House of Wolves


Tater’s P.O.V.

Why do I keep thinking about him? He was just a guy…who tried to kill me. Kill. Me. Why should I feel…bad about what I did to him? He deserved to die. No one messes with me, he had it coming…right? Every moment for me was a nightmare, whether I was asleep or I was awake. I lay on my soft, black, satin bed, and stared up at the dark ceiling. The candle on the dresser next to me caused shadows to spill off of my bed and dance upon the slowly rotting ceiling, taunting me. I was sprawled out on my bed, willing myself not to sleep. I was tired beyond belief, but every time I dozed off I had horrible nightmares about Frank; I could hear his agonizing screams as I shoved him into the light over and over again. I could see his skin going from the soft pale pink it was in life, to the burnt, ashen form it took in death. Sometimes I would see his organs and muscles melting, for that’s what I heard happened to a Vampire when they were burned alive, that they just became a sack of blood and bones. The blood sloshing around in their hollow bodies as they are carried out to be buried, or thrown into some lake. I winced. Part of me wished I had never done it. I just kept remembering how he’d screamed at me, yelling that I was a liar, that he was the one who had loved me more than anything, how much I’d hurt him. It was killing me inside, and I was slowly begging to realize the extent of what I’d done. Truth was, I missed him.

Matt’s P.O.V.

She was more beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined a girl to be. Intoxicating is what she was, the way she spoke, the way she walked. I even stayed up all day, when I’m usually sleeping, just to listen to her breathe. I wanted her, and I wasn’t about to lose her to some god forsaken human town. I’d found her and she was mine, finders keepers.

It was early evening when she finally woke up, came over to me, and started to scarf down my only cheese and bread, but it didn’t matter, I had my Deer meat. After a while of making light conversation, I began to wonder if she even remembered her need to go to Lafayette, the nearest town.

“So what time are we heading out?” She asked, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. Now, I was going to have to lie to her, and my god I hate liars. I stared at her, thinking of a way to stall.

“Er…not until tonight, its much easier to travel that way, plus, these woods aren’t very safe and our body guards don’t wake up for another hour or two.” I chuckled and continued to roast the meat. She stared at me for a few more seconds before dropping her gaze.

“How long is it going to take again?” She asked, quietly. I sensed the urgency in her voice and couldn’t help but wonder why she wanted to go. It was a horrible town full of horrible humans.

“Well, that depends. If we follow the path it could take a week, maybe more. I-”

“I thought you said that the town was a two day walk from here!” She interrupted.

“Did I say that? Hmmm, I must be losing my mind. Well, if we go through the woods, it’d only take three or four days, instead of the week it would take otherwise.” In reality the town was maybe…four, five ours away from where we were, and for a Vampire it’s only about a ten minute run. I figured I’d start to “take” her to town, and then make a giant circle. Or, perhaps I’d just keep walking in the wrong direction for days and days. The fact of the matter was that she was mine now, and she wasn’t going anywhere. This girl could help me gain back some of my humanity, perhaps, and there was no way she was getting to Lafayette, to be tainted by human filth. At least, not while I was around. “Is there…something important you have to do there?” I cocked an eyebrow, hoping she’d give me the information I needed.

“…No, not really.”

“What are you doing in these woods anyway? A young girl like you shouldn’t just wander off into unknown territory.” She stared at me, giving me a look that said, “None of your business”.

“Well…my family and I decided to go for a walk in the woods…and they said if either me or my cousin got lost, that we should meet back in Lafayette, where we live. Well, I sort of forgot that…and I got really lost…and I have no idea where it is now…” I nodded, being sure not to make any faces. I wanted her to think I believed her. There were a couple things wrong with her statement. One, she was definitely not from Lafayette. She didn’t look, act, or speak like anyone from around there, you could just tell by the way she carried herself. Two, just the other night she had said that she had no idea where she was going. She could have just said Lafayette, instead of “I wanted to get to a town…” Three, the scent of Vampires was all over her. Not humans, Vampires. By the smell of it she hadn’t been around humans for quite some time. I could smell at least four different Vampires, and the more I sniffed her out, discretely of course, the more I recognized the smells, and knew where she’d come from. And that only made me want her even more.

I grinned. "Stick with me, Sorrow, and you'll never come to any harm."