Status: On the verge of hatching

For a Mess Like Me

'Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet.'

Alex walked back to his house. As he entered the house, he found his cousin laying on the couch and Jack Barakat, his best friend and lead guitarist of his band All Time Low, sprawled on the ground. His tongue was hanging out and he didn't even acknowledged Alex as he sat down next to him.
"What happened?" His cousin, Harry, asked.
"Nothing, I gave her the pie and asked her why she changed her outfit so many times." Harry's face flushed but he continued to play.
"Is she hot?" Jack asked, not removing his eyes off the screen.
"Die, die, die!" He pressed harder on the buttons, killing all the zombies in his path.
"Yeah, she was really hot. She sorta seemed familiar for some reason. Like I've seen her before." Alex shrugged and leaned against the couch.
"We should invite her and her friends over for our annual barbecue." Jack suggested.
"Shit man! Harry, you fucking cheater!" Jack threw the control at Harry but Harry easily dodged it.
"Why is it that if you're in the Gaskarth family, you have to be pale?" Jack asked, eyeing Harry and Alex's complexion.
"We're magical and British." Harry simply said as he tossed the remote control towards Alex, who wasn't such a sore loser.


"Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. ALEX! WAKE UP!" Jack yelled in Alex's ear, causing his eardrum to ring. Alex covered his ears and turned over to his side to find a wide grin on his best friends face.
"You're such a dick Jack." Jack grabbed a pillow and slammed it into Alex's stomach.
"I resent that!" Jack crawled out of Alex's bed and left the room, leaving the door wide open. Alex sighed and wrapped the blanket around his torso. Alex always slept naked and of course, Jack knew that so leaving the door open would only make it ten times more funnier.


After Alex got dressed, he went downstairs to eat some cereal.
"Want me to go invite them over?" Harry said as he leaned over the little island that decorated the kitchen. Alex looked up from his bowl.
"Uh, what time is it?"
"Noon. Are you going or am I?"
"You go, I gotta help set up. Tell 'em to be here around 4:30ish." Harry nodded and turned on his heel. Alex heard him shut the door and suddenly Jack appeared out of thin air.
"Let's get grillin'!" Jack said it in the most horrible country accent he could muster. Alex laughed and ran outside behind his best friend.


Harry walked down the small distance to the many-bikini's-girl house. He knocked on the door twice and shoved his hands in his pockets. He turned around and felt the summer breeze hit his face just right. Just as he took a deep breath of the smell of roses that decorated the front of the new girl's house, the door opened and a girl with brilliantly bright red hair stood at the door frame.
"Hi, can I help you?" Harry just stood there and gawked at how hot, beautiful, and pretty she was.
"Um, yeah, hi. I'm Alex's cousin." He pointed towards their house, "Uh, we wanted to invite you to our barbecue today, since you're new." She nodded, "You can invite your friends, Alex said it's cool." She nodded and smiled.
"Oh! Right, I'm Harry." She extended her hand and enclosed Harry's lightly.
"Joey." Her bright teeth almost gleamed in the sunlight.
"I'd love to come but I have to take care of my sister tonight." And just on cue, her sister appeared with a duffel bag strapped on her shoulder. She moved past Joey and stopped in front of Harry.
"Hey Harry." Harry waved at Joey's little sister. He knew her because his little brother went to the same school as Alaska, and they were best friends.
"Hey Alaska. Your sister said she's babysitting you tonight?" Alaska turned around and shook her head no.
"I'm going over his brother's house. They're having a pool party and Damon and Elisa are going to be there. Mom and Dad already know so, you go have fun with Harry." A car beeped and Alaska raced towards it, calling back, "I'll call you when I get there!" And then they were off.
"Looks like you're free tonight then." She shook her head and laughed lightly.
"Will you be at the barbecue?" Harry nodded and ran a hand through his curly hair.
"I'll go call my friends." She waved goodbye and closed the door. Harry smiled and walked back towards the house, clearly eager to be the one who invited Joey.


