Seems An Awful Waste

Come on Come on Lets Play.

Frank’s P.O.V.

As I saw Gerard stand up to crouch down near Aurélie, I felt a twinge of pain escape from my body. Oh how I wish that was me.
You could see in how he moved that he already did care for her. He’d never been like that with me, not even when we’d seen each other again.

“Gerard?” I remembered this kid from high school, but the vivid recollection that dawned on me was the crush I’d had on him.

“Frank? Is that really you?” Oh how it still existed.

“Yeah man… God, it’s been years, how are you doing?”

I wanted to grab him there and then, just to kiss him in front of everyone in that airport. I wouldn’t have cared less… but I couldn’t, not after what had happened with Melissa; his previous girlfriend. She’d discovered he was bi short after they started going out as he’d trusted her enough to tell her, but she was disgusted by him. She called him every possible name she could think of, right there, in the hall way towards the cafeteria and slapped him across the face.
After that… no one wanted anything to do with him…

How much I regretted making that decision.

Something quickly brought me back to reality, when the sobbing stopped. She started speaking; to both of us.

“Would you guys like to come to my house? It’s better than here I would think.”

And that’s when it happened. I couldn’t believe it. My eyes widened as I saw her slid her hand into his; the pain came back in the pit of my stomach, harder. I wanted to hurt her, and yet I knew I’d one day want to call her one of my best friends. I was torn between decisions once again; but this time I knew what I had to do.

“Yeah sure, what you think Gee?”


Gerard's P.O.V.

"Yeah sure, what do you think Gee?"

I looked up at Frank. There seemed to be something... out of place in his expression. And his voice seemed different.
I nodded.

"Sounds good."

"I'll go pay," he said, and headed towards the counter.

"Are you okay?" I asked Aurélie, unwrapping my arms from around her.

She nodded, wiping her tears away. "Thanks," she whispered.
I smiled at her gently and mumbled

"Be right back," before heading after Frank.

"Are you okay?" I repeated, this time to him.

"What? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

"There just seemed to be something... up before."

He shrugged, but I didn't miss a strange expression flash across his face. I frowned, wondering what it had been before offering to pay.

"No! My treat, for your good news,"

He suddenly beamed at me and I felt guilt twist at my stomach. I didn't know how much longer I could lie to him for.

Aurélie’s P.O.V

I’d looked up as I’d taken Gerard’s hand in mine to see Frank’s eyes widen. I let go as fast as I’d held on.
What am I doing?
Frank headed off to go pay and Gerard followed shortly after, almost in a hurry. I wonder what was up with Frankie… did I miss something?

They had a quick chat, and they both seemed unsure about what they were saying; their expressions hiding something; both different.
As Frankie headed back my way, he half glared at me, making me jerk back a little; surprised, and stare at the ground.

“Shall we go? I don’t really know where you live, so I think I’d get lost on the way” and he giggled.

He had a little infectious giggle which made me sigh in delight before laughing myself.

“Yeah, this way please sirs”

Heading back towards the car, I had a boy on either side of me, one staring at the ground, and the other searching for something; my car I think.

“It’s the awful purple one over there” I said pointing at the shabby little half-broken-paint-chipped wreck of a car.

“Looks a bit like my Nan’s” Frank chuckled; trying to lighten up the mood, making both of us laugh with him.

“Yeah, it was my Nan’s… before she got a new Volvo…” I said slyly; making us all laugh again.