Seems An Awful Waste

Lying's Such A Waste Of Breath.

Aurélie’s P.O.V

He glanced at the pair of us for about a minute before heading for the door as fast as he possibly could. I took a couple of steps forwards, trying to reach out to him but the boy behind me held me back. I turned around and looked into his worried eyes, giving him the same expression.

“Give him some space. He needs it”

The pause between his two utterances was short. He knew what I was thinking. I wanted to run up to him, and hug him tight until he gave into me and cried onto my shoulder. I wanted to know everything. I wanted to hear his voice whisper softly in my ear telling me not to worry, I wanted him to tell me everything was gonna be okay.

Glancing down at the floor, I changed the subject. If he needed space, I wasn’t going to just sit around and wait.

“You never told me your name by the way”

“Frank. Frank Iero. But you can call me Frankie.”

“Okay… Frankie. Do you like coffee?”

Gerard's P.O.V.

I stood up and headed out the coffeehouse. Guilt was beginning to wash over me. How could I have just run off like that? I trudged slowly back up the streets I had taken earlier. It felt like hours ago that I had run out the hospital, when it couldn't have been more than 45 minutes. My head ached as I tried to remember the way.

After about half an hour of stumbling around, I saw a sign directing me towards the hospital, and telling me it was half a mile away. I sighed and started in the direction it indicated.
15 Minutes later I had found my way into the hospital, and headed towards the hospital cafe, figuring that's where Frank would head. I stopped by the door, looking in at Aurélie and Frank, sat at a table in the middle of the room. I didn't want to interrupt them, have to break the bad news to them; they looked happy, despite it still being before 11 am. I stood, watching them through the window, unnoticed until Aurélie glanced behind her.

Aurélie’s P.O.V.

The cafeteria was full for the time of day it was. There were no other tables so Frank and I sat ourselves down right in the middle, where everyone could stare at us as if we were a bunch of Zoo animals. Frank returned with two steaming hot coffees in his hands, and handed one to me. I wrapped my frozen fingers around the cup, waiting for them to warm up a little before taking a sip.

“So you’re the famous Frank then.”

He looked at me with an air of suspicion and curiosity. He had no idea what I was talking about.

“You know. Yesterday, when you called Gee up on his mobile and he had to hang up on you”

“Oh… so you were the reason why”

We both blushed furiously before staring back down at our cups, both giggling like kids. I liked Frank; he seemed like a pretty decent guy in my eyes. He came to visit Gerard in the hospital… he must really like him. I took another sip of my coffee, and miraculously managed to miss my mouth and spilt boiling hot liquid all over my top.


I looked around for a napkin. None in sight. I turned around to glance at the other end of the room, and saw Gerard standing behind the sliding doors. All of a sudden, the coffee didn’t matter anymore, the numbness had covered up the pain of the heat, and my heart was going to explode from overdrive.

I glanced back at Frank who hadn’t noticed him yet, and decided to say nothing for now. I stood up and headed towards the exit.

“I’ll be right back.” I mouthed to him, letting him understand where I was going as I felt his eyes follow my every move. I got to the doors, which slid open and stared at Gerard for a few seconds before stepping forwards.

I tried to retain myself from going over to him and hug him, so I broke the silence that had formed a wall between us.

“How bad is it?” I managed to choke out without wanting to break down and cry at his feet.

Gerard's P.O.V.

When Aurélie noticed me she stood up and came over to me immediately, seeming to not tell Frank where she was going. As she stepped outside the cafe, I saw she had a huge coffee stain down her front. She seemed to be holding back tears, her eyes appearing larger than usual.

"How bad is it?" she asked, her voice close to cracking.

I opened my mouth to tell her. But I couldn't, she looked so upset, I didn't want to tell her that I might have fucking brain cancer. So I twisted the truth.

"The doctor said that I had a 90% chance of being clear. They just have to run more tests to check for that 10%."

Her face lightened, and broke into a smile.

"Wow, I thought it's be much worse. How come you left?"

Fuck, I thought, How do I get round that one?

"Oh, I just wanted some time to myself, you know, to absorb the good news."

"But you looked so upset..."

"I…er- started crying in relief it must've looked like I was upset." I silently begged her to
question me no more - that was what I hated about lying. One lie told, and ten more soon follow.

"Do you wanna see Frank?"

I nodded. If only Frank couldn't always tell when I lie...