House of Wolves


Mikey’s P.O.V.

We walked down the moonlit road in silence. The only sounds around us were an occasional howling animal, our knives clinging at our sides, and our shoes thumping against the ground. Vanessa walked along side me, head hanging low. I didn’t really give a damn if she didn’t want to be there; her discomfort was very much appreciated.

I was debating whether or not to go into the woods or to just stay on the path. I figured my best bet was to stay on the path, because there was no way I’d figure out which side of the woods I needed to go into anyway.

“Where the hell do you think they could be?” Vanessa mumbled impatiently after about thirty minutes of walking.

“I don’t know,” I snapped, feeling just as irritated as she felt.

“Well why don’t you try to catch their scent?” She asked.

“Why don’t you?” I said, waving her off.

“What? You’re the one who wants to find them!”

“Yeah, well I don’t have time to be concentrating on catching their scent when I’m trying to look for them!” She made a face.

“Bullshit, Mikey! You’re a Vampire for God’s sake, use what Gabriel gave you, huh?!” I was about to retort when a sudden ringing filled my ears. I slowly realized it was a scream.

“W-what was that?” Vanessa asked, looking around frantically.

“I don’t know…but it came from over there.” I mumbled, pointing to the west side of us. “Let’s go.” I grabbed Vanessa’s hand and pulled her into the woods. She started to struggle.

“You don’t seriously think that’s them do you?!” She questioned, trying to jerk my hand off of hers.

“Maybe, maybe not. But whoever screamed might be able to lead us to them.” I said, tightening my grip. She winced with pain. “Now come on!” I snapped, jerking her forward. As confident as I was about what I was doing, the farther I walked the weirder I began to feel. It was like something was telling me not to go farther, just to turn around and walk back home. But I had to find the source of the scream, I had to find my brother and my friends, and, most of all, I had to find my love, Sara.