Sequel: For Better or Worse
Status: Complete. Thank you for reading. :)

For the Best

Unstoppable Moments

^*Zacky’s POV*^
I slowly came to, not sure how I had been knocked out for a second time tonight, but as I opened my eyes I saw Jimmy’s face above me

“Hey, look who decided to wake up!” He grinned and I sat up straight, not sure how, but I was in Brian’s Hummer, with him and Jimmy, and Brian was speeding faster than fuck.

“What happened? How did I get here?” I asked, relaxing some now that I realized I wasn’t still in that cell with Frank.

“Some guy tried to choke you out, just as I got there to bail you out, and you lost consciousness before the cops could get him off of you. They carried you out to the car, and now we’re heading to my place.” I was close to questioning Brian on why we weren’t going to Matt’s, but then everything began coming back to me. “And don’t worry, Matt and Saylee are safe, they’re at my place.” Brian glanced back, snapping his fingers. “And Jimmy, don’t forget, we’ve got to go in through the backdoor when we get there.”

“What happened to your face?” Jimmy asked, changing the subject as he looked over at me, concerned. “There’s a deep ass three inch gash on your forehead being held close by butterfly stitches, your lip’s busted, your right eye is black as night, and you just…you look like shit, frankly.”

“I was going to be a diversion to Saylee’s parents so Matt could run around back and get her, but Benji was there, and he recognized me, and when I tried to run away he tackled me, beat me up, and knocked me unconscious.” I answered and Jimmy nodded slowly.

“You look like shit though, still.” Jimmy said and I nodded with a sigh.

“I know.”

^*Saylee’s POV*^
I sat on the couch with Matt in the dark, staring at the door. For whatever reason we both had it in our heads that the police were tracking us and were going to burst through the door any second, and rip us apart, taking Matt to jail and dragging me back to my parents. I had a fire poker from Brian’s fire place in hand, because I wasn’t going back to my parents. Matt had already given me the full okay to beat the living shit out of anyone who came through the front door, because he said he told Brian, Jimmy and Zacky to go to the back. When the doorknob turned we both got up and ran to the door, and we glanced at each other, worry on our faces. Matt stood behind the door and as it opened, I swung it, and it connected with someone’s head.

“HOLY SHIT!” I heard Brian’s voice as the person fell. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” At Brian’s worried-as-hell voice I reached over and flicked the light switch on, and my breath caught in my throat. Zacky was lying at Matt and I’s feet, and Jimmy and Brian were still halfway outside, staring wide eyed.

“Oh my god.” Jimmy muttered, and I quickly leaned down, inspecting Zacky. “You bashed him in the head with a fire poker.” Jimmy stated as I checked Zacky pulse, making sure I didn’t kill him, already grimacing at the bar-like bruise forming across his forehead. “We fucking finally get the poor guy out of jail, and you bash him in the head with an iron fire poker.”

“You guys were supposed to come in the back fucking door!” Matt yelled. “I told you we were going to beat the fuck out of whoever came to the front door, you morons!”

“Jimmy, I can’t keep my mind on shit today, I told you to remind me.” Brian said, turning to Jimmy.

“I was thinking you actually deserved a punch to the face for stuffing Zacky’s boxers in my mouth, but then you stepped back to talk to me, and there was no stopping Zack.” Jimmy said, holding his hands up.

“God you guys are fucking morons.” I said, looking up at them as I sat back on my feet.

“I’m not a moron, he is!” Jimmy and Brian said at the same time, and I just put my head in my hands.

“You’re both morons.” Matt said, and bent down and picked Zacky up, and took him to the couch, laying him down. Jimmy grabbed my hand, helping me up from the floor.

“Thanks.” I muttered, and he grinned.

“It’s the least I can do before the guilt of hitting one of possibly the sweetest guys in the planet eats you alive.” He said, and let go of my hand, walking over to the other couch and sitting down, Brian just shrugged and sat down beside him. I shut the door, and then went over, and went to sit between Brian and Matt, but Matt grabbed me, and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek.

“Don’t worry about him, he’s invincible, he can run through a brick wall.” Matt said and I sighed.

“But if you don’t remember, the last time he tried to run through a brick wall he was drunk off his ass, and wound up getting knocked unconscious.” Jimmy sighed heavily. “The poor guy just keeps getting knocked-” He paused as a yawn escaped his lips. “On his ass.”

