Sequel: For Better or Worse
Status: Complete. Thank you for reading. :)

For the Best

Ensuing Madness

^*Benji’s POV*^
I sighed as I sat on the couch in my brother’s house, as Belinda and Sheldon stood above me, scolding me like a child.

“This is why we didn’t want you are her, Benjamin. You act like a kid yourself; you’ve never had to face any responsibility, you’ve never had to take care of anyone but yourself…” Sheldon just trailed off. I took full responsibility for coming and picking Saylee up when she ran away, and also dropping her off at Matthew’s apartment with that other guy.

“I know, I know, but I’m her uncle, and she’s like my daughter. She needed me that day, and that’s why I came and picked her up. I’m sorry about what happened though, because I swear on my grave I had no clue that would have happened.” I said, looking up at them. “He seemed like a reasonable, responsible guy, and…and I guess that’s where I fucked up.” I sighed, already seeing the look on Sheldon and Belinda’s faces.

He looked reasonable and responsible?! Benjamin! He had tattoos scrawled all over his body, his ears were stretched, and he had a lip ring! Oh, sure, he looked really goddamn responsible!”Sheldon screamed, and then Belinda began.

“You’re out of your mind! He was a careless, irresponsible punk! He wasn’t in any way responsible! And he’s taken advantage of our daughter! Our only daughter, Benjamin! Our only daughter has been raped by some sick, psychotic, punk ass-”

“But I didn’t know!” I screamed as I stood up. “I didn’t know he was going to be like that! Trust me, I was just as pissed off when I found them as you are now! I threatened to ram my foot up his ass, and it took everything in me to not throw him out the window! It killed me to know what they had done! It killed me, okay?! And when I realized it was my fault for leaving her there alone with him I-” I was cut off by a knock on the front door, we all fell silent almost instantly, because it was nearly one AM.

“I got it.” Sheldon said, and walked over to the door. He opened it, and my heart stopped. I had gotten a good look at the guy who had opened the door at Matthew’s apartment, because I did watch from the parking lot out of curiosity to maybe see who had called my house.

“YOU!” I screamed, storming over to the guy with nose ring and snakebites. “YOU’RE THE MOTHERFUCKER ON THE PHONE!” I screamed, and the guy’s eyes widened, and he took off.

“BENJI GOT ME! MATT, HURRY!” He screamed at the air, and I chased him out the door.

“GET BACK HERE!” I screamed, and he ran down the street, but I was right on his heels.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” He screamed, still running. I launched myself at him, landing on his back as he fell to the ground. “Get off of me!” He yelled, struggling, and I turned him over and began throwing punches.

“You’re friends with that sorry ass son of a bitch!” I screamed, hitting his face repeatedly. “Who are you?” I growled, my hands gripping the fabric of his shirt.

“Z-Zacky.” He stuttered, keeping his arms raised slightly to defend himself.

“Zacky what?”

“Baker.” He answered, and I glared at him.

“You were in the apartment.” I said, but he stayed silent. I slammed him back against the asphalt, earning a cry from him. “You were there, weren’t you!?”

“I didn’t know!” He cried and I stopped, grabbing his collar again, and ignoring the blood running down his face.

“Didn’t know what? I saw you answer the door, you were at his place, I know you were.” I said through gritted teeth, and he shook his head.

“I was over at a friend’s house, I swear.” He said and then it registered in my mind what he was screaming. ‘Hurry, Matt’.

“BELINDA, SHELDON! HE’S GOING TO TAKE SAYLEE!” I quickly threw a hard punch into his temple, and let his head hit the concrete, knocking him out. I got off of the kid and began running towards the house as I saw Sheldon and Belinda run back into the house. I wouldn’t let him take my niece.

^*Saylee’s POV*^
I lay in bed with my headphones on, not able to take hearing my parents scream at Benji anymore. I had the music up so loud I was probably lucky I wasn’t going deaf. I needed to get out of here, though. With a plan forming, I took my headphones off, and then it was chaos.

“SAYLEE! SAYLEE! DON’T GO WITH HIM!” I heard my parents screaming from behind the locked door as they hit on it.

