Status: in the works.

Everything About You

Chapter 8

"Looks like you're cavity free, Natalie," my dentist said, as he poked at my teeth.

"Gweat!" I tried to mumble around the filter in my mouth.

Dr. Treiman pulled his tools out of my mouth, and slid away from me and over to his desk. He took a quick look at my X-rays before turning back towards me. "Everything looks good! We'll see you in nine months, Natalie!"

I gave my good byes to the balding man before leaving the office. I paid my bill at the front desk and made small talk with the receptionist. I let out a sigh of relief as I stepped out into the somewhat chilly London air. I hate the dentist.

I looked at the graying clouds above as I walked back to my flat. I groaned as the first drop of rain hit my head, which was quickly followed by another. I raced into the nearest store, a convenience store of some sort. I searched the numerous aisles looking for an umbrella, irked when I couldn’t find one right away. This is England, for God’s sake! Why wouldn’t they have a bloody umbrella?

I finally spotted a bright red one at the end of the last aisle and practically ran towards it. I grabbed one off of the hook and headed up to the counter to get into the queue. As I waited, I glanced around the shop. There weren’t a lot of people here, seeing as how most people were safe from the rain inside their houses. The convenience store seemed to be family run, and not a big chain store. The milk was stocked in neat lines in the refrigerator, alongside the eggs. The cigarettes were kept behind locked glass right in front of me, the lottery tickets kept under the counter, away from greedy hands. And then, I saw it.

On the cover of The Sun, was me. Me!. There I was with Lou about two days ago, dressed up and heading into the restaurant for dinner. I snatched it up and ripped it open to the indicated page. There were pictures from dinner, pictures from when we walked to lunch, the picture Louis had posted of us on Twitter and there was even a very blurry picture of Louis and I kissing on my doorstep. Beside the picture of Louis and I laughing on our way to the car after supper, was a big, bold title followed by a brief paragraph.

New direction for Louis?

Louis Tomlinson has been seen recently with a new lady friend! They seem to be very comfortable around one another, as they were seen laughing leaving “The Cove” late Monday evening. She was dressed to impress, wearing a green Bodycon dress, paired with a black pump. Cute? We think so! The pair had also been spotted earlier that day, meeting the other boys of One Direction. What we really want to know though is who is she and what does she want with our Louis?

I could feel the blood rush to my face as I read the tabloid. As soon as the person in front of me had paid, I stepped forward and slammed the magazine down along with the umbrella. I made awkward small talk with the cashier, as she had obviously recognized me from the cover. I paid and left the store in a huff, noticing that it had stopped raining already. I started speed walking back towards my flat, flipping through the magazine again.

My phone began to ring in the lift and I picked it up after checking the caller ID, pressing it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Natalie, we need to talk. I’m on my way to London with Fiona, can we meet somewhere?” Holly’s voice crackled over the phone as I walked out of the lift and towards my front door.

I stuck the key in the lock and opened the door. “Yeah, I need to talk to you too. I just need to get changed out of my wet clothes and I’ll meet you at the mall.”

Holly agreed and we said our good byes. I threw my phone on the counter as well as my new purchases. I noticed that the flat was empty of Gregory as I made my way to my bedroom to get ready.


“Aunt Natalie!” Fiona yelled as she jumped into my arms.

I caught her and held her to me, hugging her tightly. “Hey, sweetheart.” I set her down and ruffled her hair. “How’s my favourite niece doing?”

She giggled and wrapped an arm around my leg. “I’m your only niece, silly!”

I slapped a hand to my forehead and gasped. “How could I have forgotten?”

The five year old just laughed, grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd towards her mother. Holly was standing just outside of a toy store, looking worriedly down at her phone. She looked as she normally did curly blonde hair, heels, and a jean jacket. My sister looked up as we approached, smiling softly and holding her arms out to me. I stepped into them without any hesitation.

I pulled away and looked into her blood shot eyes. “What’s happened?”

“Why don’t we talk about this later?” She spared a glance at Fiona, who was looking at the Barbie dolls in the window, but surely eavesdropping. “Fi, why don’t you go take a look in there? Mummy and Natalie will be right here.” Fiona nodded before taking off into the toy store, Holly calling after her, “Remember, don’t talk to strangers!”

I perched myself down on the window sill, pulling Holly down beside me. I wrapped an arm around her and asked, “Now what’s wrong?”

My sister rummaged into her purse and pulled out a long, plastic stick. “I’m pregnant, Natalie.”

I took the pregnancy test from her, looking at the two pink lines that did, in fact, state that she was pregnant. A smile lit up my face as I exclaimed, “Holly, this is great! It’s about time you and Mike decided to give Fiona some siblings! Why are you so upset about this?”

She rubbed her face before looking over at me with teary eyes. “What if Mike doesn’t want this baby? He said he didn’t want any more after Fi… What if he doesn’t love this baby?”

I grabbed her chin and turned her head towards me. “You listen to me, Holly Katherine Green. Mike may not have expected this baby, but he will love it just as much as he loves Fiona. You know this! Just tell him, and I guarantee that I will be right! Now, come on. Dry your tears, and let’s go tell Fiona the good news!”


I closed the door behind me as I stepped out of my heels, setting my purse down on the floor. I smiled as I remembered Fiona’s smile when Holly and I had told her about the baby. She was so excited. The five year old was already convinced that she would be having a little brother.

I made my way into the kitchen, looking through the fridge for something to eat. I settled on leftover pasta salad that I had had for dinner the other night. I turned on the TV above the sink as I sat at the breakfast nook, eating my dinner.

I was half way through my dinner and Jack had just saved Rose from jumping when a large hand slapped down a book in front of me. No, not a book. A magazine. My magazine.

“What is this?” Gregory nearly bellowed as I looked up at him, too shocked to give him an answer. “Answer me, Natalie!”

“I- uh, well, it’s a magazine.” I managed to stammer out.

Gregory slammed his fist on the counter, causing my fork to clatter to the ground. Obviously, he didn’t like that answer. “I know that! Now, why are you on the cover of this magazine?”

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “Well, my friend Louis, you know the one I went on the date with, well he just so happens to be in the band, One Direction.”

One Direction?” Gregory snorted. “You’re going out with a fag?”

“He’s not a fag!” I bristled. “Maybe if you actually got to know him before you judged him, you would see he’s one of the nicest, most caring people I have ever met!”

My brother’s face was getting redder and redder by the minute with rage. “I don’t give a shit what he’s like. You’re going to stop seeing him, Natalie, or else-”

“Or else what, Greg?” I snapped, standing up. “You going to hit me? Cut me off? Ground me for the rest of my life? Well, I have something to tell you Greg! Nothing you could ever do would make me stop seeing Lou! Nothing!”

“Just you wait, Natalie!” Gregory yelled after me as I stormed down the hall. “Just you wait and see, Natalie!” I slammed the door behind me, effectively cutting him off and cutting him out of my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are heating up! The drama!
Thanks to my commenters onlythegooddieyoung, forevernalways, and Kelseylynnf. Also thanks to my 60 subscribers! (Wow!!!)
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-Paige :]
-No Louis in this chapter, but he's right here!-