Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 4

I pushed open the heavy glass door of the library, smiling as I heard the light tinkling of the chimes. I breathed in the familiar smell of the crisp pages and looked through the dust particles that clouded the air. My shoes squeaked on the hardwood floor as I made my way to the front counter.

“Hello, Crystal.” I set my bag down as I greeted the red head that was behind the counter.

She looked up at me over her glasses, and glanced up at the clock just above the front door. “You’re late again, Ms. Green. Please be punctual, or I’m going to have to reduce your payroll.”

I rolled my eyes and snorted. “That’s what you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time bef-”

“Okay, I think we get it! I’m a terrible boss, I know, I know. No need to remind me!” Crystal laughed and threw a paper ball at me as I passed to get to my chair. “You look hot! Is it a special occasion or something?”

I smoothed a hand over my shirt. “I just came from lunch with my brother.”

She looked up as she checked in a book and raised an eyebrow. “I thought he wasn’t supposed to arrive until sometime next week?”

I sighed as I logged into my computer and began returning books as well. “So did I. But I woke up this morning, and there he was on the other side of my door! I don’t know what I’m going to do when Louis comes to pick me up tomorrow for our date.”

“I wish you the best of luck! You and I both know that Gregory won’t take you dating too well.” Crystal laughed, as if it was the funniest thing in the world. Of course, she didn’t have siblings.

I gnawed on my bottom lip as I thought. “Maybe I should cancel? I could tell Louis I have to work or something…”

“No!” Crystal bellowed, causing an elderly lady in the corner of the library to glare at us. “You can’t cancel, Nat! Girls would kill for a date with Louis Tomlinson! Let me deal with Gregory! I’ll seduce him…or something…”

I gave her a disgusted look. “Really? Ugh, you’re disgusting. That’s my brother you’re talking about!”

The red head shrugged her shoulders. “Not my fault he’s so fuckable!”

I gasped and swatted her with my book. “Oh shut you’re trap, Crys!”

“Err..Excuse me?” A voice came from across the counter, as they banged on the bell repeatedly.

Both Crystal and I looked up at the man, who looked quite familiar. Niall Horan raked a hand through his light blonde hair before asking in his cute Irish accent, “Could I possibly use your phone? Mine died a while back, and I need to call one of my mates.”

“Of course you can!” Crystal exclaimed, obviously recognizing one of the members of One Direction as well. She handed the portable to him. “Here you go! Just give it back to Natalie here when you’re done! I’m going for my break, Nat.”

I nodded and watched silently as she packed up her things and left the near dead library. I returned back to my work and tried not to listen to Niall’s conversation, but he was just so damn loud.

“Yea, I’m at some library. My phone died so I gave it to Hazza before I went to Starbucks.” Niall paced slowly as he talked into the white portable phone that was held to his ear. “Ten minutes? Yea, I’ll wait here. Thanks mate! I owe you one!”

I averted my eyes as Niall hung up the phone and walked back over to the counter. He handed the phone to me and leaned against the counter. “Thanks for letting me use your phone. It feels as if I know you from somewhere…do I know you from somewhere?”

I laughed softly and looked up at him. “I met you at a signing on Saturday. I was there with my niece. I’m Natalie.”

His eyes widened. “You’re Natalie?!” I blushed and nodded. “My God! No wonder Louis won’t shut up about you!”

I blushed once more and looked down. “Now I’m sure that’s not true.”

“Lordy, girl! You’re all the lad talks about. Damned near talked Harry’s ear off last night after he returned from dropping you off. He was all giddy, and such!”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Really?”

“Really.” Niall smiled before becoming serious. “Don’t you break his heart now. That lads really fell for you.”

“I’ll try not to, and I assure you, the feeling is mutual.”

Niall grinned. “Good! Louis needs a good lady friend in his life!” A car honked outside and Niall moved off of the counter. “Well, I guess that’s my cue! Nice seeing you Natalie! Good luck with tomorrow night!”
I grinned and waved as he walked away. “Bye Niall, thanks a lot!”


My phone vibrating in my pocket pulled me out of the daze I had settled into as I waited for my shift to be over. I pulled it out and read the text message.

Niall says he met you today. He won’t shut up about you. Do I smell competition?- Louis (:

I grinned and typed my reply.

Never ;) Although, that would always be a good scandal! – Natalie :D
♠ ♠ ♠
This would be referred to as a filler!
Thanks to my lovely commenters once again! I love comments! Please leave me one!:)
-Paige :) xoxo

Oh and a Louis gif just for you ;)