Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 1

I groaned as I plopped myself down on the plush arm chair in my sister, Holly’s living room. She looked up from her tabloid magazine with a raised eyebrow. “What is it now, Natalie?”

“Just everything! I finally finished my novel a few nights ago, but as I read it over, I realized it was shit! Absolute shit,” I sighed.

“I’m sure it isn’t that bad. You’re always too critical with your work,” Holly snorted with disbelief and set down her magazine to let my niece, Fiona climb into her lap.

I forced a smile at my darling little niece, before letting my head fall back against the chair with a sigh. “I’m being serious Holl! It sounds too fake, too forced! Maybe I’ll just give up. I’ll start working full time at the library, I can sell my computer, and I may have to move out of my apartment. It might be a bit expens-”

“Hey, tell you what,” She cut me off mid rant. “Before you go letting go of your life dream, let me take a read. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you’re saying it is. Bring over a copy later, and if you really want me to, I could maybe give you a few pointers on making it better.”

I looked at her suspiciously as a shit- eating grin became plastered on her face. “What’s the catch?”

“Oh, no catch at all,” She looked down and smoothed away the blonde hair in Fiona’s face. “But if you want it done sometime soon, you could take Princess Fiona out. She has tickets for a CD signing by this boy band she’s been absolutely obsessed with, One Direction. I thought maybe you could take her for a day and night? Keep her at you’re place over night in London tomorrow, and then we can pick her up on the way to Mike’s parents. It would give Mike and I a night to ourselves and I’m sure Fiona would much rather go with her Aunty Natalie rather than boring old mummy, wouldn’t you darling?”

Fiona jumped up and ran over into my laugh. “Oh please, Aunty Natalie! It would be so much fun for us to go together! We could go shopping, and paint our fingers and toes, and we could stay up all night eating ice cream! Please, please, please will you take me?”

I looked down into her cute little face, and couldn’t resist that darling smile, and those puppy dog eyes. “Anything for you, love! I would love to take you! We will have a fabulous time, I’m sure. I haven’t had my favourite niece all to myself in quite some time!”

Fiona giggled into my ear as she hugged me. “Oh Aunt Natalie, I’m your only niece silly!”

Holly grinned as she stood up. “Well that’s settled then! Why don’t we go pack your bag for tomorrow, Fiona?”

“First, I have to show Aunt Natalie my room! I want to show her all of my new things that I got for Christmas from Gran and Grandpa McLean!” Fiona grabbed my hand and pulled me up the winding stairs to her room, with Holly trailing behind us.

When I walked through the door, I was blinded by the fan girl memorabilia that was scattered on the walls, floor, shelves, and even the ceiling. There were posters, books, CD’s, DVD’S, and even Barbie’s, that were set neatly on a high shelf, as if to be safe from the temptation of playing with them. As Fiona pulled me around the room showing me all of her things that her extremely rich grandparents had gifted her, my eyes were drawn to the faces on the poster right above her bed.

When my niece saw where I was looking, she immediately dragged me over there, claiming it was her ‘favourite’. “That’s Liam, then Niall, Louis, Harry, and that’s Zayn!” She said, as she pointed out each member for me.

There was five boys men smiling on the poster. The first she had pointed out to be Liam, had slightly curly, thick light brown hair. He had deep brown eyes and a smirk on his face, as if he was the best man in the world. The next, Niall, had blonde hair with brown roots, blue eyes and was looking slightly dazed- as if someone had just woke him up from a nap. Harry looked as if he was the heartthrob of the five, with his curly brown hair, pale skin and his cute dimples. The man beside him, Zayn, was almost his complete opposite, with his tan complexion, brown- almost black hair that looked as if he had spent hours trying to get it to sit just right, and his deep brown eyes.

The final member, Louis, was in my opinion the highlight of the group. He had brown hair that was swept across his forehead in a natural manner, and a cute, almost lazy smile. He was wearing a red striped shirt with brown suspenders. All of the boys in the band were shockingly beautiful, but Louis definitely took the cake.

