Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

The Six Year Secret

"I was pregnant," Her words hung in the air and swirled around his head for what seemed like hours. He felt dizzy, he was nauseous. James grabbed onto his stomach and fell to his hands and knees on the boulevard. The news had literally knocked him off his feet. He didn't know if it was because he'd been drinking so much or because of the news itself, but he couldn't stand up.

"Jay?" Luna asked, pulling James from his small breakdown. James took a deep breath, gave his head a shake and then stood up again.

"You were-we were-" James stuttered, unable to form the sentence. His insides were twisting and turning, while his breathing was sporadic.

"Do we have a baby t-together?" James finally asked, he felt himself holding his breath.

"No," Luna replied, shaking her head. "When you told me that you were going to leave to play hockey and I wanted to tell you that I was pregnant, I wanted to ask your opinion on what to do. I didn't think I was going to have it whether you stayed or not."

"You got an abortion?" James asked.

"Yes," Luna nodded.

"Why did you never tell me?" James yelled. "Oh my God, Luna!"

"We were 18!" Luna exclaimed. "You wanted to play hockey and I wanted to paint! I couldn't do that with a baby! You would've stayed behind and not followed your dream and then you wouldn't be wear you are today!"

"You were pregnant," James stated. "With my baby and you waited six years to tell me?"

"I did it for you! I did it for us both!" Luna yelled back.

"I can't believe you, Luna." James muttered. He stared at her eyes and she was tearing up. It was reminiscent of the day he told her he was leaving her.

"It was my body and you were breaking up with me anyways!" Luna stated, crying a little. "If I had told you then you would have convinced me to have it and then we would've stayed here and had a baby and your dreams would have been crushed. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Six years," James mumbled. "Six fucking years and you didn't think to tell me?"

"You went away, James!" Luna yelled, her voice cracking. "I was going to do it alone and I wasn't going to make you sacrifice everything you'd worked for."

There was a silence between them. James panted angrily, while Luna cried softly.

"I didn't owe you anything, James." Luna whispered. "I still don't. It was my decision. Yes, I waited a long time to tell you, but we were broken up. I knew that you would give up going on to play hockey if you knew. We would have the baby, have no where to live, have no money, and we would end up resenting each other. You would resent me and the baby because you would have given up your dream for us."

"No, I wouldn't." James replied, shaking his head.

"Yes you would," Luna scoffed. "You have a baby at 18 years old with your high school girlfriend, you lose your dream of playing in the NHL and then what? You get a factory or office job and then you marry me and raise more babies and are miserable with your life. I didn't want that. For either of us. I wasn't ready to be a mother and you weren't ready to be a father."

James shook his head and walked back towards his house. The party still going strong outside.

"Yup," Luna yelled. "Walk away from me. Again!"

James ignored her and walked into his house. He slammed the front door looking for his mother.

"Honey, where did you- are you all right?" She asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Did you know?" James asked, holding his weight against the counter.

"Did I know what, James?" She asked, fixing up a plate of more snack foods.

"Did you that Luna was pregnant when we were 18?" James asked. "Please, don't lie to me. If you knew, tell me."

"Yes," His mother sighed. "I knew. Her mother took her to the clinic to get the procedure and she told me."

"And you didn't tell me?" James yelled. "Even my own mother kept a secret like that from me for six fucking years!"

James stormed upstairs and away from the kitchen. He walked into his bedroom, slamming and locking the door. In a matter of 20 minutes his entire life had changed. He was almost a father. When he was 18 years old he could have been preparing for a baby instead of preparing for the NHL.

"What the fuck?" James yelling, tossing an old picture of him and Luna at a wall. He was hoping that him coming home would bring them closer together. Not make him resent her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to the people who have commented on my profile page or on the page for this story, read it and subscribed! It means a lot to me! Please, keep it coming! I really appreciate and enjoy it.
This chapter might be a little controversial, but that's the way it's going to go!