Status: This is going to be about issues, such as how people hurt themselves...If you've ever hurt yourself, you can message me and talk to me about it. I won't tell anyone, but I'll be a friend.

The Secrets of a Booknerd


No one ever asked me why I hurt myself, they've never even paid enough attention to care. Not that I've asked, I just wish I wasn't alone, I wish I wasn't scared of every guy I've ever met. I want to be open, honest, and not binded to the past by my scars.

There's invisable scar's, that no one seems to notice.

It's just how everyone is now-of-day's... If it's not about them, they don't care.

Some people, when they find out you hurt yourself, they worry, and then when you turn your back, they make fun of you.

They should really make up their mind.

If they care, they should speak up.

If they don't care, they shouldn't hurt you anymore.

But then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think, if I should continue writing this or not.