I barely paid attention as Fiona explained everything about her favourite member, Harry. I just couldn’t stop looking at the gorgeous face that was smiling at me from her wall. There was just something about him, something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.


“I can’t believe I’m actually going to meet One Direction, Aunt Natalie!” Fiona shrieked as I parked the car in the rapidly filling car park outside the book store. I looked around, somewhat wearingly at the teenage girls that were running past us to get into the queue. I knew that One Direction was popular, but I didn’t know that they were this popular. There were literally girls crying out side as the waited for the doors to open. I began to wonder just what Holly had gotten me into.

I got out of the car with a sigh and went to open the back door for Fiona. “Okay Princess, I don’t want you to ever let go of my hand okay?” I said, looking into her eyes. “I don’t want you to get lost, lord knows your mother would kill me. It’s going to be really busy so hold onto your things tightly. Remember to never let go of my hand, okay?”

She nodded her head eagerly, and with her Up All Night CD in her little hand, she got out of my Mini Cooper and grabbed my hand. I pulled her along after locking my car, and we went to stand in the steadily increasing queue.

I pulled out my iPhone and let Fiona have an ear piece to block off the loudly cussing teenage girls behind us. I mean, I know my mouth can be filthy sometimes, but these girls seemed to be swearing every other word, and I really didn’t want my five year old niece to be going home with the mouth of a sailor.

Finally after about an hour of waiting in line, the doors open and the chaos ensued. I put away my iPhone as we moved into the book store after having our tickets checked. The book store was already filled with screaming, pushing, teenage girls. After about the fifth blow to my back, I was ready to turn around and give this girl a piece of my mind when I realized that my hand was cold, and wasn’t holding my nieces.

My head whipped back and forth looking for a short, blonde child in the hordes of girls, although it was pretty much possible. After having no luck finding her from my spot in line, I tapped the red headed teenager in front of me on the shoulder. “Excuse me, but have you seen a little girl? She has blonde hair, blue eyes. She’s wearing red shorts and a One Direction shirt.”

The girl turned around and looked around the room before saying, “The last time I saw her, she was heading that way.” She pointed to the right, down an empty corridor.

Shit. “Could you possibly hold this spot for me? I need to go find her,” I asked, pleadingly. What would I do if I lost her? Besides the fact that my sister would kill me, how would I be able to live with myself?

The girl nodded and I took off down the empty corridor. “Fiona! Where are you Princess?” I practically ran down the corridors looking in every nook and cranny I could see, hoping for just a glimpse of her blonde locks.

I became more and more desperate as time passed without even finding a trace of Fiona. I ran down each corridor, becoming lost on the way- but that was the least of my worries. I had to find her. She was just a little girl for goodness sake! She wouldn’t be able to survive on her own.

I was holding back tears as I turned the final corner before coming to face to face with a dead end. This time I didn’t try to hold the tears in. They fell down my face, and dripped onto my shirt.

I was just about to pull out my iPhone and dial my sister, when a little voice stopped me. “Aunt Natalie?”

I my head snapped up so fast I’m surprised I didn’t get whiplash. There she was. Right in front of me was a crying Fiona, holding her One Direction CD to her chest. I got on my knees in front of her and pulled her into my arms. “Thank God you’re alright! Don’t ever do that to me again Princess! You had me so scared. I don’t know what I would do without you, Fiona. Why did you let go of my hand?” I pulled back and asked her through my tears.

“I had to go to the loo, and I didn’t want to ask you because I didn’t want to lose our spot in the queue. But I got lost. I’m so sorry Aunty! I promise I’ll never do it again, just please don’t tell my mummy!” Fiona sobbed onto my shoulder.

I stroked her golden locks. “I won’t sweetheart; you just scared the living day lights out of me, that’s all.”

Our little sob fest was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I cleaned the running mascara off of my face before looking up to the person who made the noise. Standing right in front of me was one of the men from Fiona’s poster, the one I couldn’t stop looking at. His name was Louis, if I remember correctly, not that you could forget someone like that.

