Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

Better Than Before

James lifted Luna up with ease and moved her into the house, which he knew from her mother was actually Luna's. Good. He pressed her against the front door and trailed his hand up her thighs like he used to. Her skin felt exactly the same beneath his hands. It was smooth and soft and it felt like his hand simply glided over her.

James hadn't realized how long it had been since he had sex. It had "only" been about three months, but it had seemed like such a long time. He then realized he would be having sex with his high school girlfriend. The same girlfriend who when they had sex last, he impregnated.

Luna put her hands in his hair and tugged. She curved her body towards his, pressing as much of her body to his as she possibly could. She had missed him, not just the sex, but him.

"Where's your room?" James asked, his hands up her shirt resting on her back.

"Upstairs. It's the second door on the right," She replied. James nodded and lifted her up carrying her to the stairs and up to her bedroom. He dropped her on her bed and pulled off his shirt.

"Aww, man. I wanted to do that," Luna smiled, reaching for him.

James knelt over her and then rested his weight on his hands, leaning his forehead down to hers, softly uttering a "next time".

"You look so good, Jam." Luna whispered, running her hands over his strong arms and to his abs.

"Thanks," James smiled. "Now let's see how you look."

Luna lifted her arms up and let him take her shirt off. He gave a small grunt and kissed all over her collarbone, giving her extra attention on her tattooed side. The cluster of white stars. The tattoo he'd bought her for her birthday.

"This is new," James smiled, spotting a new tattoo on her left hip. A light pink plumeria flower, he gave it a small kiss before taking off her bed shorts.

"You still don't wear underwear to bed, eh?" James smiled, tossing her shorts.

"You know it bugs me," Luna smiled, tugging him closer by the belt loops.

"Lou, baby. Baby," James laughed when she reached into the front of his pants.

"What? Do you not want to anymore?" Luna asked, pulling her hands away from him.

"I obviously do," James smirked, looking between them. "Are you on the Pill?"

"Yes," She nodded, taking off his pants.

It wasn't like before. It was better. James remembered all the times they'd had sex, and this kicked the shit out of all those times. He didn't know if it was because they were older, or because it had just been so long, but it was incredible.

"You're really good at this," Luna panted, tugging his hair. He grunted again and smiled at her.

"Please, do it." James begged against her mouth.

"What? Do what?" She asked, her voice straining.

"Scream. I know it's right there," James replied, kissing the base of her throat. "We're alone."

A few minutes later James laid on top of Luna, panting against her shoulder.

"Goddamn," James muttered. "Please tell me that was as incredible as I thought it was."

"It was incredible," She nodded, running her fingertips through his hair. "You got so much better."

"Thanks," James laughed. "Given the last time we slept together we were 18."

"I mean you were good then, but fuck." Luna smiled, rolling on top of him. "Let's do it again."


The next morning Luna woke up alone in bed. She looked around the room and saw his t-shirt bundled up at the foot of her bed.

"Jam?" She called, she got up out of bed and pulled on his t-shirt and then a pair of her boy shorts. She walked downstairs to where she heard a bit of noise.

"What are you doing?" She smiled, watching him move around the kitchen.

"You're up," James smiled. He walked over to her and kissed her head. "I'm making breakfast."

"Jam," Luna laughed. "I can see the Tim Horton's box."

"Shut up," James smiled, slapping her backside.

"Can I ask the question I'm probably not supposed to ask after a wonderful evening of sex and a lovely morning of donuts?" Luna stated as they sat on the floor in her kitchen, her feet resting on his lap.

"Shoot," James nodded, rubbing her legs.

"Where do we go from here?"
♠ ♠ ♠
My internet keeps giving out and deleting everything I write. UGH.
Otherwise, I'm on a James Neal kick. Fasten your seat belts, ladies. Please, keep those comments and subscriptions coming! Thank you so much!