Status: Updated at least once a week.

All I Know to Do Is Shed a Tear for You

Chapter Six:

The rest of the day Matt left me alone. In fact everyone did. It was as if they knew exactly what had happened between Matt and I upstairs. As if they knew I was teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown. Yet I was glad for the peace and quiet. I was beyond happy that they were leaving me alone. I could handle the concerned glances they would throw my way but they understood that even asking me if I was okay would send me on a downward spiral.

Eventually we had left the house, of course after cleaning up the mess we made during our pancake battle, and decided to just roam around town. It really was too nice of a day to stay inside.

We wandered around for majority of the day before the sun began to slowly set. Realizing quickly that all of us had growling stomachs we set out to one of favorite pizza places, Tony's Pizzeria.

The guys joked around loudly as we ate, while I sat in silence barely touching the slice of pizza I had grabbed. All the while we were there Matt would stare at me, open his mouth as if to say something, and then close it before turning all his attention to the other boys. After a few more minutes of enduring Matt's constant stares I excused myself and made my way outside, away from everyone else.

Instead of staying at the pizzeria I began walking, where to I wasn't sure of. I let my feet carry me where ever they wanted, not really paying attention at all. When I finally looked up I had managed to walk myself into an alley near the pizza place. Realizing that I had neglected to tell anyone where I was going I decided that it would be better to walk back to the pizzeria instead of just going back to Zacky's place. Yet when I turned around to head back the way I came my path was blocked by a hulking figure that was becoming all too familiar.

"I'm sorry Georgie" he whispered, not waiting for me to acknowledge him or anything.

I rolled my eyes, not in the mood to deal with apologies or heart to hearts, as I tried my hardest to push past the giant in front of me. Instead of letting me pass he just put his hands on my shoulders and held me still. Like in the bathroom earlier today I struggled to get out of his grip but ended up giving up my efforts and standing in front of him refusing to look at him properly.

"I don't understand why you're sorry. You haven't done anything" I whispered, my eyes lingering on my shoes as Matt's hands moved from my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for pushing you for a friendship that you don't want" he spoke firmly, his voice sounding sad and almost rejected. "And for being a total dick with the way I went about it."

As the words left his mouth I looked up at him with wide eyes. He was looking down at me, his eyes full of sadness and a hint of some other non-decipherable emotion. Yet they still captivated me for some reason. It was like a calming came over me whenever I looked directly at him.

I was so enraptured by his gaze that I didn't flinch away as his hand cupped my cheek and his fingers softly grazed right under my eye, as if he was wiping away tears. For some reason a warmth spread through my body at his touch but it didn't bother me like I felt it should have.

Slowly his face made it's way towards mine, his eyes flickering from mine to my lips. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew exactly what was about to happen but I didn't want to stop it. Instead I leaned up, connecting our lips lightly. It only lasted a few seconds but the jolt that passed through me was still there.

"I've wanted to do that for awhile now" he whispered, his forehead resting against mine.

Confused I let my eyes meet his, the confusion present on my face. "What do you mean?"

A small smile graced her features as he once again placed a hand on my cheek and brought his lips to mine. "I, uhm, used to watch you at the park. Before the other day. I just couldn't help it."

I felt myself blush under his gaze at his words. I mean I already knew that he somewhat cared about my well being or whatever but knowing that he had been watching over me for years was something different. It was sort of creepy but at the same time it was alright. It almost made me feel like I had a guardian angel watching over me.

"It's weird. I just couldn't let anything happen to you once I saw you" he explained softly, his fingers once again caressing my cheek.

"Thank you" I whispered in response. "For watching over me. It was nice."

For awhile we stayed in the same place, his hand cupping my cheek while his fingers gently caressed my cheek, with our foreheads pressed together lightly. It just seemed like time was frozen still as we stood there. Until a loud voice interrupted it.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" Jimmy's voice sounded, causing Matt and I to jump apart from each other.

Bewildered I kept looking from Jimmy's outraged face to Matt's scared face. It was like a silent stand off as Zacky came up, the confused expression he had morphing to one of fury as he looked between Matt and I.

"Did he hurt you?" Zacky asked as he came over and wrapped his arms around me, his voice soft and gentle.

It was then placed my hand on my own face and realized why Zacky and Jimmy were so angry. At some point when Matt and I had been talking I had started crying.
♠ ♠ ♠
This almost didn't get updated today but because I decided to take a break from the A Song of Ice and Fire series it did get updated. But if it sucks it's really because my head is still in Westeros and the Free Cities or whatever.

Big thanks to:

and those who have subscribed and read (:

xoxo Jolie<3