He had his hands shoved into the pockets of his red pants, and he was looking right at me with those adorable blue eyes. Louis was wearing a white shirt with thin blue stripes-of course-, and some blue Toms. He looked a bit ashamed to have interrupted Fiona and I.

I sniffled and straightened grapping Fiona’s hand in the process. “Hello, I’m Natalie Green. I take it you helped Princess Fiona here find me?” I stuck my hand out to him and smiled.

In return he gave me one of his dazzling grins, and shook my hand. I couldn’t help but get butterflies in my stomach and a blush on my cheeks when our hands touched. “Louis Tomlinson. It was my pleasure to have helped such a beautiful young girl find her just as beautiful aunt.”

I blushed and Fiona giggled at his compliments. “Thank you Mr. Tomlinson. I don’t know if I would ever be able to thank you enough for finding Fiona.”

“It’s Louis and you can thank me later; I believe Fiona had some things she wanted the guys and I to sign? Let me lead take you to them, that way you can skip the queue,” Louis suggested with a grin, and held out a hand to Fiona.

I smiled shyly and grabbed Fiona’s other hand. “Okay Louis.”


“Hey guys, I’d like for you to meet my new friends Fiona and Natalie!” Louis said as he ruffled Harry’s hair on his way to his seat at the table.

I handed Fiona her CD that I had been holding onto and I got out the poster she had given me, insisting that everyone needed a One Direction poster for their room, including me. I placed my hand on the small of her back and slightly pushed forward my suddenly shy niece. “Go on Princess. I’m sure they don’t bite.”

“We only bite if you want us to, love,” The curly haired one, Harry, said with a wink causing several girls behind us to swoon.

Liam leaned over and hit Harry on the back on the head. “Come along love, is your name Fiona?” He asked, taking her CD.

“Y-yes,” my niece stuttered, looking as if she was on the verge of tears. I rested my hand on her small shoulder to try and provide at least a little bit of comfort.

He handed her back her CD and smiled. “Well Fiona, it was a pleasure to meet you and thank you for supporting One Direction.”

I handed Liam my poster as I watched out of the corner of my eye Zayn signing Fiona’s CD. She seemed to be getting a bit more comfortable and didn’t look like she was going to cry anymore.

“Are you Natalie?” Liam asked me, picking up his sharpie. I nodded and he scribbled on the poster before passing it back to me. “Thank you for supporting us and our music.” He smiled at me one last time before taking the next CD from the girl behind me.

I moved onto Zayn, watching him sign my poster and make small talk before moving onto Niall. This continued all the way down to Louis, with a little flirting from Harry added to the mix. I handed Louis my poster after he was done with Fiona.

“I still don’t know how to thank you for finding Fiona,” I said as he scribbled his signature on my poster with a smiley face and a little note underneath that. He looked up at me with that dazzling smile and held out his Sharpie for me. Confused, I took it from him.

“You can thank me by giving me your number and I’ll call you sometime, and we can meet up for lunch,” Louis held out his hand and smiled at me. I hesitated a little, I didn’t normally give out my phone number to random people, international pop star or not. His smile dropped as well as his hand. “Or not, you don’t have to or anything…”

I smiled and held out my hand. “Give me your hand, Louis.”

He slipped his hand into mine and I wrote my number on the inside in thick black Sharpie. Louis came around the table and crouched down, giving Fiona a hug before standing and pulling me into his arms. I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to always have these arms open to me. He pulled back after what seemed like forever and gave Fiona and I one of his classic smiles. “Bye ladies! I’ll be in touch! Don’t get lost on the way out!”

I waved and led Fiona outside of the crammed book store. By the time I had her buckled in and was sitting in the driver’s seat I had a text. I opened it and it read.

Lunch tomorrow? –Louis :)

I smiled and replied before pulling away.

I wouldn’t miss it for the world! –Natalie :D
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New story :D Please drop a comment on how I did! Hopefully I won't lose interest with this one, although I really like it!