Sequel: Eyes Open
Status: Re-Post from when the server crashed

The Huntress

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen
Adyrn’s POV

Gale and I had spent two days in the cave without food and we were both feeling the hunger pains of starvation.

“Do you think Haymitch is debating on whether he should feed us or let us starve?” Gale asked.

“I’m thinking he’s leaning towards the he should feed us,” I said looking at him, “and we all know what you’re thinking.”

“Oh yeah,” he said looking at me, “What am I thinking?”

“You’re thinking if this having two winners of the Hunger Games is a trick or not,” I said, “You keep trying to convince yourself that it is so we don’t have to decide who dies and for the first time in your life you don’t have an answer for that dire question of who is to walk out of this alive. You want me to win but you don’t want to leave your family either and you’re also thinking that Haymitch wants us to starve to death.”

“How did. . .” he started in awe and I chuckled sadly.

“Gale how long have we known each other?” I asked.

“Four years,” Gale said.

“And you learn a lot about a person in four years,” I said looking out at the mouth of the cave and then back at him, “You’re really easy to read if you take the time to do it.”

“Oh really?” he asked.

“Yes really,” I said and smiled lightly at the ground.

“And when did you figure this all out?” he asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” I smirked at him knowing that it would drive him up the wall.

“You’re doing that on purpose,” he said and I pretended to act appalled.

“I am offended that you would even consider that Mr. Hawthorne,” I said in an innocent voice.

“You’re so full of it,” Gale chuckled and we both laughed.

“Full of knowledge,” I said, “I would like to think so.”

Gale just rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him and kissed my temple.

“You’re perfect,” he said and I looked up at him.

“Now you’re full of it,” I said looking up at him.

“Oh yeah?” he asked.

“I don’t believe you,” I said and he smirked.

“Well then I’m just going to have to prove it to you won’t I?” he asked.

“Guess so,” I said and then next thing he did caught me off guard.

He leaned down and captured my lips in his plump ones. When I was about to move away, Gale moved his hand to where it was holding my neck in place and he laid me down on the ground. We continued to kiss until we heard a jingle and we both looked at the mouth of the cave and then back at each other.

“Believe me now?” he asked smirking.

“Maybe,” I replied back smirking, “Go get the parachute lover boy.”

He then chuckled at me and quickly went to go get it. When he came back in he had a slip of paper in his hands and a giant basket full of food.

“What does it say?” I asked pointing to the paper.

“How dare you think I’m going to let you two starve. H,” Gale read and I laughed.

“Serves you right jerk,” I smirked as we looked to see the Anthem starting.

No has died in almost three days and I knew the people of the Capitol were getting anxious to end these games. We had have been in the arena for at least two weeks straight if not more. As I was thinking of a way to end this thing soon, Gale was getting food ready for us. Haymitch gave us plates and no utensils to use.

“Can you see Effie cringing right now?” I asked as we were eating the chicken that Haymitch sent us.

“Definitely,” Gale laughed, “She’s probably saying how barbaric we are acting right now.”

“Look at this Effie,” I said and licked my plate clean and Gale followed suit.

“I think she’s covering her eyes now,” Gale laughed once we cleaned the plates off.

“I think so too,” I giggled as we put the plates in the basket and got ready for bed, “I’ll take the first shift.”

“Adyrn. . .” Gale started.

“I’ll take the first watch,” I said.

“Okay,” Gale sighed knowing he wasn’t going to win this time, “Wake me up when you get tired.”

“Will do,” I said grabbing the bow and arrow and sitting in front of Gale.

After Gale fell asleep, I started wrapping up the leftover food we had left and packing it into the backpacks. Tomorrow Gale and I were going to end this for good. I just finished putting the food in the backpack when I heard something snap outside the cave. I quickly loaded my bow and woke up Gale.

“What’s wrong?” he asked warily.

“Someone’s outside,” I quietly said.

Gale then immediately grabbed the other bow and arrow and we sat there waiting for the shadows to show. Someone walked into the mouth of the cave and I didn’t hesitate. I let my arrow go and it went through the person’s throat. Gale quickly grabbed the bags and sleeping bag and we started leaving the cave.

“It’s time to find a new camp,” he said as we rushed past the now dead tribute that I killed.

As I passed the person I saw it was Foxface from District 5. As we ran through the woods, I remembered Rue talking about how a couple of the tributes died from eating some berries.

“Gale they have nightlock berries here,” I whispered quietly.

Nightlock berries are infamous for the lethal poisonous juices that are inside. Katniss showed me what they were when we would hunt and told me if I ever ate one I would be dead instantly.

“What do you mean?” he replied just as quiet.

“I mean the berries we read in my family book when we were fourteen,” I replied lying through my teeth.

“Well let’s make camp here and we’ll look for them when the sun is up,” he said and I nodded my head, “I’ll take watch and you get some sleep.”

I was about to argue but my body was telling me that I needed some sleep to finish off the rest of what was going to happen tomorrow morning. As soon as I fell asleep though, we heard the cannon go off and I immediately woke up and saw that Gale was just as alert as I was since he was running back to where I was sleeping.

“Thresh is dead,” I said looking up to the sky to see his picture flash across the sky.

“I found some nightlock berries,” Gale said and shoved them in his pocket.

“Let’s go finish this thing while we still can,” I said, “Where do we head.”

