Status: Slowly active

No Matter What

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

I opended my door, and peared into the hallway to make sure no one was coming. I slipped out and tiptoed my way down the hall. I found another closed door, Peeta.
I was just about to open it when I heard Effie’s heels click towards me. I ran back to my room and quietly closed the door. I jumped on the couch, laying my head in my hands, trying to look casual.

She opened he door and I picked my head up.
“Come on dear, we are leaving to go to the Capitol now.” She stepped over and grabbed my hands, pulling me up. She led me back to the hallway where I found Peeta. His face was still stricken looking. I rushed over to him. I was going to touch his face, but then I stopped.

“Let’s go children.” She grabbed our shoulders and directed us to a door at the end of the long hallway. The door opened and a car was waiting for us. It must be taking us to the train station. A peacemaker opened the door, I wanted to sit by Peeta, but Effie wouldn’t allow it. I was pushed in first, then Effie, then Peeta.

Effie immediately started talking about something. I wasn’t paying attention. I was focusing on Peeta. His gaze was locked looking out the window. He quickly peered to me. He was crying softly. He then turned back to the window.

I stared at him the entire way. I didn’t listen to anything Effie said. Which maybe wasn’t the best idea, she probably was talking about something important, but I could care less. My mind was thinking about Peeta the whole time.

I didn’t know how long we rode in the car, but it suddenly came to a stop. I opened the door and jumped out. I looked around and the train station was big, and silver. I didn’t know how, but I found myself on the train.

“200 hundred miles an hour, you won’t feel a thing.” A door slid open and I gasped. It was beautiful .A beautiful, wooden table was in the center of the room, and matching chairs. Four blue chairs sat in a square, and the food that was here, looked fake. They were just beautiful.
I stepped in and carefully ran my hand over a small wooden table. Peeta followed behind me. I turned my head around and saw that he was no longer crying. He must be in shock as well.
“Now you kids have a seat and I’ll go find Haymitch, he’s probably in the bar car.” She walked through the door we entered. I sat in one of the blue chairs, and Peeta sat in the one beside me.

I looked over at Peeta, he was starring ahead.
“Peeta, are you going to say something?’’ I asked.
“We need to talk to Haymitch. He’s our mentor, he can give us ideas.”
“What are you talking about? He’s a drunk. I’m not taking any advice from him.” Peeta turned towards me, and gave me a strange look.

“Lilly, come one. He’s going to give us ideas on how to survive. You need him.” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“What is that supposed to mean? You don’t think I can survive by myself? Because I’m sure I can.” His face fell. He opended his mouth, the closed it again, making him look like a fish.
“Lilly, that’s not what I meant and you know that.”

“Then why don’t you tell me what you really mean.” Just then the sliding doors crashed opened. I looked up and saw Haymitch. He stumbled in, and had a bottle of liquor in his hand.
Peeta stood up and waited for him to come over and sit with us. Haymitch sat down across from Peeta. Peeta started talking about whatever he wanted to talk to him about. I didn’t want to hear what they were saying, not matter if it would help me or not. I already had my plan-that was keeping Peeta alive no matter what.

I saw Peeta reach over to grab the bottle out of his hand. It spilled and Haymitch’s foot collided with Peeta’s chest, sending him back in his chair. Before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed a knife off of the table and raised it to Haymitch.

“Wow, calm down. Get that away from me.” I looked at Haymitch, then back at Peeta. He looked stunned, I don’t know if it was from Haymitch, or from me. He nodded at me. I lowered my arm, but kept the knife in my hand. “Now, these are new pants, and you got liquid on them.”
“Who cares about your pants?! You are supposed to help us. Now I don’t really care if you help me or not, but you owe it to us to at least try!” I demanded. Haymitch moved his foot from Peeta’s chest. He glared at me. He rose up from his chair, and eyed me.

“Ok sweetheart, I’ll be right back.” He paused, still looking at me, then left the room. When he was out of sight, I threw the knife at the wall. Peeta jumped up and rushed over to me.
“Lilly, what’s wrong?” He demanded. I ripped his grasp on my arm away. I ran my hands over my face, trying to calm myself down.

“Peeta, I told you I wanted nothing to do with that man, I’m only trying to put up with it because it obviously means so much to you.” I stepped over to him and grasped his arms.” Did you see what he just did to you?” He shrugged. I sighed. I let go and Haymitch came back into the room.

“Alright, you wanna talk, let’s talk.” Peeta looked at me and slipped his hand with mine, and let me to the table. Peeta and Haymitch started talking again. I pretended like I was listening, but I wasn’t. I was only thinking about my best way of fighting. Trying thinking of my strengths.

I could throw a knife. I hunted with Katniss and Gale. She used bows, I usually used a knife. I was familiar with a bow and arrow, but that was her stronger point.
I guessed I was pretty strong. Hunting, and taking care of my “mother’’. I usually helped out with Peeta, lifting things. Maybe pretty strong for a girl.

I couldn’t really think of anything else. I knew that when we got there, we would train. I thought of all the things that would be there. I knew that whatever they had there, I would try everything so I would try to have a better hand at protecting Peeta.
I noticed Peeta rise up from his chair and rush over to the window.

“Lilly… we are here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ok! So heres chapter two.
Thank you all for who read and subcribed.
I only got one comment, so I hope I get so feedback for this new chapter.
Anyhting, if I made a mistake orr whatever.
I know the spacing might be weird, still kinda getting used to it.
So thank you again! You all mean alot to me.