Blue Angels

Chapter 2 “Sonata Academy Of Music”

Chapter 2
“Sonata Academy Of Music”

When I woke up, I was laying on the hard concrete ground. It was a blur at first, but I saw a guy with ivory skin and short raven hair that covered his eyes. I could still see his ocean blue orbs peaking out a little through the strands of dark hair.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Am I in heaven..?” I whispered.

The guy chuckled, “No, your on a sidewalk.”

I sat up and looked around, he was right. I was sitting on the sidewalk, literally like three yards away from the restaurant. The attractive boy grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

“Sorry for running you over with my bike.” he rubbed the back of his head smiling.

“I-it’s okay,” I stuttered.

“So where yah headed?” he asked.

I pointed to the restaurant.

“Cool, I was heading there myself.”

We walked into Stake n Shake and got ourselves a table close to the window. Soon as we sat down the waitress came to our table a couple minutes later. I ordered a burger, fries and a strawberry and banana side by side milkshake; he did the same.

The guy put his hands under his chin and elbows on the table. “I haven’t seen your face around here before,” he smiled.

Since his bangs covered his eyes all you could really see was his slim nose and the hoop piercing on his lip. He had on a black light winter jacket since it was late October and a red velvet v-neck shirt under it and black skinny jeans.

My face pinkened, “I just moved here this morning.”

He took a sip of the glass water that was sitting on the table as we waited for or food to arrive.

“Awesome! I’m the first person that gets to talk to the cute new girl.”

I put my hands over my mouth, “You think I’m cute?”

“Of, course, don‘t you?”

I frowned at his question, “I don’t really hear that a lot….”

The boy smile, then shook his head. He was about to say something when the waitress came to the table with our food. The raven haired guy took a bite out of his burger and then continued to asked questions.

“So red, what’s your name?” he asked.


I looked around puzzled, then realized, he was talking about my new fire-red hair. I just recently dyed my hair from black to red before we left my hometown. I’ve been so caught up in moving and stuff I forgot all about it.

I laughed, “You meant me?”

He just raised his eyebrow.

I sighed embarrassed, “Sorry I’m still getting used to the whole red thing,”

He nodded as he drowned his fries in ketchup.

“My name is Yumi, Yumi Cormata.”

“That’s a unique name, mine’s Shane, Shane Greed.”

I was just about to give him a compliment on his name when my phone vibrated. I grabbed a napkin to dry my hands that were soaked with ketchup at the moment; then scrambled to get the phone out of my pocket. I placed the phone on my ear and said hello. I heard a shrieking scream coming form the other end of the phone.

“Where on Earth are you?” my mom yelled.

I pulled the phone away from my face and rubbed my ear. Shane could tell that the person on the other line wasn’t in the best of moods.

“Who’s that?” he asked.

I put my hand on the receiver end, “My mom.” I whispered.

Shane understood and continued to be quiet as I placed the phone back on to my ear.

“I’m at Steak n Shake!” I shouted over the music playing in the restaurant.

“Do you have any idea what time it is? You’ve been gone for an hour and 30 minutes.”

“An hour and 30 minutes! I’ll be right there!” I hung up the phone and quickly finished my food. I had no idea I was out for that long.

Shane just stared at me as I scarped down the rest of my fries and milkshake.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I have to go home, it’s getting late.” I pointed to the window and you could see the sun setting.
I paid for my bill and began walking out the door of the restaurant when Shane came rushing after me. He grabbed my shoulder as I turned around to face him.

“Wait, I’ll walk you home.” he said between gasp.

“That’s very nice of you.” I smiled.

It was silence at first when we started walking towards my house. I didn’t really know what to say to a guy like him. He was different from the boys at my old school. He had a little mystery to him as well. I could tell that he had been through a lot, but yet he still remained nice and cheerful. I wanted to know as much as I could about Shane…

“So…what school are you going to?” he asked.

“I’m not sure yet, my mom hasn’t gave me any choices. Where do you go?”

Shane smiled, “I go to the best school in town Sonata Academy!”

“Isn’t that the music school next to the park?”

“Yea, how’d you know?”
“My mom said she used to go there.”

“Your mom is wicked cool.”

I laughed, “She’s okay.”

We talked non-stop for the rest of the walk. We were so into the conversation I almost passed my house. He walked me to the porch, by that time it had gotten pretty dark. It was so dark the street lights started coming on. We stood there looking at each other like it was still sunny.

“So ummm…can I text you sometime?” he asked.

“Sure,” I smiled.

We exchanged phone numbers then I stood on the porch, waving as he rode away on his bike. When he was out of sight I unlocked the door and went inside the house. When I stepped through the front door my mom was standing in the hallway with her arms folded tapping her foot on the hardwood floor.

“What took you so long? Do you have any idea how worried I was? I called your phone six times before you answered!”

I just stared at her with a smile on my face. Even though she was yelling at me, I was still as happy as could be. I couldn’t believe the day I had. Nothing that exciting had ever happened to me before. I couldn’t wait to see what other surprises would await me.

“Yumi May Cormata! Answer me this instant!”

On that note, I snapped back into reality. I took my moms hand and led her into the living room to sit down.

“I know this sounds crazy, but it’s not a lie.”

15minutes later…..

“And that’s what happened.”

My mom sat there on the couch with a kool-aid smile on her face. I knew exactly what she was thinking, but I didn’t want her to say it.

“So he’s your boyfriend?” she cheerfully asked.

“No….not yet at least..” I blushed.

She put her hand on her chin, “I don’t know, this boy sounds very interesting to me.”


At that moment my mom jumped off the couch and ran down the hall.

“I have a surprise for you!” she shouted.

I sat on the couch wondering what it was. “Maybe she got me a iPad!” I squealed just thinking about it. “Moving might be the best think I ever did.”

My mom came running back into the room with a gray clothes bag. “Okay so it’s not an iPad,” I thought.

She smiled, “It came in the mail today!”

“We only been here for a day and we’re already getting mail?” That wasn’t really important at the time.

She slowly unzipped the bang and pulled out a pink and red uniform. There was a pink and red plaid skirt, a pink blouse with a huge red bow tie on the front.

“Isn’t it cute?”

I practically barfed just looking at the thing. I hated pink with a passion. It was such a bright color and only girly girls wore it and the last time I checked I wasn’t one of them.

“What is that for?” I asked trying to hold back the baby barf that was forming in my mouth.

“You’re going to the Sonata Academy Of Music!”