Gale and I thought about and then nodded our heads together.

“The Cornucopia,” Gale said and we started making our way back there.

Gale and I were alert and on our toes as we made our way to the Cornucopia and I was shocked to see that we were the only ones there when we emerged from the bushes. Gale was about to take off his backpack when I stopped him.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I said still on alert, “Cato can be anywhere.”

Gale then nodded his head and we sat down on the ground and waited for Cato to show up.

“Where do you think he is?” Gale asked when I heard a faint rustle of leaves.

“Do you hear that?” I asked and before Gale could respond we saw Cato booking it out of the woods and running straight to the Cornucopia.

Gale and I were immediately on our feet to see what we were up against and when I saw giant mutant wolves, I started panicking.

“Run Gale!” I exclaimed, “Run after Cato and follow him up the Cornucopia.”

Gale and then took off and I started shooting things at the wolves and I started looking at them. The Capitol made these wolves the dead tributes. The wolf that was after me was Glimmer. She had blonde fur and the same green eyes and I started limping faster.

“They’re the dead tributes!” I exclaimed as Gale and I started climbing the Cornucopia.

Gale got on top of the Cornucopia and turned to help me as one of the muttations caught my leg and I screamed like bloody murder. I grabbed a knife from my belt and stab the mutt in the eye and it let is hold on me and Gale pulled me onto the Cornucopia and that’s when Cato attacked us. He tackled Gale to the ground and then punched him in the face.

“Gale!” I exclaimed and grabbed a knife out of my belt and threw it at Cato who dodged it and tackled me down to the ground.

“I’m not going down that easy princes,” Cato grinned sadistically, “I’m not that weak. I’m so much stronger than that.”

“I’m sure you are,” I growled and tried to knock him off of me but my leg was bleeding too much for me to do that.

“Now to get rid of you two so I can win,” he smirked and pulled me up by my neck.

I was quickly losing oxygen and I was clawing at Cato’s hands to let go of me. Before I knew it, I was dropped onto the Cornucopia gasping for air as Gale and Cato were fist fighting again. I then remembered I still had my bow and arrows so I quickly loaded my bow to find Cato holding Gale in a headlock.

“Do it Adyrn,” Cato laughed, “I dare you. If you shoot at me we both go down. Lover boy and me.”

When I didn’t do anything he laughed even more crazily and I started to get worried.

“I knew you would be a great fighter,” he said, “I knew you would be a pro at these games but guess what? I’m better. I’m going to bring the honor to District 2 and the District 12 tributes will die at the hands of me.

As Cato continued to talk about how all he needed to do was snap Gale’s neck and kill me, I looked over at Gale who was pointing towards Cato’s open hand that was holding Gale. I smirked and Cato’s eyes narrowed at me.

“What’s so funny?” he asked and it was too late, I had shot my arrow and it landed in his hands and released Gale.

Gale then elbowed him and shoved him off the Cornucopia and we watched at the mutts attacked him. Gale and I then spent the rest of the night on top of the Cornucopia. It was freezing and windy and I was shivering like crazy.

“Should we bring out the sleeping bag?” Gale asked and I shook my head no.

“It’ll blow away,” I replied with my teeth chattering.

“Then come here,” Gale said and he unzipped his jacket and we cuddled closer together.

Hearing Cato’s moans was something I was not ready to hear and I felt the tears fall down my face as I heard my old best friend being ripped apart limb from limb.

“How come he isn’t dead?” I asked sniffling.

“He must have had some type of armor in his bag,” Gale replied.

“We have to end this,” I whispered looking up at Gale.

“What do you mean?” Gale asked, “Kill him out of mercy?”

I then nodded my head yes and handed Gale my last arrow and my bow.

“I can’t do it,” I replied and he nodded his head.

Gale loaded the bow and when we saw Cato’s face scream in agony Gale shot the arrow and we heard the cannon go off. The mutts quickly disappeared and the sun came out. Gale and I then looked at each other and smiled widely.

“We’re going home,” Gale whispered and hugged me tightly and spun me around.

“We’re going home!” I exclaimed and kissed him.

“I’m sorry to say but there has been a change in the rules,” Claudius Templesmith’s voice said, “The ruling of having two winners has been revoked. Only one of you can win and may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Gale and I then stopped spinning around and got off the Cornucopia. I looked at Gale and handed him my last knife.

“You have a family to get home to,” I replied, “Go ahead.”

“No way,” he said, “You have a family too. I’m not leaving you here. They don’t need a winner this year.”

“What are you talking about Gale?” I asked confused and then he pulled out the nightlock berries.

“If I can’t go home with you,” Gale said, “We don’t go home at all.”

“Gale,” I started as he put half of the berries in my hands.

“You trust me don’t you?” Gale asked me and I nodded my head yes, “Then trust me.”

“On the count of three,” I said and he nodded his head.

“One,” he said.

“Two,” I said.

“Three,” he said and we dumped the berries in our mouths.

“STOP!” we heard Claudius’ voice boom, “Ladies and gentlemen the winners of the 74th Hunger Games, Adyrn Henderson and Gale Hawthorne from District 12!”

We immediately spit out the berries and we looked at one another and I hugged Gale tightly as he spun us around. We had survived this nightmare together. Gale and I had survived the 74th Hunger Games together.