“Yea.” Brian said thoughtfully, sounded exhausted as well. “Yea he does.” Brian stood up, and began walking away. “I’m headed to bed, make yourselves at home.” He said, and disappeared down the hall.

“Yea, I’m gonna go to bed too. I’ll be in the guest room if anyone needs me.” Jimmy got up as well, disappearing down the hall behind Brian.

“Poor Zacky.” I muttered, really feeling bad about whacking him in the head with an iron fire poker. But really it was their fault for coming to the front door. But still, he was pretty nice and I hurt him after he got beat up by my uncle. He looked even worse now.

“Well, at least you didn’t hit him with the other side that had the curved spike, though you could have hit him with the other end and things would’ve been maybe a little better since it was padded with sponge…” Matt trailed off.

“Wow, you know how to make someone feel good about themselves.” I said, smiling slightly at my own words.

“I try.” Matt said and I yawned, resting my head on his shoulder. “Tired?” He asked and I nodded.

“Very…” I mumbled, the word barely getting out of my mouth before I blinked, but my eyes wouldn’t open back up, and I fell asleep.

^*Matt’s POV*^
As I felt Saylee’s breathing slow down, I picked her up and began walking towards the hallway and to the second guest bedroom next to Jimmy’s. I walked in and laid her down, taking her shoes off and covering her up. I walked around to the other side and then kicked my own shoes off before I got in next her, and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she turned towards me and snuggled into my side.

“Night.” She muttered and I smiled slightly.

“Night.” I whispered, my eyes already closing.

^*Saylee’s POV*^
The next morning we all woke up early, because Jimmy had to get on a flight to Wisconsin, and Shannon had been texting Matt’s phone all night with anger riddled texts, and also Brian’s phone wondering where Jimmy was. Her Jimmy, as she put it. Like there was another James Sullivan in the world that we were going to send in his place…

“I’m still shocked that you two are out, but I mean, you’ve been fine here this past day, and you even went to the police station so…why are you guys going to Russia again?” I asked and Jimmy shrugged.

“No clue; a vacation, I suppose. We both need to get out of this place for a while. I do, at least.” He then looked past me and Matt and to Zacky, who still hadn’t regained consciousness from being knocked out just about five hours ago. “Keep an eye on Zack, alright?” He asked and we both nodded. “And Say, please don’t bash him in the head with a fire poker again.” He smiled, and resting his hand on my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m about to bash you in the head with a fire poker.” I joked.

“I’d watch out, James, because you’re just a little too close and that fire poker’s a foot away from me.” Matt said and he took his hand off of my shoulder quickly.

“Aren’t you a morning person…” He mumbled.

“Alright, who did this to me?” We all looked over as Brian came from the hall. He had been up for a while, but hadn’t been out of his room. Now I knew why. Someone had cut his hair in his sleep. I had to have been Jimmy. It was short, and he had it spiked up but at least Jimmy didn’t shave his head. Brian looked better this way, and you could actually tell he was a guy without having to listen to him go on about some hot chick at a bar.

“Hey, on the bright side, I just saved you about thirty to fifty bucks.” Jimmy smiled, and ruffled Brian’s hair as Brian walked by him, putting on his sunglasses.

“Yea, thanks for that.” Brian grabbed his keys from the hook. “Let’s get you to the airport before you try something worse.”

“Bye guys!” Jimmy said, running out the door.

“Someone’s planning on plane sex with someone on their way to Russia…” Brian said in a sing-song voice, and all I could do was just shake my head at his assumption as he walked out of the house, leaving Matt and I alone.

“There’s one chaotic person out of the mix for a while.” I said with a sigh.

“Well, it’s not Brian’s fault he’s annoying and perverted as hell sometimes.” Matt said as we sat down on the couch opposite of the one Zacky was still lying on. Before I could sit down he pulled me into his lap, again.

“Why do you keep doing that?” I asked, and he looked at me oddly.

“What? Degrading Brian?” He asked curiously.

“No, you keep making me sit in your lap whenever I go to sit down.” I said, laughing lightly.

“Because you’re my girl, and I love you.” He smiled, and then that faded slightly. “And we’re in Brian’s house, and I’m not exactly sure how clean the couch is.” I just rolled my eyes.

“Oh, sure, you worry about me sitting on a couch that Brian has had sex on, but meanwhile, you laid Zacky face down on it.” I said, and he shrugged.

