House of Wolves


Mikey’s P.O.V.

There, the truth was out, Chloe and Gerard knew, and I had cracked after only one night. Sorrow was probably dead, I was miserable, and Chloe was furious. I didn’t even have to turn around and look at her to know that.

“I…you’re…you’re kidding right?” Chloe asked, trying to keep from going crazy on me. We’ll see how long this lasts. I shook my head, truthfully giving a damn what Chloe or Gerard thought. I had done it; let’s move on now. “Fuck, Mikey…oh, fuckwhy did you let her go?! I told you what would happen if you did! Better yet, you knew what would happen anyway! Now that Frank is dead, Gabriel’s gonna come down and investigate. Then he’s going to know Sorrow is out there alive and he’s going to track her down and slaughter her. You couldn’t have just turned her like we asked. You couldn’t have made this easy could you have? You-”

“I DON’T CARE!” I blurted out, furious. “I don’t care anymore what you think, and how you guys feel. I’m fucking sick of it! Sick of it all! Sick of being a vampire, sick of hiding all the time, sick of being a murderer, sick of you fucking people! And you know what? Had I turned her she would’ve sat up in her room for the rest of eternity, too afraid of me and of herself to adjust, and what the hell kind of life is that, huh?! In my honest opinion anyone who comes in contact with us would be better off DEAD!!” I let the anger consume me. I didn’t think about what I was saying before I said it and I had never felt so free in my life. After all of these years of bottling up my hatred for myself, it was all coming out. And I didn’t care how.

Sorrow’s P.O.V.

“I love you Sara,” Mikey said. “You mean everything to me. The moon, the stars…everything.” He softly kissed my cheek. We were lying in a meadow, thick with beautiful thorn-less roses; it was just the two of us. “I’m not a vampire anymore.” He said, stroking my hair.

“I love you too!” I yelled excitedly, throwing my arms around him.

“Yes, yes, not a vampire…” He slipped his arms around me, and I leaned into him, feeling his warmth. I felt his finger trace the inside of my neck. I was so relaxed, lying there in my true love’s arms. I heard him laugh softly to himself. “You’re bleeding, love.” I looked down and was shocked to see blood dripping from my neck onto the white dress I was wearing. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. Someone was choking me. I heard Mikey breathe in deeply, and then tighten his grip. He started sucking the blood from my neck. Horror seeped into me as I realized that he’d lied, he was still a vampire. “So long and goodnight, Sorrow.” He giggled horridly. Black.

I jolted awake, shocked to see Shadow next to me, thoughtfully watching my every move. I reached out to pet her, but she barked loudly and snapped at me. I looked around at all the wolves lying around. Some of the mothers were cleaning their young while the males kept watch, looking for predators. The boy was leaning over a campfire to the left of the clearing, cooking breakfast. I got up slowly and walked over to where the boy was, careful not to step on any of the little wolves or their parents. I went as quietly as I could but halfway there I stepped on a branch and woke several of the sleeping wolves up and caused the boy to jump about five feet. “You scared me!” The boy laughed. “I’m not used to other humans, the wolves are a lot quieter you know.” I faked a laugh and continued to make my way towards him. “You get a good night’s sleep?” I nodded. “That’s good. Well, I hope you like Deer meat, ‘cause that’s what I’m making. Though, I also have some bread and cheese in that sack right there.” He gestured to a little brown sack next to the campfire. I was starving, and bread and cheese sounded a whole lot better than Deer meat, so as soon as I got to the campfire I grabbed the bag and started eating. “Oh, my name’s Matt, by the way.” I nodded in reply, only being able to focus on the food. Maybe it was because I was so hungry, but for some strange reason it was the best cheese I’d ever had.

After a while the wolves began fully waking up and patiently waiting for Matt to finish cooking their food. I watched Matt make the food, and started thinking about how his name didn’t really fit him. He had stringy black hair and looked like a total mess. Ripped jeans, no shirt, and no shoes. Everything about him was dirty except for his eyes. He had gorgeous, sparkling blue eyes. They were even prettier than Mikey’s, especially since this guy wasn’t a murderer. He looked more like a…well; I don’t really know…he just didn’t look like he’d have such a normal name.