Status: First Fanfic :) Active

So, I Walk With Shadows

I Followed Street Lights Til I Wound Up At Your Place

Ugh, yet another car ride. I was sat at the back, Ronnie and Chris were chattering away at the front, apparently Ronnie was wanting to start a band with some friends at school. School? I guess Ronnie’s a little younger than Chris. Maybe that means I’ll have to go to school too? Ah man, I thought I had gotten away from that! Well, it may not be so bad if I’d get to go with Mr Eye Candy here, with hopefully equally attractive buddies. Ugh what am I thinking?! I’ve only met the guy and I’m here perving all over him in my head already. Calm, Zo, you just need a little more sleep. I looked out the window of the red Chevy, the sky was painted with a soft, baby blue decorated with white, plump balls of fluff. The strong wind was blasting through the window, and the street lights were still on and blinked as the car shot past them. I heard some muttering in the background, then a “Huh, Zo?”. It was Chris. I snapped my head up, “what was that? I kinda phased out” I smiled. “I said you’re being really quiet aren’t you?” he turned to Ronnie, “she’s normally bouncing around and won’t shut up” he grinned. I rolled my eyes playfully in denial, though he was right, I was just feeling…tired, and admittedly anxious. Ronnie laughed. “It’s okay, I understand my sexiness is just too much to handle for anyone” he teased. Pff. Sure. I’m already head over heels, I thought sarcastically to my self, but nonetheless shot a gentle smile at the two boys.
We started to slow down, until we pulled up to a nice looking house, well, nicer than the shack I used to call a home. It had small steps leading up to a veranda. I think I was gonna like it here.
“Thanks so much again, man, you don’t even understand how much help this is” Chris chirped. He seemed in a good mood. “No, no problem, man. My pleasure, though there’s already a couple friends I stay with, so we’re gonna be a little packed.” Ronnie smiled, almost apologetically. Ronnie seemed quite nice actually, despite his bursting confidence, I could tell we’d get along once I warmed up to him.
Marching forward into the house, a messy but cosy room appeared upon opening the door. This all seemed too nice. Really, it didn’t feel like real life. The house may not have been massive, but I really liked it. It was homely. Ronnie lead the way through the room, kicking shed clothes on the floor to the side, “fuckin’ Max’s clothes everywhere, man.” Max? eh, I guess he’s one of the friends that Ronnie was talking about before. Ronnie motioned for us to sit at the bar like table, an island in the middle of the kitchen, while he picked up his phone, ringing somebody. Chris turned to me and nudged me. “How about it? You doing okay?” he whisper-mumbled to me. Looking up at him I smiled gently, I feared I lost my voice, I haven’t been talking at all lately. “Yeah, it’s great”. Ok so voice is still here. I heard Ronnie talking in the background, while fiddling with the ends of a blanket sprawled over one of the three couches, then moving on to fiddle with the studs on his many belts resting on his hips.
He walked in, having just hung up the phone. “So, Max will be here in a few minutes, he stays here too as well as a few other buddies, Robert and Monte. We also live across the street from Omar, so you guys have a lot of friends you can consider already made” he assured, grinning widely and nodding once. Well, that was good to know. But, all guys? I could tell this would be a little different; I don’t even have any clothes! Well I’m sure Chris’ll think of something. “Hey, dude, you guys wanna play some Halo? I got it all set up, me and the guys play all the time” Ronnie beamed. “Yeah dude, sounds sweet”. “Uh, hey Ronnie, is it okay if I go take a nap somewhere? I’m beyond tired” I looked up at him, boy was he tall for a 17 year old. And I don’t even understand how Chris hasn’t fallen down dead from lack of sleep. Meh, I guess it’s a guy thing. Ronnie turned his head, “Aww, is ickle Zoe-poey sleepy?” he cooed. Haha. Very funny. “You’re quite the clown, Agent R”. I’ve always had a habit of calling people agent, then the first letter of their name. It’s more interesting than plain name, plus, I’ve always been a bit of a weird one. “Agent R? I like it!” he smirked, “what is that, like a code name or something?” he chuckled, raising his eyebrow a few times. “Nah,” I said giggling slightly, “it’s just my weird brain.”
“You’re gonna have to nap in Maxie-boy’s room for now, I’m sure he won’t mind, he’s got the biggest bed. We’ll talk about where you and your brother’ll sleep after you’re up”
“Okay, thanks so much, Agent R” I smiled, deciding to carry on my name for him, seeing as he took a liking to it. We got to the end of a corridor, and he opened a door. It was just as messy, but I didn’t mind. It was a homely messy. At least there weren’t pants or anything on the floor. Just shirts. There were posters on the wall… Iron Maiden? Motley Crue? Blink? MANSON?! Oh man, Max must like awesome music. I turned to Ronnie, picking up one of the Cannibal Corpse shirts laying on the bed
“So does Max like this kinda music?” I questioned, “yeah, we all do, what’s not to love, huh? We really wanna start a band some day, and get big, that’s our dream so far”. I grinned, happy with what I was hearing. I could tell I was gonna like it here. “That’s so awesome! You gotta tell me more about it later” I smiled. I genuinely wanted to know. “Sure will, now go hit the hay, the guys’ll be back by the time you’re up, and we’ll have something to eat.” I was already feeling at home.
I peeled back the cover of what looked like a newly made bed. Messily made, but clean. Lucky timing I guess that it was clean on the day we came. I let my self fall into the pillow as my tired body rested, sinking into the mattress. Hehe, comfy bed, Max is a lucky one if I do say so my self. Despite being clean, the pillow poofed out a smell of cigarettes and cologne, what I’m guessing is the usual smell of Max. I kept to the edge of the side of the bed, just in case Max would mind, and just as I was drifting off, I heard the front door open and close, and a burst of rowdy young guy voices filled the house. I was too tired, and remained un-phased, floating into my doze.
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Sorry it's a little short, next will be up very soon, and will be longer :] thanks to who ever is reading, let me know what you think so far! Maxy-boy is coming in soon!