Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 10

Gregory had Louis up against the wall in the blink of an eye and was shouting in his face. Louis looked shocked, and I felt a pang of guilt wash over me. He had been blindsided by my brother and I had done nothing about it. I should’ve never let him come over. I should’ve never have put him in this position.

“You think you can just walk in here? Who gave you the right to come over looking for my sister? Who gave you the right to date my sister? I sure as hell didn’t!” He bellowed in Louis’ face.

Louis broke free from Gregory’s vice-like grip, his face tingeing red with anger. “Last time I checked, Natalie was a grown woman and can do whatever the bloody hell she wants. She’s not a child, for Christ’s sake!” Louis was inching towards Gregory with every word he screamed, until he was chest to chest with him. I had never seen Louis lose his cool like this. Never.

Gregory was just as mad as Louis, if not more. “Maybe I would trust her to make her own decisions, if she made the right ones, but judging by you, I obviously can’t trust her!”

“And what’s so wrong with me? I have money, I can provide for her. I’m a nice guy; I have good friends and family! Don’t you want your sister to be happy?”

“That’s why I’m doing this! You could never make her happy!” Gregory’s fists balled at his side, as he pressed closer into Louis.

“Yeah? Well I beg to differ!” Louis pushed Gregory away from him.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Once Gregory had caught his balance, he raised his balled fist and slammed it into the side of Louis’ face. Louis answered with a few strong punches to the gut. I was in shock as Louis gave Gregory a good punch to his nose, hearing the sickening crack of bone.
“Stop!” I screamed as the punches kept flying. I stepped between the two of them, catching the punch Gregory had thrown with my ribs. I kneeled over in pain, gasping for breath. Louis was down on his knees beside me, Gregory staring at his fist in shock.

“Are you okay, love?” Louis asked, rubbing my shoulder soothingly.

Gregory pushed Louis away from me. “Don’t touch her!”

Louis scrambled to his feet, posed to fight again when I yelled at the top of my lungs. “Stop it!” They both turned to look at me, fists still at the ready. “Lou, just go.” I whispered. “Please.”

Louis gaped at me. “What do you mean?”

Tears slipped from my eyes when I saw his crestfallen face. “Louis…I can’t see you anymore. Just leave.”

“Natalie, please don’t do this,” Louis pleaded, making his way towards me. “Please.

I closed my eyes and turned away from him, tears flowing freely from my eyes now. “Goodbye Louis.”

Gregory chose this moment to speak up. He grabbed Louis’ arm and started dragging him to my front door. “You heard her. Out with you!”

“Natalie! Please-” I sobbed as Gregory slammed the door, cutting Louis off.

My brother turned towards me and gave me a sinister grin. “I’m glad you finally came to your senses, Natty.” He wrapped his arms around my shaking body but I broke free and stared at him incredulously.

“I hate you.” I transferred all of my pain into those three words, before turning around and racing to the safe haven of my bedroom.


My phone had been ringing constantly since that night three weeks ago. After the first ten calls, I just turned it off all together. It had been the same with my Twitter, my Facebook and my E-Mail. It was so bad I just ignored my computer and cell phone all together. I barely went out in public, and when I did I was haunted by him.

His face was everywhere. He was on all the things you would expect him to be on –tabloids, magazines, merchandise- but he was also in the normal everyday things like his favourite Yorkshire tea. Maybe I was losing my mind, or maybe it was just my conscious punishing me for letting him go.

I regretted it, I did. But never once did I pick up the phone to answer one of his many voicemails, nor did I even log onto my computer to answer an email or a tweet. There was no way he would even think of taking me back, I was sure. So I had decided to save myself some of the heartbreak and not even bother.

Gregory had left the night after the fight without a single word. I don’t think he could have stood for listening to my cries for any longer. I didn’t hate him as I had said that night. He had given up so much for me after our parents died. It wasn’t fair for me to hate him though I’m still very angry with him. Our relationship will never be the same but he’s family and we had never given up on each other, and I wasn’t about to stop now.

Holly made the trip from Wells to see me again, this time without Fiona, and she was as upset as I was about this whole thing. She promised to come up every weekend and stay with me, and so far she hadn’t broken that promise.

And that was why I was standing in the airport, decked out in a number of wool scarfs and sunglasses to hide my puffy eyes, waiting for her flight to come in. She normally would have made the drive, but she had been hit with a sudden bout of morning symptoms and didn’t feel up to driving. I had protested, saying she could wait another weekend to come down but being the stubborn woman she is, she wouldn’t listen to reason.

I sipped my tea and stared absentmindedly at the scheduled flights, watching as some flights were announced delayed and some earlier. I sighed as I noticed that Holly’s flight was delayed by another ten minutes, having hit some turbulence. I decided to take a seat and I sat down in the uncomfortable airport benches. I chipped at the paint at my nails and looked up when someone called my name, freezing when I saw who it was.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was hard for me to write but it had to be done. I just wish everything could be perfect for them, ya know? D':

BUT OMG! 10 STARS, 40 COMMENTS, 78 SUBSCRIBERS?!?! I love you all of you guys so much! You guys are the fuel to my fire, thank you so much!

I also have a 3 day weekend this weekend, so guess what that means! MORE CHAPTERS!! XD lol, I have no life.

Oh and who do you think it is that called Natalie's name in the airport? Whoever guesses correctly, I will write a one shot for them if they want? :3

Anyways, here's Louis!

Special thanks to:
Give me Therapy...

for their comments on chapter 8 and 9!

-Paige :)xox