I Pledge Allegiance to the Band

dennis the mennis

Trixie's POV


The place wasn't too popular at night. It deflected tourists at least. Plus, thanks to the manager's permission, we were allowed to be at the lake and borrow a boat. This was a rare occasion but only 4 times a year, our friends and their friends would come to the lake, mainly to celebrate someone's birthday. It was currently 11pm and in an hour, it would be Riannon's birthday.

We were based around, roughly, Phoenix. This lake was situated farther up the town, two hours away. Dennis, the owner of the place, liked to keep us in line of who snuck into the office and stole keys to the boat - just to prevent us from trashing the place too much. I remember when he caught us. He was furious but he understood that we were just 'youngens' who wanted to party. Respectively, we practically handed over some of our savings. Dennis was in his late 50's and he often told us stories of his hippie years. He was a dandy old man.

This tradition started off with a group of friends just celebrating a birthday but eventually word got around that we had killer parties. Consequently, the parties got bigger. The strangers that constantly showed up, well, they became friends. Hell, even the locals liked to join from time to time. It still amazes us how some people would drive two hours, maybe more, to get trashed on a boat. Someone even flew from CA.

Greeted at the carpark, Dennis leant us his car with his arms crossed. Grace killed the engine while Stefanie went off to hear Dennis lay down the ground rules, as usual. As for Riannon and I, we stalked to the back of the car, opening to the boot.

"It's beautiful," Riannon breathed as she saw the many boxes of alcohol. She wiped an imaginary tear away.

I patted her shoulder supportively. "It's okay, bro. Let it all out."

"I JUST HAVE TOO MANY FEELS," Riannon cried. I nodded in understanding. Putting our dramatic acts aside, we went to work and loaded the boat with our booze.

Grace boarded on, holding a spatula high in the air. "GRACE, COOKING QUEEN."

"I don't want to burn to death on my birthday, Grace," Riannon replied.

Grace laughed sarcastically. "That's hilarious ha hA HA. Really."

"Have a good birthday, Riannon!" We heard Dennis yell.

"Thank you!" Riannon screamed back. He waved goodbye to all of us as he drove away. Funny how he trusted us. But the lake did miraculously untouched by opening time.

By 11:30pm, most guests had started to arrive. Stefanie, the older and apparently more 'mature' one, handed them the keys to their assigned boat. Because there were a lot of people, they'd always be kind enough to grab the birthday girl a simple gift.

I was talking to an old acquaintance from high school when Stefanie nudged my shoulder. "Looky who's here."

I turned around to see the sights of the boys parking their van in the lot. I grinned and looked up at Stef. "God bless your mutuality with your friend and her connection with bands."

"Guess I better give them the keys," Stefanie wiggled her eyebrows, smirking.

I shrugged. "Guess I better help them with their beer," I replied. I turned to my high school buddy, apologizing. "I'm sorry! I'll find you and we'll talk more later! I'm sorry!"

Brenna smiled, nodding. "It's okay! Go have fun!"

Following behind Stefanie, she greeted them politely but confidently. The Maine and their crew were unpredictable. You never knew what party they showed up to. I guess that was the beauty of it.

"Howdy there," Tim smiled.

"Back for another party," Stefanie commented.

Sliding the door, Kennedy emerged out of the van first. He scoffed. "I'm insulted. Who wouldn't attend one of your infamous parties?"

Lily, the mutual friend, joined us and laughed. "Don't be rude and hurry up and get on a boat."

"Yes ma'am," Kennedy and Tim replied, saluting her. She ran back to her group of friends and I stood admiring the guys while Stefanie handed the keys to Pat.


Stefanie leant closer to Pat. "These boats are not bumper cars. Destroy them and it's our throats. Do you hear me?"

Pat nodded, in complete obedience. He may have even shat his pants.

Stefanie sighed, looking up, saying to Vito, "Yes, but he's the most intimidated and paranoid. Look at him."

Once introductions were done, we were on our way back to the boat when Kennedy shouted, "Oh, we forgot to tell you that The Summer Set dudes and the Rocket gang are heading out here."

We thanked him for this information and went on the boat. I rested my hand on Riannon's shoulder. "Stephen's comi--"

An abrupt squeal came from Riannon.

That was all that had to be said because just a few minutes later, the party really started.