Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 6

I screamed. I screamed and fought as hard as I could to fight off the person that had jumped out of the stall and onto my back. They had their hands covering my eyes, blinding me from seeing their identity. I tried to recall all of those fighting techniques I had learned when Gregory had forced me to go to self-defense classes, but they weren’t coming to mind. So instead, I just clawed up and down the persons arm, trying to at least leave a mark on them. I wasn't going down without a fight.

I gave up on scratching, as that wasn't getting me very far, I turned my head and bit down on their arm. My attacker jerked back in pain, but I held on with my teeth, the metallic taste of blood spilling irritating my taste buds.

"Ouch!" My attacker shrieked. "Bloody hell!"

I turned around quickly. "Niall?"

He looked up from his arm, which he was holding tightly to try to stop the bleeding. "I just wanted to scare you. I didn't think you would bite me!"

Guilt washed over me seeing the unshed tears in his eyes and the bright red blood dripping down his arm and onto the floor. "Oh Niall, I am so sorry. I thought you were a kidnapper or a crazed fan girl." I grabbed a napkin, wet it and held my hand out for his arm. "Let me clean that up for you. We don't want it to get infected."

The blonde gave me his arm and I washed off the blood. I searched through my purse and found the Barbie band aids that I always kept in there in case Fiona has an accident. I pressed them into Niall's arm, effectively having cleaned up the wound I had inflicted.

Niall looked down at his arm and laughed. "Barbie? I rather like it! Thanks darling." He led me out of the lady's room and over to the booth that Louis sat in earlier, but now it held the other three members of a certain boy band.

Niall plopped down in the seat beside Harry, leaving me to the only available spot between Zayn and Liam. They all had disguises on, except Louis of course. Niall hand on a hoodie and shorts, as per usual. Zayn was wearing a beanie, sunglasses tucked into a large sweater, his sweatpants rolled up at the knees. Liam was wearing something along those lines, except instead of the beanie, he had on a baseball cap. Harry also had a beanie, but that was it for the similarities between his and Zayn’s outfits. He had on a white tank top, with an unbuttoned plaid shirt over it, and he had paired that with jean shorts. This was definitely not the Harry I saw at the meet and greets, or the tabloid pictures I had looked up online.

“So how was your trip to the loo, Natalie?” Louis asked me with a smirk.

I could feel my jaw drop, and I’m sure it would only be a matter of time before I started to catch flies. “You set me up! You’re such a little twat!”

Louis held his hands up in defense as I raised my arm to smack him. “Hey, it wasn’t my idea! I just played along. I thought it would be fun!”

Niall snorted and raised his head out of the menu that he had had his nose buried in. “Fun. Yea, it was so much fun when she clawed off my arm, and as if that wasn’t enough, she bit me too! I don’t know what in bloody hell I’m going to do if it scars. It would ruin my image forever.

We all laughed as Niall faked fainting. I picked up a menu and began to look for something to eat. Liam seemed to notice that I was having a hard time trying to decide, as he leaned close to me and pointed to an item on the menu. “I suggest the Cheese ravioli. It’s to die for!”

I looked at the picture and the brief description before closing my menu and placing it at the end of the table for the waiter. “Well, if you say it’s to die for, then I guess I will try it! Thanks, Liam.”

“So, Natalie,” Harry said, stretching my name out. “Where are you from? Where do you work? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have any children? Do you want children? Out of all of us, who would you want to have children with? It’s me, isn’t it?”

I snorted as Harry winked at me from across the table. “What is this? Twenty questions?”

“Just answer them!” Harry all but whined. All of the boys looked at me with hopeful eyes, as if they couldn’t wait to hear the answers either.

“Well…I’m from Wells. I’m an author but I work part time at a library. No, I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t have any children either, unless you count my characters. Yes, I want children but to be frank, I wouldn’t have them with any of you, seeing as how I have just met you all last Saturday!” I took a deep breath when I finished.

Niall pouted and looked at me with those big blue eyes of his. “But if circumstances were different, who would you have kids with?”

I sighed and picked at the napkin I had spread across my lap. “Well, probably Louis. But, only because I know him the most!”

Louis let out a whoop and shouted into the empty restaurant, “YAY FOR LITTLE LOIS’ AND NATALIE’S!” He leapt up from his seat and did a little hip thrusting motion towards me, causing my cheeks to turn a deep red.

Zayn nudged me, and leaned over to whisper into my ear as the other boys got up and joined Louis in a happy dance around Nando’s. “You’re imagining how cute they would be, aren’t you?”

I smiled sheepishly and nodded as I looked down. “I think it’s a little too early to be talking about having children though, Zayn.”

He shrugged. “That may be so, but just you wait! It’ll happen. I’m sure of it!” He winked before getting up and joining his band mates in their happy dance around the restaurant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another filler but I wanted to get it out.
Thank you to forevernalways and onlythegooddieyoung for their comments! They are the reason I put this out tonight. I am a little disappointed that out of 52 subscribers, I only got two comments :(
Please comment!
-Paige :]
Isn't this just the cutest?!