Sequel: Eyes Open
Status: Re-Post from when the server crashed

The Huntress

Chapter Eight

We were all going to be seated on stage and the interviewer, Caesar Flickerman, was going to asks us a few questions. We had three minutes each tribute and I was starting to get nervous. District 1 was going first so I watched as Glimmer went up and acted like I thought she probably would. She played the beautiful and sexy card. Cato acted like the killing-machine he looked like and I think a lot of people liked that. Clove was the same way as Cato but she added arrogance to her personality and I knew that was going to get her in trouble in the long run. I did start to worry when the girl tribute from District 5 was very sly and elusive. She somehow avoided answering about almost every question Caesar asked her in a way most people didn’t notice. The boy with a cane from District 10 remained quiet and answered the questions with a yes or no answer. I had to contain my smiled when Rue, the girl tribute from District 11 went up for her time with Caesar. Caesar asked her what her best strategy was going to be in the game and she replied easily with that she couldn't be caught in the arena. Thresh answered with a yes or no question and pretended to act tough and quiet. Then it was my turn. As Caesar announced my name, I stood up and then walked over to where he was standing I took in his appearance as I smiled at the crowd. Caesar’s color of the year was powder blue. His skin had a hue of blue and his powder blue hair made him look a little freakish. He then took my hand and led me to sit in a seat next to him.

“Well Adyrn,” Caesar said smiling warmly at me, “You are the girl tribute from District 12.”

“I am,” I smiled warmly back.

“And you volunteered?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said.

“And why did you volunteer?” Caesar asked, “It’s since District 12 has never offered a volunteer tribute.”

Before I could answer I made sure that I found Cinna sitting in the front row smiling at me and then I answered the question.

“As you all know my younger sister was picked,” I said, “And family protects family.”

“You sound like you take pride in your family,” Caesar continued, “So you are the oldest then I take it.”

“Yes I am,” I said.

“And how close is your family?” Caesar asked and I then took a deep breath to answer the question he wanted asked.

“My family is very close,” I said looking at my hands and then looked up at Caesar and continued, “My father was killed in a mining accident when I was fourteen. I soon became one of the providers for my family. My mother helped the sick in our district and I worked in the bakery making some money for us to live on.”

“That must have been hard for a fourteen year old,” he said, “How did you survive?”

“It was hard at first,” I said, “It was my first taste of adulthood. I had to grow up quickly and now working, going to school, and taking care of my family have become high priorities.”

I then looked at the audience and saw all the women with watery eyes and the men were all giving me sympathetic looks.

“Well that terrible tragedy taught you something very valuable then,” Caesar smiled sadly at me, “Now about your training score. A first in Hunger Games history. Give us a hint, what should we expect from you?”

“I wish I could,” I said smirking, “but a strong competitor never reveals their secrets.”

Caesar then started laughing along with the crowd and I smiled lightly.

“Now a beautiful little lady like yourself must have a boyfriend at home,” he said changing the subject.

I then laughed lightly at Caesar.

“I wish I could tell you I do but I don’t,” I said smiled.

“Oh there must be someone you like then,” he said.

“Well,” I said biting my lip and looking at my hands then back at Caesar and then the crowd, “There is this one guy.”

“Well then why don’t you win so you can go back and tell him?” he asked.

“I wish I could,” I replied and then the bell sounded telling us that our time was up.

But he’s sitting right over there with no clue that I like him, I finished my thought.

As the bell rang the crowd groaned and Caesar stood up as he took my hand and presented me one last time to the Capitol.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Adyrn Everdeen from District 12,” Caesar announced and everyone gave a round of applause.

I smiled at the crowd and then walked back to my seat and gave Gale a reassuring look and smile.

“Well ladies and gentlemen don’t you wish you could find out more about who she was talking about?” Caesar asked and the crowd went wild, “Too bad we’ll never know.”

Gale smiled lightly at me and then walked over to Caesar and gave him a handshake. They took their seats and the interview started.

“So Gale,” Caesar started, “Tell us what made the Gamemakers give you and your District counterpart an eleven on your training scores?”

“To be honest Caesar,” Gale started, “I have no idea. It was all up to them and they believed that Adyrn and I did great in our personal training sessions and they gave us the eleven.”

Caesar then smiled because I knew what angle Haymitch was taking Gale in. He was taking him in the humble and joking Gale that I knew when we would hunt in the woods and Gale was great at it. I could tell he was forcing the joking part of him because I knew Gale hated everything the Capitol stood for but I personally believe he did a great job. All of the people in the audience were either laughing and or smiling at Gale.

“So back home you have to have girls being throwing themselves at you,” Caesar said, “I mean look at you, you’re strong, witty, humble, good looking.”

