House of Wolves

The Forgotten

Chloe’s P.O.V.

Gerard ran straight into me as I stopped short just before pushing my way through more hellish trees. “What the-”

“Shh!” I stood still, prompting Gerard to be quiet, and listened into the night. I could have sworn I head someone screaming. I waited a few seconds, and just before I decided that it was nothing, I heard it again.

“BOB?!” It was faint and far away, but there was no mistaking it. I turned to Gerard.

“You heard that right?” I asked. He nodded, listening for it again.

“BOB! Where are you?! This isn’t funny!” Gerard stared at me wide-eyed.

“You think its Jen?” He asked, wondering the same things I was. I nodded slowly and walked toward the sounds of her voice.

“JEN?!” I called as loud as I could. Silence, then an answer.

“Chloe?! Is that you?!”

“Yeah! Meet us on the path!” When I was sure she’d gotten my message Gerard and I backtracked, finding our way to the path. It was only a minute or two before we saw Jen and Ray scrambling toward us, frantic and wide-eyed. “What happened to Bob?” I asked as Ray fell at my feet, panting. He shook his head.

“We don’t know! We left him and when-” Jen started to say.

“Wait, wait, wait, why did you leave him alone?” I asked, beginning to freak out myself.

“Bob hadn’t eaten in five weeks, so we had to go get him some food, so he wouldn’t go blind and crazy on us. We told him to stay where he was, though he didn’t really need telling, and when we came back he was gone!” We all stared at each other.

“Gone…gone how?” Gerard asked.

“Just…gone. We got back and he wasn’t there. There’s no way that he could have got up by himself, unless he was faking it, and I know he wouldn’t do that.” Jen mumbled. I nodded in response.

“Did you guys get any type of scent? Maybe he was dragged off by something or someone?” Jen’s head shot up. “I know, it’s a horrible thought, but we can’t just exclude it altogether. In fact, it makes the most sense.”

“Yeah but…but…” She shook her head, defeated.

“I did smell Wolf.” Ray said, getting up and brushing himself off. “And some other smell. I think it was another person, it definitely wasn’t a human, but it wasn’t like any smell I’ve ever smelled before.” Wolf? Oh, not good…not good at all. I sighed and started nervously fiddling with the knives I brought along.

“That’s bad. That’s really, really bad. Are you sure you smelled Wolf?” Ray nodded solemnly. “This can mean one of two things. One, it could mean that he was found by a pack of Wolves and taken off and eaten. However, wolves are never hostile unless they have a violent Wolf Keeper. Two, he could have been spotted by the Wolves and then they had their Wolf Keeper come along and take him. Why they would want him? I don’t know.”

“So you think he’s with a Wolf Keeper?” Jen asked, tears spilling down her face. I nodded. She sighed and turned away from us. “Then how the hell are we going to find him?” Ray and Gerard looked at me.

“We’ll find him with the rats.” I mumbled, pushing past Gerard and Ray and walking ahead of Jen. I could feel their puzzled eyes watching me as I continued walking straight into the right side of the forest. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew what exactly man I was looking for, and it wasn’t Bob.