Status: Let's see where this story take me...


Chapter III

I paced my way to the room 347. Ugh, screw the geography task, I am late just because of that spatial map thingy.

I opened the door to find Callum exclaimed my name in such a loud voice. "Hi!" I said, with an uneven breath, and smile at him. "Seems like you're having such a tiring day." he said as I nodded, "So.. What makes you late?" He asked me.

"I finished my last geography task in order to complete my credit for that subject." I said as I put my bag on the table there, "Which means, I got another free period on the last hours."

"Oh.. Okay. I thought you won't come or anything like that." he said again, coldly. "I've promised you. There's no way I'll bailed on you." I said and sat beside him.

"Okay. Can we start the questions already?" he asked me and I nodded, "Sure." That's the spirit.

"How's your day?" he asked me with his cold voice. "It's.. Fine. I had such a great subjects today. Well, except in math, of course."

"What's up with math?" he asked me again. I shrugged, "Nothing, actually. I just didn't born with a 'good at math' blood inside me." I answered and looking at the table beside him and found his lunch. Which looked like it's untouched.

"Can I ask you some questions now?", I asked him by the time he opened his mouth, trying to say something. He looked at me, "I just asked you a few questions." he protested but I keep asked him anyway.

"Have you eat your lunch?" I asked him as he muttered a low "Yes." I grabbed the plate and raised one of my eyebrows, "It looks somewhat untouched. Did you ate this?" I asked him again.

"I'm not hungry. I'll eat it when I feel like I want to." he said again, "I really don't want to talk about me for some seconds." he said as I nodded and sit back on the chair, "Okay then, carry on." I said.

Just when he opened his mouth, his stomach made some noises. I held back my giggled as he looked down, in such an embarassment of course.

I got up and took his lunch set, "You're going to eat. Now." he looked up and sighed heavily, "I'm not hungry, Phoebe. I just want to..." he squirmed and put his hands on his stomach.

"Here, here, open your mouth." I said as I began to feed him. He was refusing, at the first place. But then he obeyed.

"Why don't you eat your lunch if you knew that it'll hurt yourself?" I asked him as he held back his smile, “Is that count as another question or what?” I chuckled, “Well, you don’t need to answer it if you don’t want to..” I answered.

“Since I have you here everyday, I don’t feel like eating alone anymore. I missed having a friend near me. I thought you won’t come today, and I was pretty bummed.” He explained as I fed him.

I looked down as I smiled, “You missed having an extremely defensive person as your friend?” I asked him as he nodded. “More than anything.” He said with a smile. It was exactly the smile that he gave me on our first meeting. But I couldn’t stop wondering, where are his other friends? Why’d no one from that special clique came?

“Callum..” I started, and he raised his eyebrow at me, “Can I... ask you something?” I asked him as he tilted his head to his right, grin draw upon his face, “Phoebs.. It’s not that we’re not exchanging questions for these past few days.”

I smiled sheepishly, “I know. But.. I don’t know, this one might get a little personal.” I trailed off as he put on a weird look on his face. I squealed as I realized why did he put such a face, he was burst into laughter as I felt blush creep on my face.

“Personal to you, I mean. Not.. Not that it’s related to me. I.. It’s you!” I said, stuttered and his laughter is getting even louder. “Callum, I’m trying to be serious here.” I groaned at him and his laughter turned into chuckled, then a grin as he nudged me on the arm, “Okay, okay, sorry. You may ask me that personal question now.”

“Uhm.. Does any your friends know that you’re here? A..and, uh, this sick?” I asked him as his smile faded. “I don’t know. It’s not that they will care if they do know anyway.” He answered.

I tilted my head and shrugged, “Who said that? I mean, who knows, Callum? Remember when Gigi was sick, and your friends were…”

“What? You mean, you watched the videos and the pictures with the whole balloons and stuffs that they made? It was just a lie, Phoebe.” He answered. I blinked once, “Lie? What do you mean it’s all a lie?” He smirked, “They just did it to fill up their social media sites. They went to see Gi on 1 out of 6 days she was in the hospital, recorded it, posted it, and won’t bother to left her again.”

He paused, “Well maybe that’s what happened when Georgina was sick, but do you have any idea what happened when Derek got into a bar brawl for defending his own friend, Joel, and ended up all bruised and cut up in a hospital? They only send a fucking bouquet of flower because they need to get ready for a random party by the night. The only person who actually came to the hospital was just me, and Derek was so beat that he cried in front of me.” He said as his face reddened.

“I don’t want to know the result when I told them that I’m sick. I’m not ready to face the fact that they don’t really care about me.” He scoffed, “Why bother telling them when you know it won’t make any difference?”

I lowered my head, “I’m sorry for asking such a sensitive question..”

Callum smiled sourly, “Nah.. I guess you deserve to know such thing. I mean.. You’re the first and the only friend that stick with me, eventually. Remind me to thank you after this whole things.” I shook my head, “Naah. Don’t mention that.” He smirked again, “I will tell you the whole story when I feel like it, is that okay?” I nodded, “That sounds terrific. I’m looking forward to hear it.”

“Anyway.. Why not thanking me by eating your lunch? They gave you pudding this time.” I said as he smiled, “And you have to eat your lunch too. I don’t want to see you fell sick, because no one’s going to be here if that’s so. How about I’ll eat mine and you eat yours?”

I put his lunch on the desk of the bed. “Are you sure you’re okay if I didn’t feed it to you?” as I lend him the silverware. “Phoebs, come on.. I’m not a child and it’s not like I’m being amputated on both hands.” He scoffed as I giggled and sit near the bedside table. “Bon appetit!” I exclaimed as I spooned my chinese takeout.

I was half-joking and half-afraid that the doctor actually asked him to not using his hand for whatever reason. But noticing that there’s something weird by the way he use the spoon and fork.. I realized that whatever he got now, is also messing with his hands.

But he hasn’t opened his mouth, yet. He’s not ready to tell me what’s up, and I’m not going to push him. The only thing that I could do just wondering what actually happened to him, and what is this cold aura that he’s using as a shield against his friends.

“Miss Allen, staring at someone—and in this case, a guy, is pretty rude, you know. Rude and obvious.” He said with a husky voice, as I chuckled.

Why bother knowing what happens to him when you can make your old friend smiles like this?