‹ Prequel: Paint It Black
Status: Here we go again...

Escaping the Inevitable


School went by slow, but I can't complain about ISS. It was easier than going through my normal classes. All I had to do was my homework that I missed from my suspension.

By the time school was over, I met with Troy and Greg; "Dude, how was it?" Greg asked first.

"It was alright," I answered.

"It's like you got out of prison." Troy joked.

"It wasn't thy bad," I said with a laugh, "I still got another day."

"Y'know," Troy smirked at me, "Bruno is still running his mouth."

"Don't matter to me," I said with a shrug, "He isn't hurting me."

"He just talks to hear himself," Greg added, "Don't worry about him."

"I'm not."

"He's just jealous 'cause his mom isn't a babe like yours." Troy and Greg laughed.

I slugged his arm, "Shut up, that's my mom!"

Troy chuckled still, "I'm just joking."

I rolled my eyes, "Uh huh. My mom knows you got a crush on her."

His cheeks turned red, "I know."

We all laughed until my mom pulled up. I waved to them and hurriedly got into my mom's car. 

"How was school?" My mom asked as soon as I put my seat belt on.

"It was okay. I got caught up with my work." I looked back and saw that Wolfie and Dani weren't in the car. "Where's--"

She cut me off, "Wolfie got into a fight, and I just got Dani out early."

"What happened?"

"Wolfie says this boy said something about your dad and was picking on him. He says he just lost it." she shook her head, "That boy and his temper."

"But that's weird. Wolfie doesn't ever fight."

"Yeah, but you know his attitude."

I did know. My brother has a temper like my dad's, one that he can't control when he's backed into a corner. 

"It wasn't too bad," my mom went on, "He's got a black eye."

"Is Dani okay?"

"Yeah, she cried a bit, but she's alright."

"What about dad? What did he say?"

My mom frowned, "He got mad. He's with Gerard right now. I just saw Lindsey, she was picking up Bandit."

My mom looked eager to say something else. She ran a hand through her bright hair, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I've... Uh, I've decided what I wanted to do, Joe." she admitted quietly.

"What do you mean?"

She sighed and looked at me, "I've decided that I'm... Me and your dad are going to separate."

I can't say it didn't surprise me, but it was like a punch in the gut. I knew it would happen, but I also didn't want it to. 

"Joey?" she looked over at me, then at the road.

"What happens now?"

She sighed, "I want to move you guys to LA."

My brows shot up, "What?!"

"Calm down, Joe, I know that you guys--"

"You can't do that!" I cut her off, "Grandma Linda lives here, and my friends! What about dad?"

She sighed, "We talked about it right before I picked up Wolfie ad Dani."

I bit at the inside of my cheek, "So you guys are divorcing?"

"Separating." she corrected, "He's going to... Keep the house," she added slowly, "You guys are all welcomed to stay whenever you want."

"What about Dani?"

"We aren't divorcing so there won't be any trouble with that," she said quickly.

"When are we... When does this happen?" I didn't even have the right words to say.

"When school lets out," she exhaled, "It won't be so bad, honey."

"What about baseball?"

"You'll find a team in LA."

I frowned, "It isn't the same, mom!"

The car was quiet after that. My mom didn't know what to say, I knew that for sure.

"Joey, I know this is hard for you, but you have to understand its hard for me, too." she sighed, "It's been hard for years, and I need this. We all need this. We need a break."

"I get that," I swallowed, "But do we have to leave Jersey?"

"LA isn't bad. It won't be so terrible once we get there." she gave me a sad smile, "I'm sorry about this."

I looked away, "Me too."

"I wish it could be different, Joey, I do. But, no one seems to want to ever listen to me unless I take drastic measures." she replied quietly, "I wish you knew more or understood."

I didn't respond to my mom, instead I kept my eyes adverted out the window. 


My parents were arguing again, down in the kitchen. Dani and Wolfie were in my room, trying to block out the yells. It was useless of them being downstairs, they could've saved the trouble and yelled right outside my door; we could hear everything.

"I'm doing this because I need it!" my mom shouted.

"That's fucked up, Sunny! You know that!" my dad shouted back.

"Fucked up? Do you know what's fucked up, Frank? You seeing her mom behind my back! Mikey told me everything; what does she want?!"

"None of your fucking business!"

"None of my business?! None of my goddamn business?! Do you know stupid you sound?! Do you?!"

It was quiet then, and a few minutes later I heard my dad stomping up the stairs. Then my mom's light footsteps behind him, "Don't wake them up!"

"They're already awake, you stupid bitch."

I think my mom slapped my dad. The sharp sound echoed and then some struggling. Dani held into me, she began to sob, and then my mom yelped out, "Don't touch me!"

Wolfie buried his face into my arm, his hot tears soaked up my shirt. Dani's tears wet the chest of my shirt; I was the only one not crying. I waited and listened for my parents to do something.

Finally, my bedroom door opened and my dad rushed in; Dani jumped, her fingernails dug into my shoulders, "Let's go." he said to us, "Get up."

My mom pulled my dad back, "Stop it, they aren't going anywhere!" 

That's when my dad hit my mom. He slapped her, the sound echoed and cracked our ears. Dani sobbed audibly now, I held her; Wolfie got up and went to my mom. My dad stood still watching us; the whole scene was eerie and tense. I got up too, cradling Dani as best as I could and went to my mom; she was on her knees, getting up, "I'm okay, Wolfie." she said softly.

"I wish you'd shut up," my dad began, "Why the fuck won't you let me do what I want?"

My mom rubbed the tears from her eyes, "Do what you want, Frank, I don't care. I give up. I quit."

He stared at her; my mom came over and took Dani from me, "It's okay, baby girl, don't cry. We're fine." 

Dani let loose and cried like a baby. She held onto my mom and cried like she hadn't ever cried before. My dad sighed, "Fuck it."

"Yeah fuck it." my mom growled, "You've been doing whatever the hell you want since I met you. You don't treat me like a wife, you treat me however you want to treat me. So you can leave, get whatever you want, except my kids, and go."

I turned away from them and covered my face and sat down. I felt like I was going to throw up. I was going to hurl, it snuck up on me; I got up and ran out the room and to the bathroom. 

After vomiting, there was a knock on the bathroom door. I didn't trust whoever was on the other side. I was sure it was my dad. But, I sucked up my pride and opened the door; sure enough, it was my dad.

"I'm sorry." he said quietly, "I'm sorry, Joe, about everything."

I just stared at him. I didn't know what to say.

"I know it's my fault... I can't help myself."

"Why?" I blurted, "Why do you do that stuff to mom?"

He was caught off guard, "Because I'm a fucking idiot." he grumbled.

"Maybe this is better." I mumbled like him, "Let mom be happy again. You can be happy doing what you keep doing, dad."

He sighed, "Yeah... Maybe you're right."

I swallowed the lump growing, "I'll see you dad."

My dad's face was heavy with sadness, I felt bad as soon as he looked at me. I bit the inside of my lip as he hugged me; I hugged him back, near tears too. I sighed softly when he let me go and followed him to my room. Wolfie was leaning against the door, my mom and Dani were gone.

"I'll come see you guys, alright?" my dad said to Wolfie softly.

"Okay." he replied.

"Don't fight anymore," he said to both of us, "At least, try not to."

We nodded as he began to back out the door, "Love you," Wolfie called.

"I love you guys too." my dad put his hand up and waved to us.

I bit back tears as my dad left; Wolfie didn't hide his, he just cried silently and left my room. I sat alone now and let myself cry openly against my pillows.