Status: Please give this story a chance =]

A Beauty in Disguise

Bleeding Love

I've finally run out of food; I’ve spent the entire day without food and have decided that I have no choice but to go shopping.

I've been dreading having to leave the house all week but it's now dark and I have no food to eat so I have no choice but to grab my hoodie and head off to the local shop. As I close the door I sense the never ending feeling of someone watching me. I just zipped my hoody up a bit tighter and plodded on, shoving my hand in my back pockets to keep them from the biting night air. All of a sudden I felt a hand grab hold of my arm and drag me down into a dark alleyway. Kaden. I'd not forgotten about his threat and obviously, neither had he. I let out a muffled cry as his cold hand clamped down over my mouth and he shoved me back into the grime covered alley wall. I whimpered and cried as yet again Kaden abused me in more ways than one. Before leaving my lying in the filth of the alley floor with my clothes destroyed along with my nervous system bloody and broken. The last thing I remember is the sound of Chris’ voice and sirens as I drift out of consciousness.
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Guys, please comment, I am not going to update til I get a few more comments because how do I know what you think if you dont comment?!


Thankyou, Lauren x