Status: Updated at least once a week.

All I Know to Do Is Shed a Tear for You

Chatper Fourteen:

"Georgie, can I talk to you for real quick?" Zack asked as soon as Matt and I walked into the living room.

I inwardly groaned as I let go of Matt's hand and began following Zacky into the small kitchen merely a few feet away from the rest of our little group. I had a good hunch as to what Zacky wanted to talk to me about. The only thing was that I wasn't entirely certain I was ready to talk to him about this. It was as new to me as it was to him. Having berate me with inane questions about what exactly was going on between Matt and I was not something I was looking forward to at all.

"What is it Zacky?" I sighed as I leant against the counter, my arms automatically folding across my chest in a defensive manner.

"I was going to ask you the same thing" he countered, his stance matching mine almost perfectly. "I was under the impression that you really couldn't stand him. But then you agree to basically move in with him and now this? What the hell is going on?"

Once again a small sigh passed my lips as I realized what exactly was going on. Zacky, for some reason, seemed to be insanely jealous of the relationship that had suddenly bloomed between Matt and I. It was possible that, even though I had already talked to him about Matt's role in my life, he was still convinced that I was going to allow Matt to become number one in my life.

"Zack this jealous bullshit is getting annoying, just so you know" I grated out, a scowl set on my face as I glared at the boy in front of me. "I'm with Matt. As of tonight. It doesn't exactly matter when my feelings changed. They just did. He's not going to replace you or anyone else. You're still my best friend and I honestly don't understand why you continue questioning that."

The look Zacky gave me as I finished speaking could have killed me if it were possible. His nostrils were flared and the intense glare he was giving me barely indicated how truly agitated he was. My stance matched his as our staring contest continued. Neither of us were truly willing to bend or break.

Slowly Zacky's facial expression and stance began to change. The intense glare morphed slowly to dull irritation and then to accepted defeat. He slowly moved his arms from across his chest before holding them out to me. A slow breath found it's way passed my lips as I slowly walked into the arms open before me and wrapped my own around his body.

"I just want to make sure you're alright. I don't want to see you hurt" he muttered as his lips gently pressed against the top of my head. "None of us do. We just want to see you happy."

"I am happy right now Zacky. Please don't make it feel like I shouldn't be" I whispered, my head resting on his shoulder as I sighed softly.

Feeling content with our little talk, I pulled away from Zacky and motioned towards the living room. He nodded, following me closely as I made my way to the other room. Everyone else was still sitting around the room, talking in hushed voices, as we walked in. However, as soon as they noticed mine and Zack's presence they all but stopped talking.

"We're gonna head out of here. Do you need a ride ZV?" Jimmy asked, an all too knowing smile on his lips.

Zacky nodded, his expression matching not only Jimmy's but the rest of the boys in the room as well, before giving me a short lived hug. His embrace was quickly replaced with one from Jimmy. His long arms wrapping tightly around me and I leaned against his chest. "He's a good guy and I'm happy for you." he whispered, the faintest hint of a smile in his voice.

The smile that made it's way onto my lips was unavoidable as I bid the rest of the guys goodbye. Each of the guys offered a congratulations as they departed and the grin on my face just continued to grow. By the time they were all out of the house, Matt had come up behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I leant back into his arms, the smile on my lips only becoming larger, as we watched our small group of friends pull out of the driveway.

"So I take it Zacky's okay with us?" Matt asked, pulling away from me and moving to sit on the couch. "I mean he didn't exactly look as if he wanted to kill me when you guys walked out of the kitchen. Though I am assuming that's what you two talked about."

"We did" I nodded as I gently placed myself in his lap. "And even if he wasn't happy about it, it doesn't particularly matter. We're happy and that's all that matters."

His lips pressed against my forehead, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, as I yawned. Apparently the action was cute because as soon as my mouth closed Matt started chuckling behind me. With a roll of my eyes I got up from his lap and crossed my arms staring back at Matt expectantly.

"Come on then sleepy pants" Matt laughed, wrapping his arms around me as he walked down the hallway behind me.

I smiled as I leant back into him, allowing him to lead me whichever room he decided we would be sleeping in. Suddenly too tired to really care, I felt Matt moving me towards his room. The only thing that really made me realize it wasn't the guest room were the clothes strewn everywhere and the abundant amount of posters covering the wall.

I whined softly as Matt attempted to undress me. Honestly I was too tired to process what was actually going on but I did know that I wanted, no needed, to keep what I was wearing on. The clothes I had on wouldn't be terribly uncomfortable to sleep in.

Sensing my discomfort Matt stopped his efforts. Deciding instead to lay me on the bed before crawling in next to me. His arms wrapped around my waist as I snuggled into his side. My head rested on his chest as my right arm curled beneath my head and my left arm draped itself across his wonderfully toned stomach. Faintly I heard him start humming before a calming darkness took over me. I hadn't felt safe or content in so long, but I felt it here, curled up by his side and wrapped in strong arms that I knew would protect me no matter what.
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Oh my god this is entirely too late! Next time I don't update for like a week send out the search party! Seriously. You guys have my full permission to beat the snot out of me for taking so long to update. Between our power being out for like ages and then the crazy work schedule I have been slacking. Still no excuse. I promise the next update will be out soon!

Thanks to for commenting last chapter:

and as always those who read and subscribe.

xoxo Jolie<3