"Hey baby. I was going to invite you to our barbecue today. Yeah, you can invite your friends. Alright, bye. See you soon." He hung up on his girlfriend, Dustin, and walked back to Jack where he was currently flipping over a steak.
"What time is it?" Jack asked, glancing over at Alex who was taking a swig of his beer.
"It's four. Girls will be here soon." Jack nodded and grabbed Alex's beer. Just as Alex was about to protest, Jack said, "Hey, you're not the one slaying over a hot oven. Man, this must KILL to be a women." Alex shook his head and walked back to the kitchen where Harry had just entered.
"Hey man, is she coming?" Harry nodded and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"She's really hot." He said after a few quick swigs. Alex nodded, "Too bad I got my baby Dustin." Harry smiled and walked out to the backyard where Jack was standing.


Rian and Zack had arrived just on time and were in the backyard in the pool, currently having a water fight. Alex walked up to the door when he heard the bell ring. Hushed voices were heard and Alex looked through the peephole to find it to be Dustin and one of her friends.
"Hey baby." She wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and Alex kissed her shoulder. She pulled back and pointed to her friend, "This is Martha. She was like begging me to come so I invited her."
"So not true!" Martha nudged Dustin on the side and Dustin laughed.
"Kidding, she was with me when you called so I invited her."
"It's cool babe." He turned towards Martha, "Mi casa es su casa." Martha laughed and they both walked to the backyard with Alex trailing behind them.
The doorbell rang again and Harry stood up.
"I'll get it." He ran to the door and Dustin gave Alex a quizzical look but continued to throw grass at Jack who whined and lightly pushed her away from him.
"Guys, this is Joey and Mia." Joey's eyes immediately went to Dustin.
"Dust? Oh my God, what are you doing here?" Dustin got up and jumped up and down with Joey.
"I called you but you didn't answer. Oh my God, what are you going here?" Joey pointed towards Harry, "Harry invited me. What are you doing here?"
"Remember when I told you I had a boyfriend yesterday? This is him." She grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him over. Joey's heart immediately dropped but nonetheless, she forced a wide grin that probably made her look homicidal.
"Yeah, we met yesterday. He gave me his mom's pie, which was delicious by the way."
"Told you it was going to be."
"Eep! I'm glad you guys met! Next week is going to be so much fun!" Alex smiled down at Dustin who was practically spewing out happiness for everyone.
"Come in, sit wherever." Joey sat down next to Dustin, Martha, and Mia. Joey peered over and found Jack staring at her. She looked away and pretended to be more interested in whatever Dustin was going on about.
"I'll be right back guys." Everyone nodded, and Joey got up to use the bathroom. She went inside the house and almost instantly got lost.
"Shit..." She whispered. As she turned around, she ended up bumping right into someone's chest.
"Oh God, I'm sorry." She looked up to find Jack's big, brown eyes peering down at her, and that same goofy smile on his lips.
"Hey Joe." She ran a hand through her hair and smiled at Jack.
"Hey Jack I never thought I'd see you again."
"Same, what're you doing back here?"
"Yanno, living." Jack laughed and picked her up in a tight hug.
"Mind helping a lady out?"
"Uh, sure, but where's the lady?"
She punched his shoulder and said, "Very funny Barakat. Where's the restroom?" He led the way up the stairs and into the bathroom. She walked in and closed the door. She didn't hear no footsteps so she assumed Jack was waiting for her outside. Once she was done, she opened the door to find Jack leaning against the wall. He nodded towards the bedroom, and she followed him in.
"So, I'm assuming Alex doesn't remember?" She said as she sat down on the bed.
"Right, and it needs to stay that way because of your best friend." Joey nodded and stood up.
"We can totally hang out though. I've missed you Ariel." She laughed and hugged Jack.
"Missed you too Barakitty." They walked back down the stairs to join the party. Everything was either going to be just fine, or end in complete disaster, Joey thought as she took a seat next to Harry and watched as Alex snuck a few glances towards her direction.
♠ ♠ ♠
Judge me. I used Harry Styles to be Alex's cousin because I can. So whateves.

Girl's Outfits