Seems An Awful Waste

She Sees Him Again

I sighed heavily as I reached my car.

‘Shit. Forgot the keys inside the hospital. Ugh, that means I have to go back in there. Go
back and face the overly sterile white walls of that giant building. Great.’

I went back in, spotted the receptionist giving me a strange look, but decided to make nothing of it.

‘I don’t have the time for this, I want to go home!’

Angry, salty tears stung my eyes, and as I blinked, a heavy flow trickled down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away as I saw that boy again. Standing up he looked different, he looked…older. Regaining my thoughts, I went straight past him, head down, heading towards the room where I had previously received the news.

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I leaned over and grabbed my phone. 'Frank' appeared on the screen, next to the little revolving blue phone that appeared whenever anyone called me, which really wasn't that much. I heaved myself out the chair and was just about to press the 'answer' button when I noticed the girl had come back in and was disappearing through a door to my right. Instead I press 'ignore'. Frank would have to wait. I waited for what seemed like ages (when it was probably only about a minute) and she didn't reappear. My phone rang again.
Irritated, I clicked 'answer'.


"Gerard, where are you?!" He sound anxious.

I rolled my eyes. 'Thanks for letting everyone know, Mikey!' I though bitterly.

"In hospital."

No answer.


"Why are you in hospital?"

Just then the girl re-appeared.

"Can't talk just now Frankie. I'll call you back," I said and hung up.

Aurélie’s P.O.V

I grabbed my keys which were still on the table from my previous visit, and head out the door. I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
I heard talking, and saw, in the corner of my eye, the boy I’d noticed earlier.
My eyes widened in panic,

‘He can’t see me like this!’

I thought, touching the top of my unwashed, dishevelled hair.
Again, I put my head down, waving at the receptionist as a thank you as I was leaving. I think she may have thought I was a bit mental but oh well, that didn’t matter right now.
I saw the boy put his phone in his pocket, and decided that was my queue to start power walking. Fumbling with my keys in my hands, I waited for the elevator doors to open to get into it. I turned around, looking up to see them closing, and noticed the boy heading my way, as if he were about to say something.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I slide the glass door aside and walked into the crowded waiting room. The duck-egg blue tiles on the floor were covered in scuff marks, young children's toys, bits of paper that had fallen out of people's bags, young children... I nearly tripped over one on my way over to her. She sure walked fast. Maybe I really had upset her earlier. I sped up, and managed to get closer to her as she waited for the elevator. And then she looked at me.

'Say something!' I told myself, opening my mouth. 'Something! Anything!'
