Status: Updated at least once a week.

All I Know to Do Is Shed a Tear for You

Chapter Three:

Instead of going straight home I made a short detour and decided to head to the beach. Just like my little plot in the park it was like a safe haven for me. It always had this calming affect on me. It had always had that affect. Almost as if I was at peace with everything.

Just like at the park I had my favorite spot here. Though it was nearly as secluded as the spot I sat in at the park. Just a few feet away from the water was a rock formation. It had been here for as long as I had been coming here. It jutted out and had multiple flat spots to sit on. The most comfortable I found was one near the middle, kind of out the sight of prying eyes but not completely hidden.

Once there thoughts started racing through my mind. Mainly thoughts of my father. I had been a total daddy's girl. Not once ever being really close to my mother. It was all about my father. He doted on me. Whatever I wanted I got. I could do no wrong in his eyes. He was my best friend. We had spent countless hours just the two of us doing whatever we wanted to. Everything was perfect. But then when I was thirteen that ended. For some reason, that was still unknown to me, he decided to take his own life. Then everything kind of went downhill.

"It isn't healthy to cry so much, you know" a deep voice asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Instinctively my hand went to my cheeks, noting that I was in fact crying, and started wiping furiously. "Please just leave me alone. I came here to avoid people and not be bothered." I spat coldly as I tried to slow the tears that were quickly falling down my cheeks.

I heard footsteps and figured that whoever it was that was bothering me was going to actually listen to what I said but was proved wrong when said person sat down next to me. Turning to see who it was I wasn't surprised to see Matt sitting there. He had a concerned look on his face. Almost the same look he had when he found me in the park earlier.

"Well with what I saw earlier today I'm not sure I want to leave you alone" he whispered, his hand finding mine and trying to hold it.

"Well it isn't your job to make sure I stay alive" I snapped, taking my hand from his and getting up. I didn't want or need a babysitter. Why he couldn't understand that I will never know.

"Why?" he asked, following me on my descent down the rock. He was persistent, though it wouldn't really get him anywhere with me. Especially because I was so focused on getting him to leave me alone.

"Why what?" I grated out, trying my hardest to keep my anger in check as I tried to put more distance between the two of us.

"You asked me that earlier" he replied, grabbing my arm and forcing me to look at him. The concern was gone from his eyes, instead I found nothing but curiosity.

Sighing I turned to face him fully. My anger was fading fast, quickly being replaced by a strange sense of helplessness. This stranger was so interested in my actions, something that seemed to go against every thought I had been having in the past twenty four hours. It was almost endearing enough to make me want to spill everything to him.

Scar tissue that I wish you saw. Sarcastic mister know it all

Before I had a chance to speak an all too familiar ringtone played, interrupting whatever I had just been about to say in retaliation to Matt's statement. With a quick roll of my eyes I turned away from him and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"What's up Zacky?" I asked, my tone soft even though I was beyond irritated and worn out.

"Jimmy said you left. Didn't say where you were going so I just wanted to make sure you were alright" he responded, his tone cautious and wary as if he knew something was going on.

"I'm at the beach" I sighed, my hand coming up to pinch the bridge of my nose as Zacky quickly told me that he would pick me up instead of letting me walk the twenty minutes it would take to get to my house.

After quickly muttering a goodbye to Zacky I continued my short little walk to one of the benches that littered the beach, completely ignoring Matt and his questions. At this point all I was going to do was wait for Zacky. This complete stranger had no need to know the inner workings of my mind.

"So I'm going to take your complete silence as you not answering any more of my questions" he drawled after a few minutes of silence. "I guess that just means I'll be hanging around with you, Jimmy, and Zacky more."

As soon as the words left his mouth I turned on him, my eyes full of nothing but fury and contempt as I glared at him. "They won't tell you a fucking thing and you won't learn a damn thing from 'observing' us." I spat, venom lacing my words.

Before Matt had a chance to say anything back a black 1989 Mustang pulled up and started beeping it's horn. With one last glare directed to the boy I had deemed entirely too nosey for his own good I took of for Zacky's car. Welcoming the loud music that drowned out any thoughts I had been having previously.
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Posting this now because I work all day tomorrow and won't have a chance to update then. Might possibly switch posting days to Thursday and Sunday rather than Friday and Monday. It'd just be easier that way.

Shorter chapter than usual mainly because of all the dialogue in this one. I really dislike it so I split the chapter up a little.

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xoxo Jolie<3