Seems An Awful Waste

... Gonna think of a title...

Aurélie’s P.O.V

I never got to sleep after that. I just stayed lying there for a few hours, staring at the broken ceiling.

‘Is this what I really want to do with the rest of the time I have left? Stare a friggin broken ceiling, in a crappy apartment that has no heating? No, I have to brace my life; I have to…do something with it for once!’

With that, I got up, got dressed in a pair of light blue, torn baggy jeans, and a long light grey top that covered my bum… and went out.
I took Sandy with me to the park, just to get a little fresh air into my system, when I realised I had a check up again this after noon. I needed to get back to the house, drop Sandy off, and get to the hospital in less than 30 minutes. Which, basically, was practically impossible.
I decided to miss the check up for once. I mean, I could go in tomorrow right?
One day’s not that much of a difference. It’s all good.

I threw the Frisbee I had taken with me for Sandy to catch, and she caught it right up in the air. I gave her a little treat as she stared up at me with those big beautiful hazel eyes, which reminded me so much of Gerard.

‘GERARD!’ I suddenly thought ‘I might see him again if I go today!’

Gerard's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up to see Frank had moved to the chair beside my bed. He was still asleep. I slipped out of bed, into the still dark hospital and wandered through the still deserted corridors. Well - mostly deserted, but I kept away from the corridors full of light and loudly talking people.

I made my way towards the elevator and pressed the button. 'Will I ever see Aurélie again?' I wondered silently to myself. 'You might be dead before you get the chance... depending on whether or not you actually have-' I couldn't even bare to think it. 'Seems an awful waste.. we could've-' but my train of thought was cut off when the elevator arrived and the doors opened. I stepped inside, knowing I was only doing this because it made me think of her. But then again, any distraction was a blessing.

I continued on my lonely tour of the building, until I though of Frank, and went back, not wanting him to worry.

Aurélie’s P.O.V.

Looking up at the giant white building, I sighed in frustration. I didn’t want to be here, I never wanted to come back… Back to where I received the news that I was going to die. But I wanted to see Gerard. I wanted to lose myself into his big hazel eyes, and talk to him for hours on end.

‘Okay, I’ll go in. Just to see if he’s there.’

I walked inside and headed straight to the elevator. No one needed to see me if I didn’t want them to. Frantically pressing the button, the doors finally opened, and I slipped inside without making a sound. I headed for the floor I had previously been allocated to, a few days back. The doors slid open and I headed outside, looking to the right, and then to the left. I stopped dead in my tracks as the elevator next to mine opened as well. Twisting round, I realised someone was walking out. Little did I realise at the time…it was Gerard

Gerard's P.O.V.


I looked up as someone called my name. Dr. John Smith, who had scanned me yesterday, was heading towards me. He looked awfully tired. He ran his left hand roughly through his grey hair; his wedding ring glinted in the artificial light from the too-bright bulbs.
"Dr. Smith," I replied, trying desperately to force a genuine smile.

"I have some news for you."

My heart stopped. News? This couldn't be... Could I really have-

"I think you'd better come to my office,"

he said, gently steering me through his door. I put up no resistance, and took a seat in front of his desk. I caught a glimpse of who I thought was Aurélie standing by the elevators. But then Dr. Smith shut his door and took the seat before me, demanding my attention.

"Which do you want to hear first - the good or the bad?"

I couldn't answer. At least there was good news, but what of the bad news... which way
would be more painful? I swallowed


He looked down at his hands and gritted his teeth, as though dreading what he had to tell me.

"Gerard, I'm afraid to say you've got brain cancer."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is important:
Im now going to put 4 or so P.O.Vs at a time, otherwise the chapters will be too short. I might reajust the other ones later.