Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

Good Hands

"So that's all I was to you, huh? A good homecoming fuck?" Luna screamed at James, kicking her feet away from him and standing up.

James' answer to her question of "where do we go from here" wasn't easy. Sure he liked being back with her, he had fun with her the night before, but was he really willing to start up a relationship again?

No, he didn't have a girlfriend in Pittsburgh. He hadn't had a real girlfriend in almost four years, but he was concerned to get into a relationship again. Especially with someone he had such a history with.

"Okay, sure. Just come home, have your girlfriend from when you were 18 tell you that she aborted your child and never bothered you again, come to her house late a night and tell her that you're still in love with her, fuck her three times and then say that you don't want anything from her," Luna spat. "You fucking dick."

"Hey!" James yelled, standing up. "Calm down! I just got back. We haven't seen each other in six years and you expect us to be like we were before? You think we're going to be halfway to marriage again? Have you lost your mind?"

"I've waited for you for six years," Luna stated.

"Luna, honey, I love you." James stated. "I know that what I said hurt you, but what you need to know is that I'm in Pittsburgh almost nine months out of the year. For us to start a relationship during the summer is a little juvenile, isn't it? I mean, we're not kids anymore. If we're going to be together I don't want a summer fling."

"You think I want a summer fling?" Luna asked. "You think I want you and I to just play around until things get tough or you have to go away for training and just say, 'well, we had fun'. I want you, not just the fun times."

"Can we just take some time to think about this?" James asked. "We don't even know each other anymore and you want to jump into a relationship?"

"You asked me out after knowing me a day in high school," Luna replied.

"You got me there," James scoffed.

A silence overcame them. Luna began to feel silly about her outburst and James began to feel bad about how he worded his response.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" James asked, walking over to her and taking her hips in his hands and tugged her close.

"Okay," Luna nodded. "I'd like that."

"Jam, do you want to come lay with me until you leave to go get ready for our date?" Luna smiled.

"Just laying?" James asked with a smirk, playing with the top of her boy shorts.

"We'll see," Luna smiled.


"So," James smiled, sipping at his beer. "What the hell have you been up to for six years?"

"I've had a couple of art exhibits through Ontario," Luna smiled. "And I've recently been asked to do some illustrations for a children's book."

"What?" James asked, smiling. He had always encouraged her art. "Luna, that's incredible. Oh my God, I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you," She smiled, sipping at her cocktail. "Tell me about Pittsburgh."

"What do you want to know?" James asked, picking at the label of his beer.

"What's it like? What's your place like? Who are you closest friends there? What are the fans like? What's Evgeni Malkin like?" She asked.

"You've got a thing for Geno?" James teased.

"Hell yeah," Luna smirked. "I've got a thing for his big hands and strong back. Jealous?"

"Not at all," James smiled.

"Really? When we were kids you would've been losing it and being super jealous," Luna smiled. "What's changed?"

"Because it's Geno," James laughed. "And I already got you before, I could have you again. I could have you before Geno could."

Luna wouldn't admit it to James, but the banter between them was fun. The flirting, the leg rubbing under the table, the wandering eyes all over each other. In that moment Luna was actually okay with them being how they were. She liked it.

"I don't know," Luna teased. "I've got a thing for big, strong Russian men with good hands. Think you could give Geno my number?"

"Not a chance in hell, woman." James replied, tipping his beer bottle back and draining the rest.

To say that James had completely grown out of his tendency to be jealous was a bit of an overstatement. James came home with Luna and before she could lock the front door he was all over her again. He stood behind her and kissed her neck, his hands all over her.

"Tell me I have good hands, too." James ordered softly in her ear.

"Considering that they're all over me, yes you have good hands." She smiled, leaning back into him.

"Not for sex," James replied. "Because I know that they're good. Tell me that I'm a good hockey player."

"You're an incredible hockey player," Luna smiled, as he turned her around and pressed her against the wall.

"Do I have good hands like Geno?" He asked. James was just playing around, a little. He was still burned from the Pens loss in the playoffs and needed to be reassured that he wasn't a bad player.

Luna grabbed the back of his neck and brought him close, whispering to him, "Your hands are better than Geno's."

James closed the gap between them, kissing her mouth hard. She was what he had needed to help him deal with the loss of the playoffs. He had also missed her, but she knew that.

"I do love you," James stated. "You know that, right?"

"I do," Luna nodded. "I know that very well."

James nodded and put a hand in her hair, leading her back towards her bedroom. James wondered how it was he'd let himself lose her all those years ago. If his hands were so good, how did he let her slip through them six years ago?
♠ ♠ ♠
This story seems kind of scattered to me right now, don't worry I'll get it back on track! Thank you for reading! Keep those comments and subscriptions coming, please!