“SAYLEE! WE HAVE TO GO NOW! BENJI GOT ZACKY!” I heard Matt’s voice from my window.

“DON’T YOU LEAVE THAT ROOM!” I heard Benji’s voice now on the other side of my door. I got off of my bed and went over to my window, opening it up. I climbed out, and edged my way to the edge of the roof, looking down at Matt. I used to come up to the roof all the time and just sit, so I wasn’t afraid of heights in the least bit.

“What are you doing here?!” I asked him, not sure why he was in my backyard with my parents wanting to murder him.

“I came to kidnap you!” He screamed, and my parents and Benji continued yelling, but I drowned them out. “There’s no time to get a ladder, Benji recognized Zack, and we have to get out of here now! I need you to jump!”

“And you’ll catch me like some cheesy nineties movie?” I asked, and a smile came to his face.

“Yea, just like a cheesy nineties movie.” He said, and I stood up, and looked down at him, taking a deep breath.

“Please don’t let me hit the ground.” I begged quietly. I fell, and squeezed my eyes shut, because even though I trusted Matt, real life isn’t some cheesy nineties movie. I didn’t hit the ground, and when I opened my eyes he was grinning at me.

“Told you.” He put me on my feet, and kissed me on the cheek, grabbing my hand. “Now let’s go before they get through the door.” He said, and took off. We ran to the fence, and he bent down, lacing his fingers together. I stepped into his hands and he lifted me up, and thank fuck I landed on my feet.

“SAYLEE!” I heard my father scream, and Matt jumped over the fence a moment later, also landing on his feet, and we both took off, through the short amount of woods. We ran as fast as we could, and finally we hit the highway, and stopped. I leaned over, trying to catch my breath.

“Oh god, we made it.” He breathed and I nodded.

“Thank you so much for risking your life to save mine.” I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around him.

“You’re my girlfriend, so technically I’m required by love to keep you from danger.” He said, and I looked up at him, the grin on his face making my heart race. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I he leaned down and kissed me, and I knew then that he’d never leave me; he loved me. He really did.

^*Zacky’s POV*^
I groaned as I felt someone dabbing my face with something, but I swatted them away and went to sit up.

“Boy, you better lay back down before I snap your neck.” My eyes flew open at the words, and a hand pushed me back onto the couch. I laid back down, and Benji continued getting blood off of my face.

“Wh-what-” I couldn’t talk. I was too terrified.

“We weren’t just going to leave you in the road to get run over. Saylee’s parents are sending out a police issued search team for her and Matthew, and you’re going to be going to jail in about fifteen minutes.” Benji explained quickly, and then took the damp wash cloth away from my lip, and leaned away from me. I slowly sat up, then, my whole face feeling like I had been hit by a train. “I realize you probably didn’t have anything to do with Matthew and Saylee’s…incident, so I guess I owe you an apology for fucking your face up.” He hesitated a second, sitting back on the coffee table. “So, I’m s-sorry.” He seemed to have difficulty with the words.

“I-it’s okay.” I stuttered, and he sighed.

“You’re still going to jail for the night for disturbing the peace.” He said, and then took a deep breath. “So, where were you when this happened? What friend’s house?”

“I-I was actually over at the airport, picking that friend up.” I managed out, and he nodded slowly.

“So you weren’t there?” He asked and I shook my head.

“No. But do you think I actually wanted that to happen? I was just as upset about it when I heard his girlfriend was nine years younger than him.” I said and he looked at me curiously.

“Go on.” He urged and I took a deep breath, seeming like I had been punched in the stomach.

“Well, all of his past girlfriends haven’t really even been girlfriends, they’ve just been with him for sex. He goes through girls like we go through beer. One after the other. I was kind of pissed at him, because I knew what his plans were, and I knew he would break her heart. She seemed like a pretty decent girl, but I knew there was no stopping Matt, so I was going to go to a friend’s house, but that friend needed me to go pick him up from the airport.” I explained and he didn’t say anything, just nodded towards me slightly, silent telling me to ‘go on’. “But you have to understand me when I say that he does love Saylee. I got pissed off when I came back to the apartment to find him and her in bed, so I left, and he called me to come back after her parents had come and got her, and he…he told me about everything. He never had plans of using her for sex, Benji.” I told him, but he stayed quiet. “He nearly broke into tears, and that’s really unusual for him. He loves her. A lot. He’ll keep her safe, and she’s not like all of the other girls were to him.”

