‹ Prequel: Just the Five of Us
Status: On the way :D

And Then Came The Sixth Of Us

Summer has come to an unfortunate end and now I'm back to the prison called school. Normally, I'd be sobbing under my bed at the sudden end of my freedom. But this school year, I think will be different.

I have the most amazing boyfriend a girl could hope for,my awesome not-so-human friends, and I think I have changed a whole freaking lot. Yeah, this school year will be different.

When I say different I mean killing mutant cheerleaders, protecting my twenty-year old vampire, helping my best friend woo the most popular boy in school, and hunting down evil elves trying to raise the dragon from hell and destroy the earth.

Ah, well, all in a days work.

{Warnings: slash pairings, swearing and some crude humor}