Status: Slowly active

No Matter What

Chapter Three

Chapter Three

I stood up and walked over to Peeta. I looked at his face, and he was in disbelief at the sight of all the people. He smiled brightly and started waving to all the Capitol people. I moved beside him and looked out the same window.

There were hundreds of colorful people waving, and blowing kisses. I sighed, and slipped my hand in with Peeta’s. He gave me a squeeze. I waved once, and smiled. I stood there with the smile on my face, just wanting to get this over with.

We pulled into the station, and Effie rushed us out onto the platform. It felt like I was in a daze as I was led through the station by Peeta. I didn’t really even look around until I was in a room that could be like a hospital in the Capitol.

My Reaping clothes were stripped off and I was put into a paper thin gown. I laid down on a hard table, and looked around for Peeta. I couldn’t see him anywhere, and I was starting to get scared. Where was he? Is he in danger? I shot up, but was pushed down by someone’s hands.

Things started happening so fast. People started scrubbing hard on my skin with strange goo. Next they ripped out all the hair on my legs, making me flinch at the sound each time. My eyebrows were plucked, and formed into nice angles; my hair was covered in this cream, when it was washed out, it made my long light brown hair shine beautifully.

I was introduced to my prep team: Venia, Flavius, and Octavia, they were exactly what you expected from the Capitol. Their skin, unusual colors, tattoos, and crazy hair styles. Even though their styles were crazy, they were very sweet, and caring. They kept saying how pretty I was and how they loved the color of my hair.

I was led into a different room and was told I would meet my personal stylist Cinna. I waited on the table and I heard a soft knock on the door.

“Come in.” I whispered. The door opened and a man came in. I knew that this was Cinna, but he didn’t look like what I expected him to look like. Instead of crazy styles like my prep team, he looked relatively normal. He had beautiful brown skin, and a hint of gold eyeliner on his eye lids. He was dressed in all black, and his style was great.

“Hello, I’m Cinna, your personal stylist.”

“Hi, I’m Lilly. So, is it your job to make me beautiful?”

“No, because you already are,” I blushed. “I’m here so you can make an impression.” I looked at his face, trying to understand what he meant. All the tributes always looked beautiful, and out of the ordinary. Maybe he would just have me go plain, but with an extravagant outfit.

“You probably know that each opening ceremony, the tributes dress to represent their districts.” I nodded. I remember watching all of the past years because we had too. I remembered a few years back, the tributes from District 4 were wearing nets because they were fishing. And I always remembered the tributes from our district. Always looking the worst because we were coal. They would show up looking lumpy, dressed in black clothing, and bunches of it trying to represent coal. I hoped we wouldn’t this year.

“Well, let’s just say this year, it’s going to be something that no one will forget.” He smiled deviously. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.


After I left the Remake Center, I went to where me and Peeta would be staying for our time here. I walked into the dinning room and found everyone sitting down eating lunch. A strange, yet pretty looking girl was sitting beside Peeta. I figured it was his stylist. Cinna was sitting at the head of the table, when he saw me, he winked and went back to his food.

I went to the empty seat on the other side of Peeta, and slid in it. I grabbed some of the plates and scooped the food onto my plate. I took a forkful, and the flavors exploded in my mouth.

“Wow, this food is so good!” I yelled. Everyone around me started laughing. Small talk occurred, but I wasn’t paying attention. My mind was on the food I was eating. I didn’t even know what I was shoveling into my mouth, but I didn’t really care. There was never food like this in District 12, and there never would be. I wondered if it was possible for us to smuggle some of this back to 12.

But then again, I would never make it back to District 12. My job was to die to save Peeta. Kill everyone, be the second one, kill myself so Peeta would be crown Victor. He always could take some back for himself.

“Lilly?” I heard my voice off in the distance. I felt a squeeze on my thigh. I looked down and saw Peeta’s large hand there. I looked up at him, and he had an amused look on his face.
“Um, sorry what?”

“I was saying Cinna and Portia are really excited for tonight. And I said we are going to watch the Reaping’s for the other Tributes.” I nodded, and looked down at my plate, realizing it was empty. I reached over for some more, and Peeta’s hand grasped my wrist. He laughed and shook his head.

“Lilly, relax, this isn’t your last meal. Come on, let’s go watch the Reaping’s.” I sighed and let him pull me to my feet. We walked over to the large couch and TV. Peeta pulled me down right down beside him, basically making it so I was sitting on his lap.