“I see, but that still doesn’t mean shit. He could be lying.” Benji countered quickly. “He may have told you that, but he could be planning something more sinister with her. He could be lying to you, just to calm you down and to keep you from interfering.” Benji looked me in the eyes. “Think about that.” He said, and got up, leaving me on the couch, staring at the wall. I hadn’t thought of that. But Matt was my best friend, he wouldn’t lie to me, would he? No…No he wouldn’t. But what if he did?

^*Matt’s POV*^
We had finally walked long enough to where the sun had begun coming up, and we were back in town, just about a block or two away from Brian’s house. We couldn’t go back to mine and Zacky’s apartment, because I just knew the police were already out looking for us already. I just hoped that Zacky was alright. When he started screaming he sounded panicked. I was also hoping that Jimmy and Brian had somehow made their way out of that closet, because they do not need to be there when the cops come. They’ll take Jimmy back to the asylum, arrest Brian for all of the shit that he has on his record, and then they’ll figure out where he lives, and come find Saylee and I. It’s my job to keep her safe, and I was not going to let them take her away from me.

^*Brian’s POV*^
“Dude, I’m going home, I’m tired. You can crash here if you want, but I’m out.” I said, standing up from the couch. Jimmy followed.

“I guess I’ll head back with you. What time’s the flight?’ He asked and I sighed.

“About ten AM. And it’s one thirty now.” I said, walking over to the door, but first checking my pockets for my keys. When Jimmy finally stopped throwing up, and shaking, we both came out of the bathroom to discover that Zacky and Matt were gone. Though, Jimmy and I weren’t complaining, because he had half of a pizza in his fridge, and we were starving.

“And-” Jimmy was cut off by my phone in my pocket, screaming. I opened the door as I answered it.

“Hello?” I asked, letting Jimmy out before I shut the door back.

“Brian, man, it’s Zack. I need you and Jimmy to get out of the closet, get out of Matt’s house right now before the cops get there, and come bail me out of jail.” I was overwhelmed by the information, and froze up on the stair case, nearly falling down them as my walk broke into a run, taking the steps two at a time.

“What?!” I asked and Jimmy caught up to me and we quickly got to the bottom. “What did Matt do?! What did you do?! Why are you in jail?!” I asked, and looked up at the sound of sirens. “Shit, Jimmy, c’mon.” I urged, and we ran to my Hummer.

“It’s a really long story, just come bail me out now, we have to go find Matt and Saylee, because he went and kidnapped her a-”

“Calling your boyfriend, Snakebites?!” Some guy asked in the background. “I got a new boyfriend for you right-”

“Shut the fuck up, Frank! Leave me alone!” Zacky yelled back. “Brian, I don’t like it here, please hurry up before Frank-”

“Time’s up, Snakebites!” Another voice yelled, and then the phone cut off as I got in the car. Police cars pulled up beside me, and I hung up my phone and drove out of there as fast as possible just as Jimmy was closing his door.

“Brian’s what’s going on?!” Jimmy asked, looking over at me like I was crazy as I finally slowed down after we got a distance away from the apartment complex.

“Matt kidnapped Saylee, Zacky’s in jail, Saylee’s parents have sent the cops to find her and Matt, and Zacky’s probably going to get raped by some guy named Frank.” I explained quickly, and began speeding again. I glanced over at Jimmy, and he looked absolutely horrified. I wasn’t sure if it was because of how I was speeding like a madman, or because of the information I had just poured on him. “I know,” I answered his expression. “Just try not to have a heart attack on me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of the readers, subscribers, and special thanks to the commentors:

Star Angel
party poison;

Hey guys, the new site's here and I don't like it, it's just terrible, and has turned Mibba into a spawn of Facebook it seems, so I've started a petition to make it optional, and the current signature goal is 200 and we only have a few months to reach the goal.

If you guys think the new site layout should be optional, go sign this petition and share it with other mibbians you know, if you will, please. c:

Thanks, guys.

xoxo, Saleigh