Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 12

I bit at my nail nervously as I stood in front of the apartment block, trying to muster up the courage to go in there. What if they all hated me? I don’t think I would be able to not cry if they did. I could’ve never imagined Niall hating anyone, but after everything I’ve put Louis through…well I wouldn’t blame him.

I spun around to head back to my car just as I thought that, tears pricking my eyes. I had taken but one step towards my car, when I caught sight of him. He was just crossing the street, a cup of coffee in his hands. Although he was still dressed in his plaid pajama pants, he was still the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. His brown hair was, like always, swept messily across his forehead and sticking up in spikes. He looked as if he had a few days growth of stubble on his jaw, something every girl across the world swooned over. He took a sip of his coffee and when he looked up at me, I could see deep bags under his beautiful blue-green eyes.

Louis froze, mid sip, when we locked eyes. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and wished I had made an attempt to at least dress up a bit, in place of my sweats. His face was blank of all emotion as he stared at me, unnerving me. My eyes welled with tears again with each minute that passed without any word from the man in front of me.

I shook my head slowly as the tears finally fell, and I turned away from him and started for my car. I pulled my hood tighter around my face as I wrapped my arms around myself. I sobbed as I pushed my way through the crowded sidewalk, trying to locate my car so I could get home where a pint of ice cream was calling my name.

I was just meters away from my car when a hand clamped down on my upper arm and spun me around. My mouth parted in shock as I looked into Louis’ watery eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, of what I don’t know, but Louis held up his unoccupied hand to stop me, his coffee now gone. Louis face softened and one tear slipped down his face as he whispered to me, “Don’t ever walk away from me again, Natalie. You walked away once, and I vowed to myself to never let you walk away again. Natalie, please forgive me! I don’t know what came over me when I hit him, but just the way he was treating you….but it’s no excuse for how I acted-,”

I cupped his cheeks in my hands as I cut him off, “Louis, there’s nothing for me to forgive. You did nothing wrong. I was the one in the wrong, I was the one who sent you away and that was the biggest mistake of my life. Louis, will you forgive me?”

“I forgave you seconds after I left your apartment three weeks ago, Natalie. I will always forgive you, no matter what.” He wiped away the tears that were falling freely down my face now and rubbed my cheek bones with his large, warm hands. “Nat, I’ve just barely known you a month, and I know it’s soon but I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

“I feel the same about you too, Louis.” I looked up into his eyes and saw something I had never seen there before. It wasn’t anger, sadness or guilt. It was something else entirely.

“Don’t you get it Natalie? I love you! And being apart from you for these three weeks has nearly killed me. I can barely function without you, Nat. I’ve been a walking zombie, a corpse-”

I cut him off as I crashed my lips against his, expressing all of my feelings through this kiss. Louis froze for a split second before responding back eagerly. His soft lips massaged mine as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his arms. Louis tongue swept out of his mouth and pushed against the seam of my lips, begging for entrance. I wrapped my arms around his neck and granted him assess to my mouth. His tongue massaged mine with an air of expertise that I did not possess. Damn, this man could kiss!

I pulled away reluctantly when my need for air grew, and looked up into his eyes and whispered, “I love you too, Louis.”

His beautiful face lit up in a grin and he let out a shout of glee as he spun me around. Unfortunately, this attracted us unwanted attention as some fans and reporters crowded around us, calling out to Louis for autographs, pictures and interviews.

Louis sighed as he set me down, grabbing my hand as he signed a few things for fans and ignoring the reporters. He never let go of my hand other than to take a few pictures with fans, which I gladly took.

As I was giving one fan back her phone that I had used to take the picture, I heard her ask Louis, “Are you two dating?”

I watched as Louis looked up at me and without breaking eye contact, replied, “Yes.”

He left the fans, wrapping his arm around my waist and led me towards his apartment block. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, “So we’re dating?”

The teen pop sensation looked down at me. “Yes, we are. Did you not get the memo?”

“Actually, I didn’t. You know, where I’m from, they ask the other person if they’re dating before they tell the whole world, which is exactly what that girl will do.” I stopped and put my hands on my hips in mock seriousness.

Louis grinned as he slid down on both knees in front of me. He looked up at me with his puppy dog eyes and asked, “Natalie Green, will you be my girlfriend and put up with my love of carrots and Grease for forever? Well until Harry decides to take me up on my offer to elope that is.”

I laughed as I grabbed his hands to pull him up. “Yes, I will be your girlfriend you arse.” With that I placed a small kiss on his lips, before leading him to the lift.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry that it's taken me at least a month to get this out. My health has been failing me, I had exams at the end of June, & It was Canada Day on the first. But it's out and they're back together!! :D
I'll try to update tomorrow before I go to my cottage for a week without internet.
I also need a favour! I need a fan name for Natalie & Louis! Like 'Larry' and 'Lilo'. The best one I can come up with its 'Nouis' :P
Thanks guys! Much love xx
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My Guardian Angel

I imagine this as Louis' happy dance:
click here