House of Wolves


Ray’s P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I could until I finally reached the point where we had left the two unconscious men. I tiptoed up to the clearing, which wasn’t easy wearing boots, and peered in between the trees. One of the men was still unconscious. The other, however, was not. Shit. I had to figure out how to knock the man unconscious again. I didn’t have any heavy equipment or rope or anything like that. I looked at my waist. Glinting in the moonlight was my silver beauty. I unhooked it from my belt and made sure it was loaded. I centered it and aimed for the man’s head through the trees. Wait. Do you really want to shoot this man? You might lose blood along the way back…and can you even carry him? What if it doesn’t knock him out? All he has to do is get the gun away from you, and then he can shoot you all he wants. But does that really matter? I mean, you can’t die unless he has a knife…oh…he has a knife…well fuck, Ray. Oh, my God just do it! The gunshot rang throughout the forest. My ears felt like they were going to split open; I had been holding it just a little too close to my face. I had shot the man right between the eyes, and he was down on the ground, dead, I presumed. I hooked the gun back onto my belt and jumped between the trees and into the clearing. I bent down to try and find the right angle to drag the man by. I grabbed him under his shoulders and started to heave him backwards, thanking God for Vampiric strength. At least, I was thanking God, until something struck me hard between the shoulder blades. I dropped the man. My head was jerked backwards. Something had me by the hair.

“Listen ‘ere poofy head. You kill my partner?” The man stood at least six inches taller than me, which made him about six foot six or so. I shook my head frantically, not knowing what kind of weapons this man had. You should have just shot him too! “I reckon y’all did. D’ya know what the price fer killin’ is poofy head?” My left eye started to twitch. Oh, fuck. “Well? Do yer?!” The man shouted, shaking me. I slowly started to grab for my gun. “Cain’t ya’ talk poofy head?! I knows you cain!” I almost threw up. The man was filthy and had rotten breath. He kept breathing on me when he talked. I slowly unhooked my gun with one hand. And got ready to fire. “Alls I gotta do is slit yer throat, ya’ know? Ya’ damned varmin. Hey! Ain’t ya’ the one that took us out in the first place?! Why I’da known! I’ll slit yer-” Another gunshot rang throughout the forest. The man screamed bloody murder. “Ma’ leg! Ma’ leg!” I tore away from him and pointed the gun at his head.

“Look. I don’t have to kill you. You can crawl down to the town and speak nothing of this, and I won’t have to come slit your throat while you sleep.” The man was near tears. I’d shot him right in the shin, which was now bleeding profusely. “Or, I can just kill you now. Your pick.” The man thought long and hard.

“P-p-please don’t…d-don’t kill me. I have a family and whatnot! Ya’…ya’ can’t do this ta’ me!” I smiled.

“Okay, then I’m going to grab your friend and be on my way. You try anything stupid and I shoot you. Got it?” The man nodded and I walked over to the dead man and resumed my position. Grabbing him under his arms, I proceeded to drag him out of the forest. Then I realized that I could probably carry him, and I heaved him over my shoulder. “Good day, sir.” I said to the wounded man. He nodded and grimaced. He was going to die, I was sure of it, but hey, let him think he won’t. He’ll be happier that way. I turned around and started walking back the way I came. After a few seconds it looked like I was going to get away without anything major happening. That is, until I heard yet another gunshot and felt a sharp pain shoot through my back. Now, for a human this would be paralyzing if not deadly, but I’m a Vampire, and it was going to take a lot more than just shooting me in the back to take me down. I turned around and to my surprise I smiled as the man looked up at me in horror. “Stupid, stupid humans.” I pulled out my gun and, yet again, shot the man dead. I turned back around and headed towards my friends with a surprisingly great big smile plastered on my face. Well, I guess I’m stronger than I thought!

Sorrow’s P.O.V.

Dirty fuckin’ rotten liar! Matt was feeding Mikey all sorts of shit, left and right. He was playing the victim, he was getting Mikey to feel sorry for him and unfortunately Mikey’s sweet nature wasn’t letting him see the truth. Though, after all the shit he’s seen I didn’t blame him.

Mikey was now on the ground with Matt pinning him down. He was struggling, just like the others had, and Chloe ended up dead. That scared the shit out of me. I could tell Matt was getting a kick out of everyone’s pain. He needed to be shot; he needed to have his fucking block knocked off, but the only person who could do that right now was Tater. Jen could have too, but there was no way she was going to leave Bob alone. Plus, the Wolves were completely ignoring Tater, it was like she wasn’t even there. How can I get her attention? I stared at her, but she wasn’t paying attention to me. She was just staring at Mikey and Matt.

“So, Mikey boy, it’s your choice. Come with me or die at the hands of my friends.” Mikey hesitated, and then looked up at me. I shook my head, pleading him to just go, just go with Matt. We’d see each other again, and hopefully Matt wouldn’t have corrupted him or hurt him. “Wait a minute! I get it now.” Matt stood up and jerked Mikey up off of the ground. Mikey grunted as Matt spun him around and wrapped his arms around his waist and neck. “You love her, don’t you?” He said quietly. “And she loves you?” Mikey struggled to get away from Matt once more, and all I could do was watch his pain. “Don’t you?!” Matt yelled, jerking Mikey’s head back.

“Yes!” He cried out.

“How much, Mikey boy?” I could tell he was holding him harder. Mikey coughed, obviously struggling for air.

“God, Matt stop!” I yelled.

“I said, how much?!” Just when I thought he couldn’t pull his head back anymore he did.

“Stop it, you’re going to break his neck!” I screamed.

“More than anything!” Mikey half-yelled, half choked out.

“So much you would die for her?” Matt smirked when Mikey didn’t answer. He pulled out the bloody knife he murdered Chloe with and pressed it against Mikey’s neck. “One swipe and I can kill you in an instant. Now, I do love Sara but I consider you more useful. You either come with me and we leave Sara all alone here to “die”, plus, I murder all of your friends, or I murder you and everyone, except for Sara, goes free. Simple as that.”

“I’m not going with you.” He proclaimed, not even giving it any thought.

“God, Mikey, no! Just go! It’s okay…” I could barely speak. I couldn’t watch him die. I couldn’t let him be murdered in front of me. My love. I just couldn’t do it…However, I also didn't want to spend eternity tied to a tree and Bob...

Matt laughed the dirty laugh of a murdering outcast. “As you wish, Michael. Say your prayers.”