Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

Home Sweet Pittsburgh

Training camp had come and gone, as had Luna's move to Pittsburgh. The move had gone well. It was a little stressful for a while, but Luna had gotten used to Pittsburgh. She even embraced it.

Soon it was Pittsburgh's first game at home. Season opener. James was off the walls with anxiety and excitement.

"Let me shower in peace," Luna teased when James got in the shower behind her and began kissing along her neck. James smiled and gently placed his palm on her face, guiding her so he could kiss her lips.

"James, I can't feel my lower body. We've had sex four times already," Luna laughed when he pressed her against the shower wall. "You won't have any energy left for the game tonight."

"I need you to take my mind off the game for a while," James mumbled against her mouth. Luna had anticipated James' excitement and inability to stay calm, but she was unprepared in a large way.

"I get it," Luna smiled, putting her hands in his hair. "You asked me to move in with you to be your place piece. You just need me to take your mind off of games."

"As long as you know," James teased and stumbled back when she shoved him lightly. James laughed and pulled her back to him.

"Jam," Luna laughed, as he kissed down her neck.

"Fine," James sighed teasingly, removing his lips from her neck. Instead he held onto her and helped wash her body.

They finished up the shower and then went and laid in bed for a nap before James had to get to the arena.

"How are you liking it here?" James asked, his eyes closed and facing her.

"I love it so far," Luna smiled, watching him as he drifted off to sleep. "I meant to tell you that I have a meeting at Pittsburgh Arts for a possible showing of my stuff."

"Luna!" James gasped, his eyes opening immediately and becoming much more alert. "Baby! Why didn't you tell me sooner? That's fantastic! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you," Luna smiled as James kissed all over her face. "I guess I really did need Pittsburgh."

"We have to go out and celebrate!" James stated. "Friday! Friday is our day to go out and celebrate this."

"Okay," Luna laughed, nodding.

James got up and got dressed for the game a couple of hours later.

"You're okay to get there?" James asked, sitting on the bed next to Luna.

"Yeah," Luna nodded. "Vero said she'd come and get me in about an hour and a half."

"You'll wear my jersey?" James smiled.

"Of course," Luna smiled, a hand in his hair.

"Good," James smiled. He leaned down and gave her a long kiss.

"Good luck, Jam." She grinned against his mouth, keeping him there. "Get a goal for me, okay?"

"You got it," James nodded, giving her one more kiss then getting up to leave.

James got to the arena being greeted by tons of fans cheering for him. He waved at them, sending a large smile their way.

As James got ready for the game a little while later, pulling off his suit he saw a piece of paper out the pocket of his jacket. He pulled it out and began staring a portrait of him that Luna had drawn. It was lifelike, it looked exactly like him. It only came from the waist up and it was off him in his uniform, it looked like he was in a face-off just by his facial expression. James was at a loss.

"Jam, good luck tonight. See you in the winner's circle, love Luna." Pascal Dupuis read over James' shoulder.

"Jam? Why does she call you Jam?" Jordan asked as he laced up his skates.

"An old high school nickname," James replied, shaking his head. "Every time my team or whatever was in a bad place I would get them out of a jam. So I just got the nickname Jam."

"She's an amazing artist," Pascal stated. "This pictures looks better than you do."

James gave Pascal a playful shove and then continued to get dressed. Putting the picture back in his suit jacket. It was the best thing that he could've found in his pocket. He loved it.

James stood on the ice and staring out at the crowd. A feeling of home and security washed over him. The fans wearing his jersey, holding up signs for him. He was in the place where he felt most at home. He looked up at the box where Luna was sitting in his jersey, he couldn't see her, but he knew that she was there. All of his worlds had collided that night. It was pure perfection for James. He couldn't ask for something more.

Pittsburgh had truly become his home. Hockey and Luna had come together again. James hoped that he didn't have to break up his worlds again.
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Been a while since I updated my dear James. Let me know what you think! This is kind of a filler until I get a little further into series. There will be drama!
The reason why Luna calls James "Jam" is actually the reason I started writing this story. I had that idea and then my mind somehow worked it into what it is. That and I think James Neal is fabulous. Two birds. One stone.