Haymitch turned on the TV, and the Reaping’s appeared. From District 1, a beautiful, blond haired girl was chosen, and a tall boy with brown hair was chosen. From District 2, a muscle, blond haired boy was chosen. He sauntered onto the stage with a smile spread across his face. Then the girl was a small, brunet, who when stepped on the stage, hugged the boy. The four from District 1 and 2 were the Careers. They were very intimidating. The Careers almost always won the games, because they were so talented. But I would learn their weaknesses.

More past, none real too excited. A girl from District 5 caught my attention. She moved slyly up to the stage. A look of content was on her face. She reminded me of a fox, so I secretly named her Foxface. More past, then District 11 came on. The boy chosen was dark skinned, and big. Maybe bigger than the guy from Career 2. I gasped when the girl tribute was chosen. She was tiny, dark, and terrified. She reminded me a lot of Prim. Why hadn’t anyone volunteered for this little girl? She had to be eleven. I couldn’t imagine that terror. Being your first year, and being chosen, and no one giving you a second chance at life. I hated to admit it, but she wouldn’t last long.

Finally, our Reaping came on. It showed me willingly go up on stage, then Peeta volunteering for Olivia’s young brother. I never saw his face before, but he was so determined to fight his way up to the stage to be with me. Shoving people and Peacekeepers aside. I closed my eye and buried my head in my hands.

“Lilly, what’s wrong?” Peeta whispered in my ear. I shook my head trying to get him away. I still couldn’t believe he volunteered.

“Nothing, um, I’m going to my room. Get me when I have to change.” I shook Peeta’s arm off from around my shoulder and headed to my room. I opened the door and was amazed at the sight. It was bigger than basically my whole house. The bed was huge, and beautiful. I jumped on it. I rolled over onto my back and starred at the celling.

I had no idea how long it had been, but probably hours later, I heard a knock on my door. Cinna opened the door and stepped in my room.

“Come on beautiful, time to get ready.’’ I pushed myself off of the bed and followed him out of our living quarters, and into an elevator.

I went back to the Remake Center, where I would get changed. I went into a room and saw my prep team waiting for me.

“Excited?” Venia asked? I shrugged. I didn’t know if I was or not. I guess, but you just stand there on a chariot right? How hard could that be? My team went to work on my face. Applying heavy amounts of mascara, and glitter. A cream was spread on my face, making smell sweet, and making it feel soft.

I felt them curl my hair and pin it to my head, adding strands of gold thread in it. They told me they didn’t want me looking at myself, they wanted me to be surprised.
After about twenty minutes, I was pushed into a separate room, and they tore the clothes off of my body. I wondered if they thought I was incapable of doing it myself.

A black and red dress was slipped over my head, being careful of not ruining my hair. It was puffed out at the bottom, and tight at the top. From what I saw of it, it was
absolutely beautiful.

Next thing I knew they were leading me to where I had to meet Peeta and Cinna. It was in the center of the Capitol, but away from the crowds of the people waiting to see the tributes.

I caught sight of Peeta, and almost fell over. He was absolutely stunning. His hair was gelled back; he was wearing a suit with the same pattern of my dress. He saw me, and his face spread into a smile. He dashed over to me and took his hands with mine.

“You look beautiful Lilly.” He murmured.

“You too.” I replied. He chuckled.

“Ok guys, come here.” Cinna said. I turned to him and Portia. They stared explaining our outfits. I gasped at what they told me, and Peeta just smiled, ready to do this.
Since we were the last District, we would be the last ones to enter. But I figured that was good. Cinna said that we were the best, so save the best for last.

“Don’t worry, it’s not really fire.” Cinna assured Peeta. I laughed and looked at Peeta.
“You afraid of getting burned? You get burned all the time.”

“I was just wondering so you don’t get burned.” I blushed and looked down.

“Peeta, don’t worry about me ok.” I squeezed his hand, and Cinna and Portia pushed us into the chariot.

“Here’s the fire.” Cinna warned us. I closed my eyes, and let him put the torch on my outfit. I felt a warm feeling, and somewhat ticklish sensation. I looked down and saw the orange flames. I gasped, but then remembered it was fake. I laughed, and looked at Peeta.

“It’s starting. Here we go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So chapter three! :)
I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have read, and subscribed. Thank you so much! And Im sorry. This is still.. really slow. But the thing is Im not getting alot of feedback. I feel like no one is reading this (even though you are!) So please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

P.S. 1 STAR! This made me smiled so much!