Gale then laughed and smiled at the crowd.

“If I do I don’t really notice it,” he chuckled, “I’m pretty oblivious to that.”

“Oh you must not,” Caesar said, “What would make you oblivious to that?”

“My father died in the same mining accident as Adyrn’s did when I was fourteen, so I help my mother bring money into the house by doing little things for the people in District 12 and help raise my little brothers and sisters.”

“That must have been hard for the both of you then,” he said and I could tell Gale was getting a little choked up about it.

“It was but I had some help from my friends,” he said and glanced my way and I smiled lightly at him, “I got a new friendship out of it and others in the district helped us so my mom and I can put food on the table for my siblings.”

“So winning these games could help your family tremendously,” Caesar said.

“Yes it would,” he replied.

“Now back to my first question about the girls,” Caesar smiled and I could feel Gale glance at me quickly again before Caesar continued and smirked because I think he caught on, “If you don’t have a girlfriend there has to be one girl you’ve had your eye on.”

“Well you are correct about that one,” he said and smiled sadly.

“Well, all the more reason to win the Games correct?” Caesar asked.

“Yes and no,” Gale said.

“What do you mean?” Caesar asked and I was confused beyond belief.

“Don’t get me wrong I enjoy showing off this girl,” Gale smiled sadly, “but the girl is the girl that came with me so I’ll never really have a chance.”

The bell then sounded and my mouth just dropped and I felt myself blush furiously. I could not believe that Gale was in love me. I mean I was in love with him too but why didn’t he tell me sooner. I didn’t pay attention to Caesar introduce Gale one last time and end the interviews but when we stood up, I felt Gale slip his hand into mine and I looked up at him to him smiling down at me. I smiled up at him and then we were escorted off the stage. Gale and I didn’t want to talk to anyone so once we were off the stage we walked straight to the elevators and made sure we had one to ourselves. The ride up to our floor was quiet and I could tell Gale wanted me to say something.

“Adyrn,” he whispered and I could hear the anxiety in his voice, “Please say something.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked and I felt the tears slide down my face, “Why are going to make this much harder on us tomorrow?”

Before Gale could answer, the elevator doors opened and Haymitch, Effie, Portia, and Cinna were all smiling and waiting for us. I quickly pushed past them and headed to my room to change. I was running to my room when I heard footsteps running after me. I got to my door when I felt someone behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find Gale standing there with a determined look on his face.

“It’s not going to be harder on us Adyrn unless you make it harder for us,” Gale said and I turned around to look at him, “Adyrn I was a hundred percent serious when I said I loved you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked as Gale wiped away the tears falling from my eyes.

“Because I was scared,” he said, “I was scared that if I said I loved you, you would run away and I would lose my friendship with you.”

I then nodded my head and he then his looked changed.

“You don’t love me do you?” he asked.

“I’ve loved you since I met you Gale,” I whispered and he smiled a little bit and then kissed my forehead.

“Go get changed so we can watch the Games,” he said.

I nodded my head and then I went to change. I changed quickly out of my dress and walked to the sitting room to find that Haymitch and Gale were talking in hushed quick tones.

“Do you want me to come back?” I asked, “Because I can.”

“No we were just finishing,” Haymitch said giving a look over to the Gale.

Gale didn’t seem effected by the look and I walked into the room to sit next to him. Gale wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. About ten minutes later, Cinna, Portia, and Effie walked in and were smiling when they saw us. We watched the interviews and everyone was telling us we presented ourselves very well and we were going to get so many sponsors by what Gale said. I really didn’t pay attention to what everyone was saying but what the announcers on the TV were saying.

“Looks like District 12 are going to be our star-crossed lovers in these Games this year,” Ares said, “This should be interesting how this all plays out in the arena tomorrow.”

I then stopped listening to them because I could feel someone staring at me. I looked up to see Gale looking at me with concern written across his face.

“I’m fine,” I said quietly and he knew I was lying.

He nodded his head though and didn’t badger me about what was wrong.

“Well you two should get to bed,” Haymitch said, “it’s going to be a long first day of the games trust me.”

“Any last piece of advice Abernathy?” I asked.

“When you’re in the circle before the gong sounds,” Haymitch said, “Don’t go to the Cornucopia. Get out of there and go find a water source. It’s not worth it fighting over something that will get yourself killed. Now get some sleep. I’ll be with you two before you leave to go get ready with your stylists. We then nodded our heads and I pulled something out of my pocket and handed it to Portia.

“Make sure Gale has this on before he leaves to go into the arena,” I said to her quickly, “It’s a reminder of home.”

I then rushed to my room to get some sleep.
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Adyrn's Bedtime Outfit
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