“I needed to get him back for some shit he’s put me through.” Matt answered simply, and I sighed, and he yawned.

“Didn’t get enough sleep last night?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“No, but I’m fine.” He said, and I could see it in his eyes how he was struggling to stay awake.

“Are you sure?” I asked and he hesitated.

“Will you promise not to answer the front door for anyone if I go lay down for a few hours?” He asked and I sighed and stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet before pushing him towards the hall.

“Go back to bed and wake up when you’re not acting like a zombie.” I told him, and just as we got to his door, before I could push him in he turned and kissed me on the lips.

“Love you.” He said and I smiled.

“Love you too, now go to bed.” I said and pushed him back into the room and closed the door.

“You’re not trying to get rid of me, are you?” Matt asked from the other side.

“No,” I said a little dramatically. “What would make you think that?” I asked, and he just chuckled.

“Just don’t hurt Zacky anymore.” He said, and after everything he had a good reason, too.

“I won’t don’t worry, just get some sleep.” I told him, and then walked back into the living room, where Zacky was just rolling over onto his back, groaning.

“What happened?” He asked as I went over and sat on the coffee table in front of him.

“I accidentally hit you in the face with a fire poker.” I said, and he sighed, sitting up with his hands over his face.

“Can you get me some Tylenol?” He asked and I nodded, though he couldn’t see me, and stood up.

“Yea, be right back.” I said, and got up, and walked down the hall and to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet above the sink, and sighed as I began looking through all of the bottles of god knows what trying to find the Tylenol. I stood there, digging through bottles, but couldn’t find it, and before I could turn and walk out and tell Zacky I couldn’t find any Tylenol, he appeared in the doorway.

“Good, you’re still alive.” He said, mustering up a smile. “I was starting to think you had stumbled across a dead stripper.” I looked at him oddly as I leaned back against the sink.

“And what makes you think that?” I asked as he came in and opened the cabinet.

“Well, we’re in Brian’s house. He’s Brian fucking Haner.” He grabbed a bottle and smiled. “He sleeps with a different girl every night, sometimes against their will, and sometimes they don’t come out of here.” He said, and took two pills from the bottle, dry swallowing them before he put the small bottle back and closed the cabinet. “Actually, him and I are both kind of like that.”

“Oh god, I hit you really hard, didn’t I?” I asked and he laughed lightly. “I’m so sorry about that.” I said, and he shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, just, you know, lucky I’m still alive.” He said and I sighed.

“You should blame Jimmy, because he was the one that wanted to go to the front door so Brian could get punched in the face.” I said, and he leaned back against the sink beside me.

“I guess, but you didn’t punch Brian in the face, you hit me with a fire poker.” He said, putting emphasis on his words.

“I’m sorry Zacky, I really am.” I said, and looked over at him. “You’re sweet enough to forgive me, right?”

“You bashed me in the head with an iron bar used to agitate fires, and your uncle beat me up, and I’m supposed to forgive you just like that?’ He asked, a smile creeping onto his face.

“Well…yea.” I said and he nodded.

“Alright, yea, I forgive you.” He said, and I hugged him.

“I really am sorry about all of the pain.” I told him, and he hugged me back.

“It’s alright. You and Matt can be together now, and as long as he doesn’t hurt you, then hopefully everyone will be okay for a while.” He said, and I pulled away from him, looking at him curiously.

“Why are you like that when you talk about Matt and I?” I asked and he shrugged.

“I don’t know, I mean…he’s nine years older than you, and every other girl he’s been with has been a one night thing, and he’s… Well, I hate saying it, but he was kind of like Brian until you came along, and I’m just afraid he might go back to that.” He said softly, his voice quiet. “You seem like a really nice girl, and I just don’t want him to hurt you.” He whispered, and we both fell silent, and a moment later I knew we both had something running through our minds, but I don’t think either of us didn’t want to act on it. Though we couldn’t.

“Zacky, stop me.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

“What if I don’t?” He asked, his eyes boring into mine.

“Then don’t.” I said simply, and before either of us could do anything else, our lips collided, and he slowly turned us around so that he had me trapped back against the counter. I had to stop. I couldn’t do this to Matt, but I couldn’t stop myself, and Zacky couldn’t either.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of the readers, subscribers, and special thanks to the commentor:


xoxo, Saleigh