I know that without seeing," Alice chirped trying to brighten the mood.

"Now everyone else," I sighed looking out the window and then turn my attention back to the box.

"I'm not driving that fast. Also whatever you get will be prefect," Alice smirked as she made a turn.

Reaching behind me I put the box in the floorboard in the back gently. Turning back around I pulled my knees to my chest hiding my face; as my mind wondered to Mercy for the first time since I woke up. Something inside of me desperately wanted to be with her today, but I needed to get the clothes and gifts.

"You'll see her soon,"

Snapping up my head I stared at her; although I knew about her sight.

"I should be use to that by now," I mumbled laying my chin on my knees.

"It took years for the family," Alice said simply.

"Do you think it would be okay to get stuff for Mercy?" I asked having a few things in mind.

"Should be fine as far as I can see," Alice nodded smiling approvingly.

"I'm not asking about what is going to happen, but do you think I getting in to deep like Charlie? I think Edward is worried too," I asked afraid of what she'd say.

"You'll know when you've had enough. Only you can say that. Edward and Charlie can't say what's right for you. Not even me with an ideal of what could maybe happen. No one told you to go confront who will not be named, but there was something inside you that made you strong enough. I saw it surface again in full force in Italy," Alice solemnly spoke as she peered at me out of the corner of her eye.

Dumbfound I couldn't believe Alice being so serious, but in the next moment she was her chipper self as she turn the radio on. "Mr. Know It All" by Kelly Clarkson came on the radio, and Alice bobbed and hummed along to the song making me laugh a little. Listening to the lyrics I let myself let go moving to the beat just letting go everything that was going on. For a few minutes I was just Bella hanging out with her best friend.

Inside the Mall I headed to Game Stop knowing I couldn't go wrong in there for Emmett. Picking up a few game I had per-ordered that weren't out for a few more months. Four hours on the phone plus dipping into my new trust fund that I just got old enough for. Grandma Dawn had left me money I knew that; I just still had no ideal how much. Only thing I knew was I had gotten a check this month for thousand bucks. About half had went to clothes to Alice somewhere in the mall. Picking up the games already wrapped I paid, and head to my next stop this little garden. Looking around I found White English Rose Bush for Esme. As my luck would have it I got to stand in a line; I knew the game store had went to well. Half an hour later I finally got the plant bought.

"I'll take that out to the car," Alice grabbed the gifts as she appeared out of no where.

"I have barely nothing," I complained eying her.

"I'm saving you a nose dive," Alice explained walking away.

"Fine," I stuck my tongue out at her like I was five.

Carlisle was harder I went through three stores before I found it, and there it was marble chess set. As I bought it I felt really proud of myself, and I hoped he might play me once no matter how bad I am. Next I went to the book store picking up a few journals that were a present for Edward, but they would be filled with words from me. I knew he wanted to know what I was thinking, so I was going to write down somethings I thought since I met him. Although I wasn't going to spill my guts either I mean too much wouldn't be good. When Alice showed up outside of the bookstore I surrendered my bags without a word. Walking by Baby World I went in unable to pass it by, and I got a cart of all things not thinking of it. Making my way around I ended up with a white knitted baby blanket, a purple monkey, and the tiniest shoes I'd ever seen. Going up to the cashier I knew she was going to talk to me; which made me cringe not wanting to answer. "First pregnancy," she asked perky off the charts.

"I'm not," I mumbled as she scanned the items.

"Baby shower," she continued to question.

"No," I shook my head not going to volunteer anything.

"Thanks for picking those up for me," came Alice's voice as I turned to see her standing next to me.

"Oh, I'm Stacy," Stacy mumbled as I paid and Alice took the bags.

Following Alice out I was glad she came to the rescue cause what could I of said about it really? The whole story was sad when I heard it, and the last thing was looks of pity for Mercy.

Sitting in the food court after Alice had took my stuff to the car yet again. Two more gifts before I could leave cause I got Charlie's gift back a Forks months ago. Staring at my burger I was nervous about getting Rosalie a gift. Whatever I got her had to be perfect; especially since she hated my guts practically since day one. Asking Alice was out of the question if I want to gain some kind of ground with her.

"Eat that burger before it eats you," Alice eyed me with her arms folded.

Grabbing the burger I took a few bites for Alice; before shoving it away from me.

"Better," I asked yawning a little.

"Go get mine and Rose's gift. I'll meet you at the car," Alice relented as she stood up.

"I'm worried. She hates me," I apologized knowing I was cranky cause I was stress about Rosalie.

"Go with your gut," Alice wink as she left.

Having ideal I needed some help from my Aunt Fiona who is the black sheep on my mom's side. Pulling out my cell throwaway I dialed the newest number this week. "Anna," came my Aunt's voice on the other end.

"Fi, it's Bella," I smirked as I leaned back.

"Sis, what's up," Fiona asked carefully.

"I need a gift only you can get me. Something shiny sleek and for a strong woman," I explained carefully.

"I'll be passing through in about a week, so I'll see what I can do," Fiona replied before hanging up.

Standing to my feet I walked out into the mall which was getting more crowded by the minute. Tossing the phone in the fountain, and almost fell in myself if a pair of cold strong arms didn't catch me.

"Miss me," Came Edward voice from behind.

"She called you," I stated more than questioned.

"I was near by," Edward smiled as he turned me around.

"I got Rosalie covered. You're not the only one who has connections," I smirked as I kissed him.

"I hear I like your Aunt," Edward whispered in my ear.

"Alice," I grumbled knowing she'd told him.

"You're secret is safe. I took care of Alice for you," Edward handed me the bag. Looking inside it was perfect for Alice, and something I'd pick out myself.

He had gotten sister bracelets that had charms that linked together when close.

"Thank you," I whispered as he took me by the hand.

"Let's get you home," Edward said as we made our way out of the mall.

"No," I shook my head knowing I had one more stop.

"She'll be there in the morning," Edward reasoned worry in his eyes.

"I'm going to see her tonight. All day I've been waiting to see her," I stood my ground not about to budge on it.

"Alright," Edward frowned as he backed down finally.