My Best Friend's Brother

Chapter 2 "I Came To See You"

~Chapter 2~
“I Came To See You,”

“One strawberry smoothie!” My dad called from the kitchen. I placed the smoothie on my tray and rushed out to the floor of the restaurant.

On Sunday’s I worked at my father’s pizza restaurant. That was the only job I ever had where I couldn’t get fired. No matter how rude I was to the customers. Even though it was a pizza joint, it was very fancy. The restaurant was covered in red, my dad’s favorite color. The floors were vermilion colored and sparkled like diamonds. The walls were painted with a classy flower print. The windows were enclosed with bright red silk drapes.
I gave table three their smoothie and continued checking on the costumers. A guy with short brown hair and light hazel eyes approached me.

“I need you to work the cash register so I can take my break,”

I put my notepad in my apron and strolled the front desk.

“Sure,” I smiled.

The guys name was Blake Patterson, he was one of my best friends. He also was one of the people in my band, we met in 4th grade. Blake was always sweet and kind hearted, but quiet too. He also had a little mystery too him, I never really knew what went on in his head sometimes. One day he was laughing and talking with you then the next day he’d be as quiet as a mouse.
Blake had a huge crush on Jazmine, but he was to afraid to confess to her. I thought it was so romantic how he cared about her so much. He always offered to carry her books to class, helped her with homework, took her places on the weekends. Blake was a total gentleman, that’s what I always admired about him. I wish a guy would be that kind to me one day…

As I strutted my way to the cash register, a familiar blonde guy entered the restaurant. He carried a box of chocolates and roses in a white grocery bag. The boy walked to the counter, I stared at him as he glanced right back at me. Then I realized, I could spot those blue eyes from a mile away.

“Justin Kenmore?” I asked.

The guy started at me, puzzled, “How do you know my name?”

I laughed, “You don’t recognize me?”

Justin shook his head slowly.

“It’s me, Angie”

Justin’s eyes grew big, “What?” he shrieked.

I smiled and nodded.

“You’ve changed so much, too think I was just about to ask for your number. But it seems, already have it.” he joked.
We laughed.

He was right, my once short relaxed hair was now long and naturally curly. My black hair now had dark brown and blonde streaks in it. I had three piercing on each side of my ears. I replaced my glasses with light brown contacts.

“I thought you were in California,” I said.

“Yea, I just returned three days ago.”

We sat in the corner of the restaurant next to the window. Justin and I were very close since our best friends were siblings. We spent lots of birthdays, vacations and outings together. Even though I’ve always disliked his nerdy best friend, Alex, Justin and I always got along well.

I glared at the beautiful red roses that peeked out his bag.

“Who are the roses for?” I pointed.

Justin took a sip of his smoothie and blushed,

“They’re for a special girl.”
I placed my hand on my chin attempting to think.

“Is it Jessica?”

Justin shrugged, “You could say that.”

Jessica was Justin’s girlfriend of two years, They were dating since the 7th grade, but he broke up with her right before they left for California. I guessed he was trying to get back with her, “How nice,” I thought.

At that moment Blake walked up to our table and stared daggers threw Justin. When he smiled at him and spoke, Blake gritted his teeth.

“Here’s your pizza.” He slammed it on the table and walked away.

“What’s up with him?”

I shrugged, “Beats me.”

Jazmine sat in her room and typed on her laptop. She always spent her Sunday’s writing her novel. Jazmine loved to write, she wrote plays, short stories, poems and novels. If she didn’t want to be an actress, I’m sure an author would be her next choice. Her black hair was tied up in a high messy bum that sat on the top of her head. She wore a purple tank top with jean shorts, purple stripped long socks and her crazy designed thinking glasses.

She went downstairs to fix herself a sandwich. The girl was so into writing her book she forgot to eat! Jazmine started typing at 11:30am it was already 3:00pm. She sat down at the kitchen table and was about to bite into her ham sandwich when the door bell rang.

“That must me Angie,” she thought.

When Jazmine opened the door she realized it wasn’t me. Justin was standing outside her door with a bouquet of roses and a container filled with gourmet chocolates.

“Can I come in?” he asked politely.

“A-Alex isn’t here right now…” she stuttered.

Justin stepped inside the house, put down his gifts and grabbed her hands.
“I came to see you, Jaz,” he smiled.


“I have to talk to you.”

He closed the door and continued to the living room. They both sat on the white leather couch and stared at one another. After ten minutes of the intense staring contest, Justin broke the silence first.

“Ever since the last time I saw you five years ago, I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

Jazmine stared at him with fear in her eyes.

“That kiss was a mistake, Justin”

He could sense the fear in Jazmine’s voice, he could tell she lied.

“Who cares if it was, it felt real to me.”

Justin glared at her with a determined look in his eyes.

“I know it felt real to you too.”
The blonde haired boy tried to scoot closer to her on the couch. Jazmine quickly got up and walked to the other side of the room. Tears started to form in her brown eyes.

Her voice was shaky “You’re sadly mistaken, that kiss…may have felt something to me back then but now…I have no feelings for you anymore.”

Justin gave her a concerned look, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she turned away from him to wipe her eyes.

Justin came up behind her and quickly embraced her back. She forcefully pulled his arms away from her. She turned to him and began to yell in his face.

“You have no idea how hard it was for me when you left! I thought our relationship was over and done when you started dating, Jessica. I thought I was completely over you, I was even starting to be content with the idea that you would always be just my brother’s best friend…and I…would always be just his little sister in your eyes. Then you had to do the unexpected…then I didn’t know how to feel.”

Tears were rolling down her cheeks at that point. Her eyes were starting to get red and puffy.

“I’m sorry, I put you through that. I was a kid back then, I didn’t know what I wanted.”

Jazmine stared at the ground and clenched her fist.

“You didn’t even care enough to call…or message me on face book. While you were busy in California having the best experiences of your life, I was stuck here, suffering.”

Justin rushed over to Jazmine and quickly hugged her for the second time.

“Let go!” she shouted as her tears hit the white carpeted floor.

She tried her best to fight him off but she grew tired quick and gave in. She couldn’t deny she didn’t have feelings for him. But, she didn’t want the fear of being abandoned again. She laid her head on his chest as she sobbed on his shirt.

He whispered in her ear, “I know I wasn’t here for you then, but I’m here now. I’ll never leave your side again until you graduate. Then you can come live with me in California.”

“I don’t know.”

“What are you so afraid of?” he questioned.

“W-what if Alex finds out?”

Justin ran his fingers threw her hair as Jazmine’s breathing returned to normal.

“He doesn’t have to know…no one does,” he whispered.