Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

Let It Go

Once James had calmed down, his mother walked up to his bedroom and knocked.

"James, I know that you're upset. We anticipated this would happen when Luna told you, but you have to understand where she was coming from," His mother stated on the other side of the door. "She was an 18 year old girl who was losing the love of her life to the love of his life. She knew that you would give up hockey for her and the baby and she didn't want that for you. She loved you enough to let you walk away."

James pulled his head from his hands and looked at the door. James understood, but it didn't make the situation any easier to handle. He was angry. He was angry at Luna for not telling him and he was angry at himself for being so mad at her.

James got up from his desk chair and opened the door, careful of the glass.

"Jay," His mother sighed seeing the site of his room. He had gotten angrier and broken more things. He had tossed some clothes and such around the room. He was angry at how he had reacted. The one person he had hoped to make amends with while he was home, the only person he truly cared about and wanted back in his life was angry with him.

"That's a big secret to keep from me for six years," James muttered.

"I know, honey." His mother nodded. "It's a big secret and it was a little cruel of us to keep it from you, but we knew what it would do to you had we told you. We all talked about it and decided it was better if we all just kept our mouths shut. Luna decided she'd tell you when you came home, but you've rarely ever been home for a long time."

"I've been home in a six year time period," James replied.

"Not long enough," His mother stated. "Either she was working or you were training. Either way nothing worked out. I threw this party for you to come home to something good after a disappointing loss and because Luna said she wanted to tell you."

"You threw me a party so my high school girlfriend could tell me she aborted our baby when we were 18?" James asked. He was being a smart ass and he knew it. He didn't care. He was still angry.

"You should go talk to Luna," His mother urged, ignoring his comment. "She moved. Her mother is outside go and ask her for the address."

James obliged. He wanted to see Luna, but he didn't at the same time. He found Luna's mother and got the address. James walked around the area for a while, debating on whether to go in or not. Going in meant owning up to the fact that he had been a dick to her, six years ago and sixty minutes ago.

He knocked on the door to the tiny house and waited for it to open. A few seconds later it opened revealing Luna in bed shorts and one of James' t-shirts from high school.

"You still wear that?" James laughed, completely forgetting why he was there.

"Yeah," Luna nodded. "Why are you here?"

"Can we talk?" James sighed.

"I already tried that tonight," Luna stated. "You didn't want to talk to me."

"Can you blame me?" James snapped. "You speak to me for the first time in six years and tell me that we were at one point going to have a child together. How did you expect me to react, Lou?"

"It just really hurt when you walked away," Luna mumbled.

"Well, I didn't know how to react to something like that. When someone tells you that you could've been a father it-" James began, but Luna cut him off.

"Not tonight," Luna replied. "That was expected. It hurt when you walked away six years ago. I loved you, James. I would've gone with you if you had asked me to. I had no issue with keeping a long distance relationship. Yeah, it would have been tough, but it would have worked because you know that you and I work together."

James nodded. They did. They fought, they laughed, they loved and they were perfect together.

"And you gave that up," Luna stated. "I wasn't going to fight you on it because you had made up your mind and I refused to be the girl that sat around and waited for her boyfriend. I refused to be the girl that got pregnant, got married early, raised babies and worked. Not that there's anything wrong with that life, but you know that it's not for me."

"I know," James nodded. "You always had a lot of drive. I never thought I'd be the guy to tie you down."

"I wanted you to be that guy," She mumbled.

"Luna," James sighed. "How much longer are you going to beat me up for this? How much longer do I have to feel guilty for what I did? I was just a kid. I wanted to play hockey! You did what you had to do for your sake and mine I did what I had to do because it was what I wanted. You were always much more selfless than I am."

"A part of me regrets having the abortion," Luna admitted, hugging her arms around her body.

"Why?" James asked. "You said it was what you wanted. You made the right choice for the right time in your life."

"It would've meant that I had a piece of you with me forever," Luna replied. "I loved you, James. I don't care that I was 18 years old, I loved you. I felt it when I was with you and I just- I loved you. Having that baby would've meant one of two things. One, I would've loved it because it was part of you and it meant I would always have you with me. Two, a part of me may have resented it because it was part of you and I was so angry with you. I wouldn't risk resenting a child like that. I wouldn't bring a child into that kind of atmosphere. Not your child."

"Baby," James muttered softly as he watched her cry a little. He stepped closer to her and held her face, pressing his forehead to hers. Luna put her hands on his sides instinctively.

"You have to let it go," He stated. "Can we both just let that all go? We were kids. We didn't know any better."

"Did you love me?" Luna asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Did you love me like you said you did?" Luna asked. "I need to know."

"Of course I loved you!" James stated. "I never stopped!"

"What?" Luna asked, pulling her forehead away from his.

James said nothing. He put his hands on her hips and tugged her close to him, kissing her. He kissed the way he should've. He kissed her like he hadn't kissed her in six years.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all who have read, subscribed and left nice comments about this story! Please, keep it up! I enjoy it and it's great motivation for me because it lets me know that you all like the story!