Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 2

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I jolted up out of bed, slapping a hand against my alarm clock. 9:30. I groaned as I rolled out of bed onto the hardwood floor in my bedroom. I groggily wandered into the kitchen and turned on the kettle before getting out a box of Lucky Charms. I rubbed my eyes as I poured the cereal into my bowl. I didn’t bother with the milk as I sat down at my breakfast nook and started picking the marshmallows out and plopping them into my mouth. I noticed the blinking light of my answering machine, and I reached over and pressed play.

“Hello darling!” My sister’s voice echoed throughout room. “I hope you and Fiona had a wonderful day yesterday, I know Mike and I did. Any who, Mike and I are just about to leave. We should be there by 10 o clock. Nat, please have Fiona ready. We will still have a long drive ahead of us when we pick her up and Mike wants to get to his parents as quickly as early as possible. See you soon! Much love!”

I groaned and shut it off, before wandering down to the guest bedroom to wake the princess herself. My heart melted to see Fiona cuddled up in the sheets, hugging her favourite stuffed bunny to her chest. She was so cute; I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to take a picture. I quickly ran to my room, and grabbed my iPhone from the pocket of my pants that had been thrown on the ground the night before in my exhaustion. I snapped a quick picture of Fiona before posting it to my twitter with the caption “My darling niece Fiona was so exhausted after meeting @onedirection yesterday. We had such a great day together.”

I set my phone down on the night stand and sat on the bed beside Fiona, placing a hand on her shoulder and rubbing gently. “Time to wake up, Princess. Mummy and Daddy will be here soon to pick you up.”

The five year old sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Aunty Natalie?” She held out her arms to be picked up. I scooped her up into my arms and internally groaned. She wasn’t as light as she used to be, that’s for sure. That brought a little bit of a tear to my eye. I could still remember holding her in my arms for the first time; she was just a small 6lbs, 4 ounces. “Can I have Charms for breakfast?” She snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Of course you can, but don’t tell your mummy!” I winked at her as I set her down and led her into the kitchen where the kettle was going off. I unplugged it before pouring another, smaller bowl of Lucky Charms, this time adding milk. I set it down in front of her at the breakfast nook and made myself a tea before sitting down beside her. “So are you excited to see Gran and Grandpa McLean?”

Fiona looked up at me with her bright blue eyes and frowned. “I don’t want to leave you though.” She looked as if she was about to cry. “Why can’t you come with us?”

I leaned over and kissed the crown of her head and smoothed the hair back from her face. “I promise I will see you soon love, but I can’t come with you. I have plans today with a certain member of a boy band, remember?” I winked at her.

Her innocent eyes lit up as she remembered. “Can we pick out your outfit right now, Aunty Nat?” Fiona all but squealed, as she shot up from her stool, completely deserting her half-finished Lucky Charms.

“Oh, alright! But first, we have to get you dressed and get your things together. If you’re not ready, your mother will shoot me,” I laughed and followed her down the hall.


“Bye Princess! Have a good time! I’ll see you when I get back!” I called to the quickly disappearing car before turning around and heading back up to my flat. I cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen and grabbed my iPhone off the counter as I made my way back to my bedroom. I unlocked it and checked my messages. 2 unread messages. The first was from my brother.
Nat, I’m going to be in London in 2 weeks for business meetings. Can I crash at your place? –Gregory xox

I smiled and replied. For sure bro! You know you’re always welcome here! Maybe I could show you around and convince you to move to London? ;). I opened the next message and couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face or control the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach.

Good morning! I know the perfect place for us to have our lunch. Text me your address and I’ll pick you up at 12:30? – Louis (:

I texted him my address before heading into my adjoining bathroom. I had two hours to try and make myself look at least half decent. I turned the shower on, stripped, and got in. I washed my hair and body, also making sure to shave before stepping out into the steamy bathroom again. I wrapped myself in a towel and put on the outfit Fiona and I had chosen. Then, I blow dried and straightened my hair before doing my makeup and painting my nails. By the time I was satisfied, I only had time to brush my teeth before someone began repeatedly ringing my doorbell. I grabbed my purse and all but ran to open the door.

He looked breathtaking. Louis was wearing a white striped shirt –again-, pastel coloured shorts, and a pair of black Toms. He was leaning against my door frame and his eyes swept up and down my body and grinned as I blushed. “Hello, again! Might I say that you look absolutely beautiful,” Louis complimented me.

I blushed even more. If it was possible, my blush would be blushing. “Hi,” I breathed. For some reason, I was barely able to form words. My mouth felt like it was made of lead and something must have exploded in my stomach. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I asked, “Are you ready to head out?”

Louis nodded and offered me his elbow. I lightly placed my hand in the crook and fell into step with him as we walked out of the complex. “You’re in for a real treat, Natalie! This will be the best lunch date you’ve ever had!” He said, as we reached his car. He held open the passenger door for me and shut it after I slid in, before coming back around the car to the driver’s seat.

I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow as he pulled out of the car park into traffic. “What makes you so sure about that, Lou?”

“Well, you’ve never had lunch with Louis Tomlinson now have you?” He glanced over at me with his megawatt smile.

I just shook my head and smiled. “No, I guess I haven’t. Now, where is it we’re going for lunch?”

“Ah, ah, ah! That is a surprise, a surprise I say!” Louis bellowed into the small car, causing me to erupt into a fit of laughter, him chuckling along with me. “We’re almost there, love.”

I blushed a little bit at the term of endearment. Why was I feeling like this?! Christ, I hadn’t even known the man for a full twenty-four hours, and yet here I am, on a lunch date and feeling like a smitten teenager.

Louis pulled into a car park and turned off the car, getting out and opening the door for me again. I hesitated as I looked around; we were at an apartment complex-most likely his apartment complex. Blimey, did he think I was that easy?

As if he knew what I was thinking, he said, “It’s not what you think, Nat. This is the only place that we could have lunch without being stalked by the bloody paps.” I still slightly hesitated, biting my lower lip. “Just trust me, Natalie. I won’t let you down.”

As I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, I knew I did trust him, and I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He just wasn’t that type of person, I could tell although I barely knew him. “Okay, I trust you Lou.” I got out of the car, took his arm again and followed him up to his flat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was originally going to include the whole lunch date in this, but i'm very tired, and I am not feeling the greatest at the moment.

I do need some feed back on how I am doing on keeping Lou, well... Lou. I'm not quite sure if I'm portraying him correctly :$

Anyways, please drop a comment. They help get these chapters out faster! :)
The next chapter should be out on Wednesday, but it depends how much work I receive at school.

Much love, Paige xoxo