‹ Prequel: Paint It Black
Status: Here we go again...

Escaping the Inevitable


At home, mom was setting up the kitchen table. I smiled when I saw that she had dyed her hair a bright orange. It had been a long time since she dyed her hair.

"Mommy!" Dani cried, running past me, "I love your hair! I want mine this color."

Mom smiled, "Maybe we can do a strip of orange." Mom picked Dani up and kissed her cheek, "How was school?"

Wolfie came in, "Why did we have to come home?" He muttered, completely ignoring her question.

"Wolfgang, I'm pretty sure you're failing your English course and math, so you need to study." Mom retorted.

"Give him a break." My dad walked in, and walked past us, towards the kitchen.

I just knew a fight was coming. I had to divert it; "Hey, mom, can I got to the batting cages with Greg and Troy tomorrow? You know the season is restarting April 2nd." I smiled.

Mom nodded, letting Dani down, "Of course, Joe. Do you need--"

Dad came in, holding a beer bottle, "You can't, I'm taking you to Grandma Linda's tomorrow."

Dani cheered, "Yay! Yay!"

Wolfie smiled slightly, from what I could see.

"Oh." Me and mom both said softly.

"Tomorrow morning," he took a long swig, "She's been dying to see you guys."

"Yeah, okay. I'll call Greg and tell him I can't go." 

My mom frowned, "You guys go wash up, dinner's ready."

We all walked down to the downstairs bathroom. I didn't hear them hiss at each other, and this made me feel a lot better. 

"Why are you kissing mom's butt?" Wolfie smirked at me.

"How am I kissing her butt?" I raised my brow at him as I helped Dani onto her stool to wash her hands.

"The way you talked back to dad at the diner, and this morning. Geez, you're kissing her butt!"

I rolled my eyes, Dani jumped down after cleaning her hands, "Thanks, Joe!" She raced out of the bathroom as Wolf went next.

"And you got Dani kissing YOUR butt." Wolf chuckled.

I shook my head and shoved him out the way to wash my hands. Wolf didn't leave the bathroom, he leaned against the wall; "Joey... Do you think they're gonna break up?" 

My brother turned his emotions. A total 180. I swear I was gonna laugh, if it hadn't of been for the seriousness of his question.

I shrugged instead, "No clue."

Wolfie rubbed his neck like dad, "I don't want them to..."

I tweaked my lips, "After so long... It's inevitable, Wolf."

He frowned, "It sucks."

"I know, but mom says not to worry." I patted his shoulder, "Let's just go eat."

Back in the dining room, mom was putting plates on the table, Dani was helping. I could hear the TV going from the living room, I'm sure dad was in there to get away from mom for as long as he could. I hate that their unhappiness was always in my head, it was too much for me.

"Wolfie, go get dad," Mom ordered him before he could jump in his seat, "I'm gonna go get the food."

Wolfie walked out the dining room, "Pop, food's ready!"

Mom scoffed, while Dani and I went to help her bring the food to the table. I could smell the lasagna, and the garlic bread sticks; I was suddenly hungry. Food always, always out ways drama.

We set the food on the table, Dad sat at the head, while Wolf put out sodas for us, while Dani ran to go get chocolate milk. We all sat down, and didn't speak as mom served us. Quiet thank yous were said, then we were silent again.

"Wolfie, do you have homework?" Mom asked.

"Yeah..." He answered.

"Your teacher called, she said you haven't been turning in your math worksheets. Why?"

My dad dropped his fork, "Wolf, what did I tell you about school?"

Wolf frowned, "I can't concentrate, okay!" He muttered.

"Why not?" My mom turned sweet, her chocolate eyes were almost glowing.

"Yo, who cares why not?! He's not doing his work, he's lazy!" My dad shouted, causing Dani and I to jumped slightly.

"Frank, quit yelling at him, it isn't going--"

My dad cut my mom off, "Sunny, he needs to learn! There isn't a fucking excuse for not turning in his work!"

Wolfie got up, ran out of the room and shooting up the stairs. My mom sighed, shooting my dad an angry glare, "Can you stop yelling? You've upset him."

"Excuse the fuck outta me, Sunny, I don't want my son to be a fucking idiot!"

Dani looked at me, tears threatening to fall. My parents glared at one another. It was awkward and scary.

Mom got up, tossing her napkin at my dad and went up the stairs, her spiked black heels clicking as she went. My dad sighed, leaning back in his chair, he looked at me and then at Dani.

"Danzi," He said her name fully with authority, "Stop crying and eat."

Dani looked down at her plate and slowly poked at her lasagna. I looked at my own and suddenly lost my appetite. 

"You too, Joey." My dad's eyes darkened over at me.

I slowly began to eat. I love my mom's cooking but the yelling made me sick. I didn't want to eat.

But, I made myself as my dad ate and watched Dani and I.

Mom came down a few minutes later, with Wolfie who had tear stains on his face. My mom did too; her pretty black eyeliner was gone, her ruby red lipstick was faded, wiped away. She looked completely naked without her wonderful get up. Her orange hair was just... There. I hated not seeing her as fantastic and whimsical.

"What now?" My dad asked with a monotone voice.

Dani dropped her fork, making it click against her plate, we all look at her, but my parents glared at each other. It was getting hostile and sickening.

"Wolfgang promised to get his work caught up." Mom said hastily.

My dad cut his eyes over at Wolfie, "You better, Wolfgang, being an idiot isn't funny."

"I'm not an idiot." Wolfie muttered, leaning back against his chair.

"No one said you were," Mom spoke before my dad could, "We just don't want you to end up far behind."

"Why do I even try?" My dad snapped at mom, "Why, if you're just going to undermine everything I say?"

My mom exhaled, "I just said that we aren't calling him an idiot, Jesus, Frank!"

The scene unfolding was so awkward and thick with tension. My dad just shot daggers at my mom, and my mom bowed her head, shaking it angrily. I couldn't eat anymore.

"Can I be excused?" I spoke up, "I have a lot of homework."

My mom sighed, then looked up at me, "But, you barely ate."

"I can't--" I rephrased myself, "I'm not hungry."

Mom looked me over, "Are you sure?"

I nodded, picking my plate up, "Yeah, I'll just put my plate in the sink."

Mom sighed, nodding sadly, and I got up. I couldn't imagine what my dad was gonna say once I was gone. I could assume he was gonna yell at my mom some more.

I put my plate in the sink and then I went past the dining room and up the stairs.