Status: Updated at least once a week.

All I Know to Do Is Shed a Tear for You

Chapter Eleven:

The rest of the day I mulled over what Brian had told me in the hallway. However, when I finally decided to talk to Zacky he was nowhere to be found. It was almost as if he had disappeared completely. I knew that he was pissed off but I didn't realize it was to this extent. It wasn't until Thursday morning that I even caught a glimpse of Zacky.

"I'll go talk to him" Brian whispered as he watched my face fall, his arm falling from my shoulders as he began walking in the direction Zack had gone.

I nodded at his retreating figure and decided it was best to just attend classes like normal. Most days I shared majority of my classes with Brian and Zacky but today neither of them showed up to any of our classes. Something that made the day go by so slowly. By the time the bell for lunch rang I was ready to give up hope on Zacky and head back to Matt's to sulk.

"Georgie!" I heard my name being called before I saw the person the voice belonged to, even though I would know his voice anywhere. "Brian said you wanted to talk."

I half smiled as Zacky walked up to me, his glare from earlier replaced with a softer expression, and pulled me into a quick hug. I nodded and motioned for him to follow me. He already knew where we were going so it didn't bother me much as he brushed passed me and began leading the way.

Our 'spot' was as empty as ever. No one ever really had a reason to hang around the decaying tree so we had made it ours. It was private and absolutely perfect.

"I'm sorry" we both blurted once we had sat down and gotten situated. Instinctively we both laughed, Zacky's hand coming up to rub the back of his neck almost nervously. "You first."

"I'm sorry" I stated again, a small nervous smile making it's way onto my lips. "I was pushing you away. I didn't mean to and I didn't realize it. I just... was exhausted with all the lectures. Matt just listened. Didn't try to lecture me. It was different."

The whole time I was talking Zacky's expression softened until he had opted for looking at his hands rather than my face. It was almost as if I had made him feel bad, which hadn't been my goal at all. I simply wanted him to understand why I kept going to Matt. To try and get him to understand that lectures aren't the best way to get through to me.

"Well, I'm sorry too Georgie" he muttered. "I was acting as if you weren't allowed to let anyone else help you. It's not like you make new friends all the time. We stick to our small group. I guess I was just jealous that someone else was getting to help you. I'm just always used to you coming to me or Jimmy. It wasn't fair to you."

I sighed as Zack stopped speaking. Everything that Brian had said was right. He was jealous and put off by how quickly Matt was able to worm his way into my life. Without thought I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a close hug. I hadn't exactly realized just how much I had missed Zacky until that moment. Now that everything was good between us it occurred to me just how off things had been.

"So are we gonna go to class or are we going to gather everyone else and get the hell out of here?" he asked once we pulled apart from each other. "Because really I'm ready to relax before our weekend begins."

I rolled my eyes at him as I got up before extending my hand and pulling him up. "You and the rest of the guys can skip if you want. I'm trying not to attract too much attention by constantly skipping my afternoon classes."

Zacky chuckled as I stuck my tongue out at him before leading me back into the school. "Suit yourself then. I'll come pick you up whenever you get bored."


True to his word Zacky showed up at the front of the school, a satisfied smirk on his lips, nearly ten minutes after I called him. I had barely made it through one class period alone before boredom struck and I had to get away from the people who annoyed me. It also didn't help that because my 'trouble making friends' weren't around my teachers seemed to single me out.

"You didn't last very long" he chuckled as I reached his simply perfect 1970 El Camino. It had been his and his dad's project car. They had worked on it for two summers together before his parents split. After that Zack had devoted nearly all his free time to finishing the project. The end result was a beautifully restored, shiny black muscle car. "Stop staring at the car and get in it you freak."

I laughed as I pried my eyes off the beauty in front of me and got in the passenger seat. "So where have the troops set up camp?" I asked with a smile as Zacky pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Our new best friend's house. No parents around to fuck around with us" he answered before turning the stereo up.

The rest of the car ride was spent listening to the wonderful sounds of Metallica and singing along obnoxiously as some of our favorite songs played. It was a normal car ride for the two of us. Something I was extremely happy about. Not speaking to Zack or hanging out with him had been hell and now that things were back to normal I didn't expect to allow them to deteriorate like they had earlier this week.

When we pulled up to Matt's house Zack gave me a sort of strained smile before motioning for me to get out of the car. I followed his direction, unsure of going in the house for some reason. Zack's face held a certain look of uncertainty and apologetic-ness. "Short shit's in there. He's pretty much getting a run down of the weekend."

Instantly understanding hit me and I sighed. In that house everyone was practically reliving the more public part of my weekend. The fight with my mom, the quick 'move' to Matt's house, the less than happy thoughts. If I went in there I'd be forced to relive the parts between Matt and I that no one knew about. The day at the park, the confrontation at the beach. Basically everything.

"If that's the case I'm just gonna go in and put my shit down. Then I'm leaving for a bit" I groaned, hitching my messenger bag further onto my shoulder. "Just for a walk alone. I'll be fine."

Zacky nodded before linking our arms together and leading me into my new home. As he said Johnny, more commonly known as Short Shit, was sitting with everyone else in the living room. At the moment Jimmy was giving details about the party we had attended. Johnny, as well as everyone else, laughed as Jimmy waved his arms around frantically as he described something that happened after a drinking contest he won.

"Hey guys. Nice to see you again Short Shit. Missed you this weekend" I smiled as I punched him the shoulder. "Just came in to say hi. I'm heading out for a walk. No need to relive my weekend."

"I'm taller than you Georgina!" Johnny called out as I walked away from the group. I chuckled to myself as I flicked him off as I walked away. I hated the little nickname he came up for me and the fact that he was maybe two inches taller than me. Yet he still retained the name Short Shit.

After quickly changing my clothes, I emptied my school bag and looked at the books I had managed to bring home with me. I didn't have a lot of homework so I decided against locking myself in the room and focusing solely on school. Plus a walk by myself was just too tempting.

"I'm going for a walk" I announced as I passed the guys yet again. "I'll be back later."

None of the boys glanced up as I walked out of the door but I knew they had heard me. If they needed me or if anything happened they would text me or call me. God forbid they couldn't get ahold of me. They'd probably hunt me down.

I was beginning to lose myself to my thoughts before I had even reached the end of the driveway. I was finding it too easy to sink myself into my thoughts these days. All I had to do was focus. I barely registered the heavy footsteps coming behind me before a hand wrapped itself around my arm.

"Care if I walk with you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey got this one out in a timely fashion! Uhm, this one is rather lengthy but I like it. Plus the next chapter is gonna be good! I've already started editing it and can't wait to post it.

Thanks for commenting goes to:

and as always everyone who is reading and subscribing! Love the feedback (:

xoxo Jolie<3