Status: Completed for the time being

The Sun, The Stars and Luna

Don't Put A Price On It

Luna laid in James' king sized bed staring at the ceiling. James laid beside her, fast asleep. Luna had never replied to James' request for her to move in with him. She didn't know what to do. She would love to live in Pittsburgh with him, but they were never official again. They were just "seeing how things were going", nothing too permanent.

She loved James still and wanted to be with him. What she didn't want was for something bad to happen again. She didn't want to uproot her life in Oshawa and move out to Pittsburgh. She didn't know if she was ready to take that chance and have her heart get broken again.

Luna sighed and rolled onto her left side, watching James. He was laying on his back with his arms crossed above his head. He always slept like that. Luna couldn't deny that living with him would be everything she had hoped for.

It as true that Luna didn't have much in Oshawa. She was an artist, she could work from anywhere in the world. She didn't really have any other family beside her mother and her mother would support anything she did.

Truth was, Luna didn't fully trust James again. She trusted him, but she didn't know if she trust him enough to move herself out to Pittsburgh with no home in Oshawa to return to if something were to happen.

"Go to sleep," James mumbled, his eyes still closed. "Your thinking keeps waking me up."

"Sorry," Luna laughed.

"S'alright," James smiled softly. He opened up his arms and pulled her close. "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Luna nodded and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck She couldn't deny that falling asleep with James every night would be perfect.


"You should do it," Luna's mother urged the next morning on Skype. James was out for a run so Luna took this as a prime moment to make up her mind on moving to Pittsburgh.

"You really think I should uproot my entire life and move here for James?" Luna asked.

"No," Her mother replied, shaking her head. "I think you should uproot your life in sleepy, depressing Oshawa and move to Pittsburgh. Honey, you've made a good life here and I think that it's time to move on. This is a big opportunity for you and your art. James is just a bonus here. I think you need to see the bigger picture."

"Who will take care of you?" Luna asked. "I can't just leave you there."

"I have James' parents and your grandparents," She smiled. "I have a lot of friends here, believe it or not. Besides it's only a six hour drive from here to you."

"You really think I should do this? I have to sell my house and move all my stuff here, it's just so messy." Luna sighed.

"When did you become so practical and concerned with things like this?" Her mother laughed. "You've become so cautious. You used to be so carefree and spontaneous, I could never keep hold of you."

"Maybe I just grew up," Luna shrugged.

"Maybe you just sank to the ground," Her mother replied. "I know you're scared of being hurt again and that's why you're apprehensive. Honey, he can't assure you that he'll always love you and you can't do the same for him. What you need to realize is that you love each other now, don't worry about what will happen in a few years or even a month. Focus on what's in front of you."

"You're right," Luna nodded. "Okay."

Luna spoke with her mother a little longer and then they said goodbye. This was a big step for not only, but Luna and James. Luna didn't know what this meant for them completely, but she told herself that she didn't care anymore. She had let her teen pregnancy, the abortion and James leaving change her so much. She stopped being so carefree and had started being so cautious and careful. That wasn't her.

James walked through the door a few minutes later covered in sweat. He tore off his t-shirt and tossed it into his laundry room.

"Lou?" He called, messing with his sweaty hair.

He walked to his bedroom and saw her standing in the bathroom.

"Hey," He smiled, leaning against the doorframe.

"I'll do it," Luna nodded, looking up at him.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Move here," She replied. "I'll move to Pittsburgh with you."

"You will?" James asked, wide eyed. He walked over to her and put his hands on her hips, pulling her small body against his large, sweaty one.

"I'll do it," Luna nodded. "I'm not me in Oshawa anymore. Maybe you and Pittsburgh can bring me back to life again."

"I can do that," James nodded, putting a hand in her hair. He kissed forcefully, a smile on his face.

"One condition," Luna stated.

"Anything," James nodded, his forehead against hers.

"You have to come around looking like this more often," She smiled, putting her hands on his abs.

"Just for you," James laughed and kissed her again.

Luna had no idea what she was doing, all she knew was that something in her told her that it was okay. This was the right choice, and even if it wasn't she knew she wanted this. For her.
♠ ♠ ♠
The last chapter was in the PAST. That chapter was the breakup that happened when James and Luna were teenagers. Just wanted to clear that up! This chapter is back in the present time in Pittsburgh.
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