Ah Hell

The Sunday and Nikki Show

~*Sunday’s Point of View*~

“Even authors have images,” I said to myself in the mirror. It wasn’t my image. Yet it was. It was my character’s image, and she was an extension of me.

There was a knock on the door. “Sunny, get your ass out here.” Lily said.

I put on my fake bangs and walked out of my room.

“Slut,” Lily said.

“Fuck off,” I rebutted.

“Manager’s in the hall way,” she told me. I walked towards the open door. Jennette’s timid assistant, Christy was there. ‘I’m gonna have to do everything myself,’ I thought. “Hey Christy.”

“Hi,” she squeaked.

“You can come in. I just have to put my contacts in, and grab my jacket. She walked in and shut the door, but made no effort to move away from it.

I grabbed my stuff said good bye to the love birds on the couch and followed Christy out to our waiting car.


~*Third Person Point of View*~

Gotta stay lookin’ fresh, ya know?” Bucky said walking alongside girlfriend, Missy, who just simply rolled her eyes at him.

“Man, you have more clothes than her,” Cam said, his girlfriend Jessica, who was holding on to his right hand.

“True,” Jessica said.

The two girls had been at the mall, shopping when their boys had finished up with music for the day. The boys deiced to meet up with the girls.

As the four were heading towards Footlocker, they came across a long line. “What the hell?” Missy asked.

“There’s some kind of book signing today. The store has had a sign outside for weeks,” Jessica said, “Sunny Day, or Sunday Storm. I don’t know. It’s something like that.”

“Isn’t that chick Pat likes an author?” Cam asked.

“Yupp,” Bucky answered.

Just then two girls walked past the one looked at a flyer in her hand before just throwing it on the ground. Missy picked it up and scanned over it. Jessica then took a look at the paper.

“That’s her,” Cam said looking over his girlfriend’s shoulder at the picture on the flyer.

“Does Pat have her number?” Missy asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

“Is she the one that gave you the tickets to the game yesterday?”

“Yeah and her friends.”

“Nikki Insanity and the chick who played Lois Lane in that Super Man movie.”

“You mean the rock star Nikki Insanity?” Jessica asked.

“Yeah,” Cam answered.

She slapped Cam’s chest. “Should’ve gotten me an autograph.”

“I didn’t know I was meeting her.”

“Could’ve had her sign a fucking napkin.”

“Let’s get in line and when she signs something have her sign it to Pat with her number,” Missy suggested.

“You’re making him look sad and desperate,” Cam said.

Missy glared. Jessica was already glaring at him. “I think it’s a good idea.”

“Damn,” Bucky swore.

“Shit!” Cam said.

~*Sunday’s Point of View*~

“There ya go,” I said handing the girl, who looked to be around seventeen, her book back. The flyer that had been passed around the mall was placed in front of me. “Can you write it to my friend Pat and then put you’re number underneath?”

I looked up at Cam and Bucky. They had two girls with them. “Well, I’m glad to see Nikki didn’t kill you with liquor,” I said. “These your girlfriends?”

“I’m Missy.”

“And I’m Jessica. I’m Cam’s girl.”

“I’m Sunday.”

“So someone’s tryin’ to be sexy today,” Bucky said.

“Even authors have images,” I said. I signed the flyer like they had asked. “Make sure he gets that. It was good seeing ya, but I want to go home, so get out of here, so that I can finish up here and leave.”


“NIKKI!” I yelled banging on the door to her suite. Cole and Lily were watching a movie in mine, so I decided that Nikki and I were going to go out, then I was spending the night in her suite if it was clean.

She pulled open the door. “SO FUCK YOUR RULES MAN!” she screamed.

“YOU STEP OFF YOU GO DOWN FAST!” I screamed the next line.

“You know the password phrase. You may enter,” she said.

I looked around. The suite was clean. Poor maids.

“So we’re going out then we’re going to act like assholes here, probably catch it on film and put it on YouTube.”

“Sick. That explains why you’re dressed like that.”

“Yeah, now go change


~*The Nikki and Sunday Show*~


“We live to piss him off another day,” Sunday said.

“On a different note, I’m a punk rock ballerina,” Nikki said. She then got up and started spinning in her heels. She hit the corner of a table and fell out of the view of the camera.

“FUCK!” she swore from the floor. Sunday, who was leaning back in her chair started laughing and lost her balance, hitting the same floor with a thud.


Jack walked into view, just so that he could take the camera off of the stand and record the two girls on the floor. The screen went black for a few seconds and when it came back on it was showing the empty foyer. The two girls then slid out doing their own version of the dance seen from “Risky Business.” They danced around in their button downs and boxers until the song was over. Then they suddenly appeared in front of the camera.

“So we met Down With Webster the other day,” Nikki said.

“They’re fucking awesome.”

“No, you dumb twat, they’re dynamite.”

“Calm your shit bitch,” Sunday said to Nikki. The two of them broke out into Down With Webster’s “Dynamite.”

They started singing and dancing in a way that looked like seizing. Nikki accidently hit Sunday in the face.

“Damn bitch, you just like fucking pimp slapped me.”

Nikki started laughing and fell sideways out of her chair.

“Alright. We haven’t even been drinking and we’re like this. It’s obvious we need to go calm out shit or something, go to bed. Deuces world.”

“PEACE THE FUCK OUT!” Nikki called from the ground.