Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

A Bad Feeling

November 2012 brought a lot of hectic games for the Penguins. The games were intense and always kept fans on the edges of their seats. Luna sat in the box staring down at the ice waiting for the game to start.

"What are you and James doing for Christmas?" Vero asked, smiling.

"We're heading back to Oshawa," Luna smiled. "We talked about his family and my mom coming here, but I miss it so he said we could go there this year."

"That will be fun!" Vero smiled.

"Do you feel nervous about this game?" Luna asked, adjusting the sleeves of her 'Neal' jersey.

"Nervous?" Vero asked, searching through her purse for her phone. "Why nervous?"

"I don't know," Luna replied. "I just feel really nervous about this game. I just kind of want it to be over so James and I can just go home."

"Do you feel okay?" Vero asked.

"I feel fine," Luna nodded. "Great, actually. I just don't feel good about this game. I look at the ice and I just get this sinking feeling, like we're not going to win or something."

"Shh," Vero scolded, playfully. "We will win!"

Luna laughed and nodded, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't going to go right at this game. She exhaled slowly and had a bit of water. She kept her eyes at the ice, watching James during the national anthem. She was proud that he was starting, he had been doing really well so far this season. Not that it was any surprise.

After a comfortable three goal lead, the Penguins came out in the second period still on fire. The Jets didn't have a prayer. Or so everyone thought.

In a rush to the Jets end James got caught up against the boards with Dustin Byfuglien. It had all happened so fast. It was one of those moments where if you blinked, you missed it. Luna had blinked and missed it. All she saw was a small brawl around a player. The only thing she could think was 'please, don't let it be James'.

"Luna," Vero stated, grabbing hold of Luna's hand. "Look."

"James," Luna gasped looking and seeing number 18 being helped off of the ice.

"Stay here, honey." Vero ordered as Luna went to run to the locker room.

"What happened?" Luna asked, swallowing a sob. "I didn't see it!"

"Byfuglien went to get the puck from under James and checked him," Vero stated. "James' leg got caught between Byfuglien and board as he fell backwards."

"Oh my god," Luna sobbed, her head in her hands. "I have to go and see him!"

"Just wait a few minutes," Vero stated, still holding Luna's hand. "Just give the doctors a few minutes to figure this out and then we'll go down there, okay?"

Five minutes felt like five hours. Finally Vero gave Luna the nodded and Luna took off for the medical office. She came bursting through the door being greeted by James laying on his back on the examination table with an arm over his face.

"Jam?" She asked, softly.

"Lou?" He asked back. His voice was full of pain. Luna's heart was breaking.

"Baby," She sobbed walking over to him. James did his best to sit up and hugged tightly. He let out a sob into her shoulder. Luna couldn't remember the last time that James had cried in front of her.

"What happened?" She asked, holding him tighter.

"My leg," James sobbed, his fingers gripping at her shirt. He tried to pull her as close to him as he could. He felt safer there with her, he felt like it was okay to be upset while she was there. "There's a possibility it's broken."

"James," Luna gasped, putting a hand in his hair and pulling him close.

James felt weak. It wasn't necessarily that his leg hurt, but that he let his team down and Luna down. His leg hurt like hell, but it was the disappointment of a stupid injury.

"Stay with me, okay? Don't leave," James begged, pulling his face from her shoulder. He wiped under his nose then ran his hand over his face.

Luna could see how devastated James was and how in pain he was. It tore her apart to see the man she loved in such a state.

"You look hot in my jersey," James smiled softly, smiling through his pain.

"You've been telling me that since we were teenagers," Luna laughed, pressing her forehead to his.

"I meant it," James replied, closing his eyes. He held onto the hem of the jersey, keeping her close.

James was destroyed. All he wanted to do was play hockey. He wanted to show his city, his team and his girlfriend that he was capable of winning. He was the player they thought he was, and then some. Now he felt defeated and useless.