Status: Updated at least once a week.

All I Know to Do Is Shed a Tear for You

Chapter Fifteen:

I could feel feather light touches across my face as I struggled to stay asleep. Whoever was currently disturbing my peace, though, had different intentions. They continued to litter my faces with feather light kisses, successfully waking me up and irritating me greatly.

"Come on Georgie" Matt drawled, his dimples showing as he gave me a toothy grin, as his hands lightly trailed up and down my sides. "We're gonna be late for school."

At the mere mention of school I groaned, continuing my struggle to fall back into a peaceful slumber. School was the last thing on my mind. Especially with all that had gone on the previous day. I just wanted one day of nothing but pure unadulterated bliss. It was all I was asking for. Or even possibly just a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep.

"Screw school" I muttered successfully pushing Matt off of me. "I just want to sleep and stay here."

I heard him laugh next to me as he pulled me back into his arms. Automatically I curled into him, my arm wrapping itself around his waist as I rested my cheek on his chest. I could feel myself drifting back to a peaceful slumber as Matt began humming softly to me, his hands gently rubbing up and down my arm that was draped over his shoulder.

The rest of the day passed much like this. Both Matt and I drifting in and out of content slumbers. The few moments we were asleep at the same time and coherent spent sharing quick presses of lips together or just talking about nothing important in particular. It was a wonderful contrast to the way we used to speak to each other.


"Matt, let me go" I whined as I tried my hardest to pry his arms from around my waist. "I need to get changed and I'm sure our friends will be over to annoy us soon."

I could feel Matt groan underneath me as he slowly moved his arms, leaving me free to get up and move around. However, it took me a few minutes longer to find the will to leave the warmth and comfortableness of the bed. The action itself caused Matt's chest to rumble with laughter as I sighed heavily and slowly removed myself from the bed. Matt's eyes followed my every movement as I trudged to his door, throwing a look over my shoulder to see him laying on his side staring at me intently.

With a small smile I exited the room, my arms automatically wrapping around my waist as my smile grew. I was so giddy I couldn't help the small giggle that passed my lips. I hadn't been this entirely happy in so long that the feeling was both welcome and accepted without question. It took practically all my energy to refrain from jumping up and down and squealing.

"I thought you were getting changed?" Matt's deep voice sounded from behind me, a smirk evident from his tone, as his arms loosely wrapped around my waist.

"It'll happen eventually" I answered, turning in his grasp and placing my arms around his neck. "So long as you can keep your hands off me."

He smirked down at me, his gaze intense, as he lowered his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss, gently moving my lips with his, when I felt him brush his tongue against my lower lip. A small chuckled passed my lips as I shook my head, not wanting to break the kiss, and moved my hands to his chest. When I finally pulled away from him, a whine escaped his lips and he actually pouted down at me.

"I need to get dressed Matt" I stated again, trying to remove his arms from around my waist.

After a somewhat intense staring contest Matt finally moved his arms from around me, allowing me to walk the short distance to the room he had dubbed as mine. I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and a tight fitting shirt before making my way to the bathroom connected to the room. I could faintly hear additional voices floating around, merely assuming happily that the rest of our small gang had finally made their way over, as I dressed slowly. Secretly I was relishing the chance at time to myself. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a frequent occurrence, so I used the time wisely. Mainly going over everything that had happened within the last week and a half.

When I was finished changing my clothes and making myself look at least half way decent, I quickly made my way to the small living room. It hadn't really hit me until I heard their voices just how much I would miss not hanging out with them at school, even if it was only for one day.

They were all in the living room, as I expected, Jimmy talking animatedly while the unfamiliar girl on his lap smiled at him adoringly and everyone else laughed at the nonsense spilling from his lips. Matt looked up, a wide smile on his face, quickly glancing at me before motioning for me to sit with him on the smaller couch.

"Georgie!" Zacky bellowed when he finally saw me, practically jumping out of his seat as he tackled me into the couch in a hug. "How come you weren't at school? You were missed bitch."

I laughed as I hugged Zack back before untangling our limbs. "Sorry I was a little held up by a very comfortable bed and a very persuasive boyfriend."

My answer caused Brian, Jimmy, and Zack to grimace, Jimmy actually pretending to wretch, as I curled up to Matt's side. "Anyways, there's a new addition and you are being very rude by not introducing me to her."

The girl sitting on Jimmy's lap blushed a brilliant shade of red, the color in her cheeks almost matching the color of her hair perfectly. Behind her Jimmy beamed and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist before nuzzling his face into her neck. "This is Skylar! Best friend Georgie meet girlfriend Skylar."

I rolled my eyes at the possessive way he introduced us before smiling at Skylar and waving slightly. "Nice to finally meet the girl Jimmy's crazy about."

A small, shy smiled graced her lips before she buried her face in Jimmy's neck, causing him to chuckle slightly and hold her closer to him. It was definitely strange seeing Jimmy with someone so calm and shy but it was also the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. They were the complete opposites of each other but I knew that if she was able to get Jimmy to be calm for as long as he had been today that there was a good chance that once she got used to all of us that Jimmy would be able to get her as hyper as he was.

"So are we going to do anything tonight or what?" Zacky asked, a bored look on his face as he looked around at everybody.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah so this is entirely too late and it seems to be becoming a trend. BUT I actually have legit excuses this time. First my power went out for like 4 days and my computer died. Then it came back on and I started editing all for the power to go out again and have my computer die. THEN to add to this shit storm, my car broke down. Found out I have to get a new motor. Hellacious work hours coupled with a trip to VA Beach for Warped tour and you get the biggest delay ever. However things are back on track and updates should become somewhat regular again.

Thanks so much you guys for sticking with me and not thinking I'm dead or something.

xoxo Jolie<3