Status: Please give this story a chance =]

A Beauty in Disguise

Lean on me

I woke up yawning and then
suddenly it hit me, how did I get back to my room last night??
Just as I began to throw my covers off my question was answered, Chris walked into my room, his back to me and his arms laden with a heavy tray full of all kinds of breakfast foods. There were steaming mugs of coffee, hot chocolate and tea, a croissant, toast with strawberry jam, a bowl of cornflakes. Everything you could possibly want. He set it down on my desk and turned towards me smiling. "Good morning sunshine!" he sung before plonking himself down on the end of my bed. I leant out of bed and grabbed both a mug of tea and coffee; handing the coffee to chris I took a large sip of my hot chocolate and smiled at the taste of the sweet chocolatey liquid, my favorite.

"What happened last night??"

I gasped and dropped my hot chocolate on the floor, shaking.
"Can we... can we just not talk about it??" I whispered before breaking into sobs that shook my body and broke the mental dam holding back all the pent up emotions that the last few days had brought about.

"Lean on me" I looked up when I heard Chris' sweet voice as he began to sing moving closer to hold me.

"Some times in our life we all have pain we all have sorrow but if we are wise we know that there's always tomorrow."

Chris turned to face me , lifting my chin gently with his index finger and continued to sing... "Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on..."