Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 3

"You're going to love this, Nat!" Louis exclaimed, as he unlocked his front door. Instead of opening it though, he took off the striped tie that had been hanging on the door knob.

I groaned. "That better not be for what I think it's for."

He shot me a cheeky grin. "Oh it is, love." He moved behind me and wrapped the tie around my head so it was covering my eyes.

"Is this really necessary, Lou?" I asked, as he grabbed my shoulders and guided me into his flat.

"Yes! How else would I get you into my dungeon willingly?" Louis joked as he stopped me in front of something. "Are you ready to have the best lunch of your life? To be swept off your feet? To eat such good food your taste buds will explo-"

"Yes, yes, I'm ready Louis! Now please take it off me!" I cut him off.

"Well, if you wanted me to take off your clothes already, you could have just asked!" Louis laughed and I flushed bright red as he took off the tie that was blindfolding me.

I vision blurred as the lights blinded me temporarily. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I was so glad that I had trusted him. He hadn't let me down, that's for sure.

We were in the middle of his living room, facing a window that took up the whole wall. The plush white couches where shoved up against the wall to make room for a red and white checkered blanket that lay on the floor. On the blanket, there is a wicker basket that I presumed was filled with our lunch.

"Did you really do all of this for me, Lou?" I asked, as I started tearing up a bit. No one had ever done anything like this for me before.

He rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Well, I didn't cook the food. Harry did...I'm not much of a cook."

I was already in his arms, giving him a good, old bone crushing hug by the time I had processed just what I was doing. I felt him freeze, and I pulled away awkwardly. “S-sorry, Lou. It’s just….no one has ever done something like that for me before.”

He smiled and pulled me into a much gentler hug than the one I had given him. “Well, there’s always a first time for everything! Now, let’s sit down and eat. I’m star-ving!” Louis sang as he pulled away from me and plopped down onto the checkered blanket.

My arms felt empty almost as soon as Louis pulled away. I frowned slightly. I had rarely ever felt this way with a guy, and it was definitely never this soon. I mean, come on! I just met the lad yesterday!

I sat down on the blanket covered floor across from Louis, and made sure that my dress settled appropriately. I would rather not flash him a glimpse, definitely not this soon, if ever. The international super star across from me looked up from the food he was taking out of the basket, and gave me one of his famous, mega-watt smiles. I felt the blood flooding my cheeks, and I looked down and tried to concentrate on getting the Tupperware lid off of a bowl of fruit.

“So, will you tell me where you’re from, love?” Louis asked me, as he took off the cling wrap from a platter of chicken salad sandwiches.

I chewed the grape that I had snuck into my mouth before answering. “I’m actually from Wells, but I moved London right after I finished school, when I was eighteen years old. Where are you from?” Louis laughed at my question and I raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s just that, after the X factor, no one really asked me that. They already knew everything about me, sometimes even more than I do. It’s refreshing to have someone know nothing about me, just like how I know nothing about them,” Louis paused to take a bite from a sandwich. “But to answer your question, I’m from Doncaster. Would you like a glass of lemonade?”

I nodded and took a sip after he gave me a full glass. “Is this what you do when you’re not busy with One Direction? Woo girls with apartment lunches?”

“Well, only the special ones.” I blushed as he winked.

“Lou, I’m nothing special. Nothing compared to you.” I looked down and stabbed at a piece of watermelon with my fork.

A long finger slipped under my chin and pulled my head up so I was looking into Louis’ deep blue eyes. “Don’t ever say that, Natalie. If people are too blind to see how wonderful you really are, then they are not the type of people to have around. I can see it, and I’ve only known you-” He glanced at his watch. “Twenty- two hours!”

“You won’t think that after you get to know me, Louis. I can promise you that much.” I quickly grabbed the container of chocolates. “Would you like one?”

He continued to stare at me as he brushed over my hand to grab one. It shouldn’t have surprised me that my skin tingled afterwards, but it did. “We will continue this conversation later. I just want to get to know you, love. What do you do?”

I smiled up at him, glad that he had dropped the topic- for now. “I’m a writer, actually but I work part-time at a library. I went to school for an English degree, and I actually completed a book a few weeks ago- although it needs a lot of revising.”

“A writer?!” Louis exclaimed. “I didn’t see that one coming! I thought you would’ve been a photographer or an artist.”

I threw my head back and let out a joyeous laugh. “Are you kidding me? I would never be able to walk around all day and take or draw pictures! I would much rather describe them with words. Let the reader imagine what it should look like.”

“Hey, maybe you should try writing a song!” Louis exclaimed, as if it was the best idea he had ever had. “You could write a song for the boys and I! Then, you could be in the music video!”

I snorted. “Yea, that sounds fun and all Lou, but I’d rather not hated off Twitter, or worse, killed.”

“Yea, that’s true…wait, you have a Twitter?” Louis jumped up excitedly to go and grab his iPhone off the counter in the kitchen. “Let’s take a picture!”

I groaned and tried to cover my face with my hand. “Please no, Lou!”

“Awe, come on!” Lou pleaded, jumping around in front of me. I shook my head at him. “Will you do it for me?” He looked at me with big puppy dog eyes, and a pouty lip. I couldn’t refuse.

“Oh, alright! But let me turn off my email notifications first.” I did just that and then hurriedly fixed my hair for the picture.

Lou plopped down beside me, and held his phone in front of us. We both smiled and he snapped the picture. He took a quick look at it and yelled, “Perfect!”

A minute or two later, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and laughed. “Oh, Lou!” He had posted the picture of us- which looked pretty good, if I do say so myself- onto Twitter.

With my new friend @Nat-Green92. I just couldn’t wait around for Harry forever, ya know! X


It was eight when Louis took me home. We had spent the rest of the afternoon on twitcam with his fans, and then afterwards we had the leftovers from lunch for dinner. We had a quick round of Wii tennis, which I can say I am terribly bad at, before leaving for my flat.

Currently, Louis and I were in the lift and he was jumping up and down to try and keep the lift from reaching my floor while I laughed my arse off. When we got to my floor, Louis admitted defeat and walked me to my door.

I unlocked my door and turned to Louis. “I want to thank you for today; I had a great time Louis.”

“No problem, love. You’ll have to come over for a movie or two sometime this week, yeah?”

I grinned. “For sure! Well thanks again for today. Good night, Louis.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek and closing the door behind me.

I was just taking my shoes off when there was a knock on my door. I turned around and opened it, wondering who was behind my door.

“I, uh, just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out Monday night?” Louis asked, quite shyly.

I blanched. “As in a date?”

“Only if you want to! I mean, if you just want to be friends, I completely understand. It’s just that I feel such a connection with you and I really li-”

I cut him off. “I would love to, Lou.”

He grinned. “Well alright, it’s a date! I’ll pick you up Monday night at around 7 pm?”

“Sounds great!” I wouldn’t have been able to wipe the smile off of my face even if I wanted to. “Well, good night Louis.”

“Good bye, Natalie.” He winked and walked away, as I shut and locked the door after him.

I leaned my head against the door, heaving a letting out a long sigh. I knew I had already fallen for him. I fell for him the moment I laid eyes on him. But, there was nothing I could do about it. He’s an international super star, with women falling at his feet everywhere around the world. He wouldn’t like someone like me…right?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I changed the layout, and I'm very happy that I got this out today, as promised!:)
Thank you so much to my commenters! Comments really mean the world to me!
Please drop a comment and I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I did!
Oh, and you can also follow me on twitter and tumblr if you like! The links are below! But beware! Almost all of what I post on Twitter is me bitching...
